Rob even if only 1% of the twihards follow you – you will still have all of us. And a career spanning 20 years you say Rob – don’t tease us please. Rob starts at 2.25
Rob even if only 1% of the twihards follow you – you will still have all of us. And a career spanning 20 years you say Rob – don’t tease us please. Rob starts at 2.25
Watch our interviews with Rob. You can check out our other interviews with David Michod, Liz Watts & David Linde at our dedicated film page for The Rover
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@Maria – loved his little quip about the 1% – I think that is a done deal already 🙂
Ooops submitted to early: A done deal that we will be there following him and twenty years ooooh yes please
20 years of Rob bliss? *pulls up a more comfy sofa and buckles up tight* holy holy!
20 more years of heaven *dances* We’ll be right here Rob – we’ll be right here 😀
20 years you say Rob, sounds brilliant to me!!!!!
20 years …… Rob at 45 ……me at …..oh, who cares…! I’ll be there watching! So, I guess that’s a 20 yr commitment from Maria and the RPAU ladies, right?
(And Rob, I’ve shown the latest Bel Ami trailer to a few friends recently……I think your fan base will be growing after THAT movie comes out! And then comes Eric ………!!!)
20 years with Rob. I can do that!
I will be here for the next 20! I am in for the long haul and can’t wait!