November 23rd, 2011 / 15 Comments

Well looks like Josh is still fangirling over Rob.  David Cronenberg please don’t ever shut up about how fantastic Rob is.

And David – I did actually know that about obtaining finance for movies – I’ve been told some crazy crazy stories from directors – like how they wanted Demi Moore instead of Juliette Binoche for The English Patient and financing was pulled a few days before original filming was to start.  Thank GOD they saw the light lol.

Thanks RPLife

MTV why you refuse for anyone outside the US to enjoy your vids?

  • Michelle
    Posted on November 23, 2011

    I second that Maria, don’t ever ever stop saying how fantastic Rob is David. I cannot ever get enough of hearing those words come out of your mouth. “fantastic, sensational” *nods while grinning from ear to ear* That’s what we’ve been saying for years. Oh how I cannot wait to see Rob in Cosmopolis.

    Grrr MTV give me the shits with their videos. Why did they suddenly decide to withhold them from us. Is annoying!!

  • Vertigo
    Posted on November 23, 2011

    “it’s obvious” Am loving the conviction of his words.

  • MichelleC
    Posted on November 23, 2011

    Praise the day that Rob and David’s paths connected for this project. Its obvious in all Rob’s work to date what an amazing talent he is Cosmopolis will prove it to the skeptics. Rob the world is your oyster you have and will continue to have the creative freedom you have been yearning to develop projects that are thought provoking, challenging, entertaining and rewarding to be a part of both from the artistic’s perspective and audience.
    Watching this interview I feel my own late father pouring out of David – he’s such a dignified, professional, intelligent and graceful man qualities that i”m sure Rob holds very dear.

  • Sue
    Posted on November 23, 2011

    Ok, I think I’m seriously crushing on David Cronenberg these days….. love him! Thanks Maria ~ I can’t imagine how you find the time to do all this, especially back at work!

  • Val
    Posted on November 23, 2011

    @Vertigo, i totally agree – you said it perfectly. Think all of us are wearing the goofy Josh fangirl grin, watching this!

  • Cindy
    Posted on November 23, 2011

    Yep what you girls said and Mr Cronenberg of course. But seriously Demi Moore for the English Patient?????!! In what universe would that have been a good idea ? :{

  • Maria
    Posted on November 23, 2011

    IKR @Cindy – that’s a true story – they weren’t 100% on Ralph either – they pulled the financing a few days before they were due to start filming. So this is why I’m not holding my breath for Rob to be involved in Unbound Captives – could be years before it gets the backing it needs. Maybe Rob can replace Hugh — oops sorry Hugh you know I love you.

  • Maria
    Posted on November 23, 2011

    Thanks @Sue – I know, but Rob is a passion 🙂 (she says as she sneaks on during work)

  • Vicky
    Posted on November 23, 2011

    I will never get enough of David Cronenberg praising Rob like this, NEVER!!!!

  • MichelleC
    Posted on November 23, 2011

    I’m hearing you Maria re Unbound Captives. Didn’t know about The English Patient palava either fascinating stuff. Getting back to UC it seems Madeline Stowe is working on other projects and there is no doubt financing issues. Really can’t see Rob playing the purported son role in this film he’s too manly and even he admitted this in a recent interview (I think it was with our mate Jboy). Meanwhile I doubt Rob is twiddling his thumbs waiting for the UC greenlight. Although a pic with Rob and Hugh would be *insert expletive* awesome. Still think Rob needs to hook up with an Aus director. Peter Weir what have you got for Rob!

  • Maria
    Posted on November 23, 2011

    Or Phil Noyce @MichelleC because yeah that would be awesome. When you say a pic of Hugh and Rob – you mean like this

  • MichelleC
    Posted on November 23, 2011

    Oh Maria that is gold phoar there is something about seeing those two together – completely lush lush lush ok someone hose me down now.

  • Sue
    Posted on November 23, 2011

    Dear God @Maria ~ I just clicked on the link to see Rob & Hugh together ~ to say my jaw dropped would be an understatement! JESUS!

  • Carmel
    Posted on November 23, 2011

    Rob and David
    Rob and Hugh

    I’m feeling the man love tonight

  • Val
    Posted on November 24, 2011

    Lol @Carmel, too true….@Maria, that pic link made lots of women very happy tonight, methinks!

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