November 21st, 2011 / 8 Comments

According to UrbanCine – BD Pt 1 opened this weekend at No 1 in Australia with $12,108,308.  Woot woot – that’s 2 movies for Rob in 2011 opening in Australia at No. 1.  So so proud of him because he IS the star of this franchise – don’t kid yourself that he’s not.

And we have all undoubtedly seen that the movie opened worldwide with $283.5 million – I mean it’s everywhere.  According to Box Office Mojo the figures are:

US – USD139.5 million
Foreign – USD144 million

That’s a lot of moolah and it’s not rocket science that the film was going to open big worldwide.  It didn’t apparently do as well as New Moon, but it did do better than Eclipse – what a surprise *note sarcasm*.  Anyway, I was more interested in the Aussie figures since when I spoke to the cinema on Saturday they said they had seen a marked downturn in interest in the twi franchise. I don’t doubt it because I’m pretty sure my recollection is that New Moon opened with $17 million back in 2009 – I recalled it was almost dollar for dollar to our population and when you take inflation into account  … well ….

I probably won’t do this as much as I did for WFE.  Be prepared though I will drive you nuts about Bel-Ami and Cosmopolis – after all as Rob said this movie is pretty much a safety net.


  • Aeren
    Posted on November 21, 2011

    thanks for the info, in Sapin BD was the 75% in solds

  • Carmel
    Posted on November 21, 2011

    Hopefully DB will stay strong. It’s a great start
    I have 2 teenage girls and they both report that their friends have moved on, even though they were crazy for anything Twi at the beginning, devouring the books etc. I think we can put that down a bit to fads and a lot to the quality of the middle two movies.
    Maria – Thanks for the update. I can’t see anyone complaining about you posting anything about Georges or Eric. Bring it on.

  • Maria
    Posted on November 21, 2011

    @Carmel I think its true that the teenagers from 2009 have moved on. I heard a comment that in the US they thought the crowd was older – more 25 year olds than teens. Not surprising really – I mean Rob’s in the film – of course older women are going to go and see it

  • Michelle
    Posted on November 21, 2011

    Star of the franchise is for sure. Anyone that shakes their heads in disagreement at that are just kidding themselves. Rob is SO fantastic in BD pt one – I can never ever say that enough. Cannot wait to see him again when I go back for my second viewing. Such great news re: figures – so so thrilled for Rob & so proud. He deserves all the success in the world.

    Bring on the Cosmo & BA updates Maria – I CANNOT wait 😀

  • Vertigo
    Posted on November 21, 2011

    Well thank Rob it wasn’t a disaster. Those are fantastic numbers considering how many people turned their backs because of the last two movies.

  • Vicky
    Posted on November 21, 2011

    Thanks for the info Maria. I have no doubt that Rob is the star in this franchise hence the reason I went back after the abomination that was Eclipse!!! Have been twice now and planning on another go with a friend on the weekend. Cannot get enough of Edward for some reason *giggles*!!

  • Sue
    Posted on November 22, 2011

    Very much looking forward to being ‘driven nuts’ by you and your Bel Ami and Cosmopolis posts, Maria! ( Although I think you’ll find it will take quite a lot to drive us nuts, just so you know ….)

  • Maria
    Posted on November 22, 2011

    Yes well @Vicky Vertigo and I might be going on Thursday night … purely for research for the site

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