November 22nd, 2011 / 9 Comments

And I don’t want him too either because let’s face it – it’s not like he’s just mentioning Rob to get attention.  Anyway, I cannot get enough of the praise that David heaps on Rob.  @MovieWeb posted an exclusive interview with David that reads something like this:

Cosmopolis looks really intriguing. Can you talk about the production?

It was a wonderful shoot, as was A Dangerous Method, actually. They were both very beautiful shoots, even though they were both quite different in tone, which, for me, is delightful, because, to do two movies, back-to-back, they are both so different. The one similarity is that they’re both very dialogue-heavy. That was kind of interesting, but they have very different dialogue.”

Do you think this will be the project that really sets Robert (Pattinson) apart from his past, so to speak?

I have no control over that, obviously. All I know is, as with Keira, I thought that Robert was very underrated. I mean, Keira has done more work than Robert has, but in England, they’re always on her for whatever weird English class reasons. I’m not sure what that is. I always thought she was a substantial actress, and I had no doubt that she could really ace this role. I felt the same about Rob. The fate of the movie, though, who knows. I certainly think this. I don’t think that any director who’s looking to see what Rob can do, will not be able to see how terrific he is by looking at Cosmopolis. Even if the movie isn’t a success at the box office, creatively, as far as I’m concerned, it is a success, and for Rob, it totally is. He’s brilliant in the movie, he’s fabulous. If nothing else, it will be a great demo film for Rob, for any other director who’s looking for a great actor.”

 I love that David points out that the movie doesn’t need to be a success for people to see how talented Rob is.  Though David I will be very surprised if this movie isn’t successful in some way shape or form.  I also love “dialogue heavy”.  Gotta say – dialogue heavy is my ideal movie – especially when the voice belongs to Rob.

Anyway if you want to read the full interview click here (and Vertigo he talks Viggo).

  • Sue
    Posted on November 22, 2011

    Okay, so it looks like I”m going to get very little done today……. but seriously, this is the most exciting kind of news to read about i.e.. Cronenberg singing Rob’s praises. Makes me totally desperate to see Cosmopolis …..”for any other director looking for a great actor” …… awesome!

  • Vicky
    Posted on November 22, 2011

    WOW now that is some praise right there and I love it!!!!! Too many people measure success in dollar terms, if that’s the case my bank account screams loser LOL!!!!! I just cannot wait to see this movie.

  • Maria
    Posted on November 22, 2011

    LOL @Vicky I love your comment – wise words.

  • ephie
    Posted on November 22, 2011

    Oh Mr Cronenberg! I love you more and more…I cannot get enough of this praise for Rob especially from someone of Cronenberg’s calibre!!! Thank you David for telling the world over and over again. I am on cloud 9 now….

  • Cindy
    Posted on November 22, 2011

    Yep What you said@ Vicky 🙂 And had a look at the trailer for A Dangerous Method too. will have to go see that too I think.

  • Martha M
    Posted on November 22, 2011

    Rob is getting the praise he deserves. I’m so glad Cronenberg saw just how amazing Rob is. And he will prove it to all those that still haven’t seen the talent he has in this movie. I can’t wait to see it. Hmm…..Will I be breaking my WFE record? I just might ;-).

  • Michelle
    Posted on November 22, 2011

    LOL Vicky, so well said.

    I can never ever get enough of seeing/hearing all this wonderful praise for Rob, It makes me happy beyond words that he is finally receiving the recognition that he so so truly deserves. I just grin from ear to ear each time & my heart bursts. David you are a smart smart man!

    I love this part: “If nothing else, it will be a great demo film for Rob, for any other director who’s looking for a great actor.”

    Anyone that refuses to acknowledge the BRILLIANT talent that is Rob is just kidding themselves. They won’t be able to deny it forever though.

    Oh & dialogue heavy – my fave kind & especially when the person speaking the dialogue is Rob. Bring on Cosmo – I cannot freakin’ wait 😀

  • Carmel
    Posted on November 22, 2011

    I love the way Cronenberg talks about Rob. His words are measured and realistic. This just adds more weight to the praise he gives Rob’s talent. I love that he is already calling Cosmopolis a success without the need for box office revenue. I can see understand Rob is so inspired by working with this man.

    @Vicky – LOLing too

  • Vertigo
    Posted on November 22, 2011

    I’m in the process of having this framed. Rob deserves all the praise and from a man with such vision is epic.
    I was already going to see “Dangerous Method” for Viggo as you all now know. LOL I’ve seen the other Viggo masterpieces too, which is why I’m compelled to go back for more, as well as David’s handywork. It’s all win win really.

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