November 14th, 2011 / 19 Comments

No need to watch the incredibly cringeworthy intros – sorry BooBoo but your acting here is as credible as your acting in the movie.  I’m not even bothering to learn the names of the extra cast in both BD’s I mean – will we ever see them again outside of the $2 bins at Target?  No seriously – I’m totally over all the Twilight promo – I get how exciting it must be if you are a Twihard, but for those of us who endure this franchise purely for Rob – it’s overkill.  Rob starts at 10.17 – believe me when I say don’t bother with the rest.

srpro.111211tenbd1rp1 by officialspunkransom

Thanks to Spunk Ransom for the vid since MTV clearly don’t want anyone outside of the US viewing their cheesy clips (which I think is probably a good thing in hindsight).

  • Martha M
    Posted on November 14, 2011

    Why Maria oh why didn’t I listen to you and go directly to 10.17??? This is the 2nd time you’ve warned me, and I didn’t listern. Yes, I should have listed to you about ther Twi convention, but Noooo, I had to see if for myself. Oh well we do learn from out mistakes. So, yes I think I have learned and next time I will definitely listen to you.

  • Maria
    Posted on November 14, 2011

    LOL @Martha M – the warnings come for a reason. I never bullshit people ever and especially when it comes to Rob.

  • Martha M
    Posted on November 14, 2011

    I believe you Maria, I swear I do.

  • Lynda
    Posted on November 14, 2011

    I can’t understand you saying your having to “endure this franchise”, because without this franchise you would have lost interest in Rob long before now!!!!

  • Maria
    Posted on November 14, 2011

    @Lynda perhaps YOU would have lost interest in Rob – I knew who Rob was long before you probably paid attention to him. This franchise hasn’t kept my interest in him – Rob has kept my interest in him and his incredible talent. So please do not put words in my mouth. If you don’t like what I say on this site – don’t visit. And seriously this franchise and their abusive fans has almost made me walk away from running this site so that I can enjoy Rob away from the crazies – wait what was it Rob called you – almost clinically insane – I think you should remove the word “almost”.

    And what’s with the four exclamation marks – oh wait it’s confirmation by you that Rob’s the ONLY reason this franchise has been successful. Thanks for confirming what we already know.

  • Michelle
    Posted on November 14, 2011

    Hahaha – oh Lynda seriously – we would have lost interest in Rob long ago?? That is the most ridiculous statement I have ever heard.. Um you see, we happen to have known who Rob was LONG before the majority of his so called ‘fans’ even knew his name. The ONLY reason why we PUT UP with the stupid saga is BECAUSE of Rob. We support him in everything that he does & we have done for YEARS now & will continue to do so long after this saga is done & dusted (bring it on) Our interest in Rob will never ever be ‘lost’ because we, you see actually are TRUE fans, we’re not these ones that only know & support Rob because of Edward. We knew & adored the man & his work long before we even knew who the hell Edward Cullen was & we’ll still be here long after he is gone. We appreciate the brilliant talent that is Rob Pattinson & our ‘interest’ has zero to do with that saga., All 100% Rob.. Anyone that has, as you put it ‘lost interest’ in Rob clearly doesn’t have the brains to appreciate such talent. Oh & your precious Twilight should be thanking Rob because without his superb portrayal of Edward, this saga would be NOTHING.

    I remember the days before Twilight & gee it was nice. Rob’s fans were nice, respectful & NORMAL. I miss those days & cannot wait for when they return. We are not a Twllight site -we’re not Twilight fans, As Maria said, if you don’t like what we post – why are you here?

  • Cindy
    Posted on November 14, 2011

    Not another one! Treading on really dangerous ground…. :{ ……Bridge building needs to be taken up by some folks I think Maria so they build one and get over themselves….Please don’t let the turkeys get you down @Maria ox

  • Maria
    Posted on November 14, 2011

    LOL @Cindy – imagine being delusional enough to think these subpar scripts and movies are the only reason we are still interested in Rob … is it April Fool’s Day?

  • Michelle
    Posted on November 14, 2011

    Hahaha Maria, it must be. Clearly they’ve opened the gates. The things that come out of people’s mouths *shakes head*

  • Cindy
    Posted on November 14, 2011

    Delusional, clinically insane, If the cap fits these folk are wearing it! 😛 But the personal insults they always manage to put one of those in. And like I have said before most of them will only have their dvd’s of the saga in their dark rooms to keep them company and going to all the twi conventions with all the D grade actors that filled the minor rolls in the films.

  • Sue
    Posted on November 14, 2011

    I took the BIG hint (after reading martha’s comment!) and heeded your advice, Maria ……. Always happy to hear a few classic Rob soundbites! Brightens my day no matter what! Thanks for the warning!

  • Vertigo
    Posted on November 14, 2011

    ahahahaha *chokes on orange juice* thanks for the laugh Lynda.

    Word to everything that’s already been pointed out here and at the risk of sounding like a broken record … if it wasn’t for Rob, Twilight would have wound up in the bargain bin at Go Lo and we would never have had to endure what followed.
    I watch because I support Rob and all the time he has invested in this thing – it doesn’t mean I have to love it, especially knowing he is capable of so much more. And besides, it all went down hill for me when they stuck with that moronic script writer and pulled Hardwicke – I can honestly say I’ve never done so much ceiling watching as I did in New Moon. It would have been the same with Eclipse if Rob wasn’t given more than 5 minutes of screen time.

    In case you are new around here, it was Maria and Michelle who were involved in putting together Australia’s first and only screening of “How to Be” – people flew in from all over to see it … even NZ. And let’s not forget Maria’s efforts for getting “Little Ashes” on the big screen in Oz. I could go on but nah, why should I waste my breathe when you were probably too caught up in the franchise to notice.

    It’s all about Rob baby!

  • Carmel
    Posted on November 14, 2011

    Rob will always hold my interest. He has captured it and I’m not resisting.
    @Maria – Thanks for your advice. I have a heap of catching up to do and I don’t want to waste time on all the filler. It’s Rob I want hear.

  • oceanpebble
    Posted on November 15, 2011

    First of all, thanks for the warning. Second, I believe that none of us Rob fans, think less of Twilight, because it is his big breakthrough role. But if we consider ourselves Rob’s fans for real, then we all know that, apart from his first Twilight movie and the brilliant approach to the role, the rest of the films he’s played in, are far more interesting, giving us the opportunity to watch Rob unfold his extra artistic talent. So yes, I will endure the end of the Twilight series and wait anxiously for the rest of his work, like Bel Ami and Cosmopolis and anything else he decides to do. As for all this promotional stuff, which by the way I think that he considers just part of the job and rather boring, I watch it, because I simply can;t get enough of this wonderful man.

  • Lynda
    Posted on November 16, 2011

    You Rob fans seem to have misunderstood what I was saying, I love everything Rob has been in, I have every DVD Rob has been in not just this franchise, but what I want to point out is that Rob has said many times he was on the verge of giving up acting when Twilight came along so you should all be glad he is in this franchise. Maria I did not put any words in your mouth, you said above the video “those of us who endure this franchise”. Don’t what
    ever you do finish working on this website, no matter what you think I am a fan of this web site as well as a massive fan of Rob (long before Twilight), I never said I didn’t like what you said, I just said I didn’t understand you not being interested in Twilight

  • Lynda
    Posted on November 16, 2011

    Dear Vertigo, I didn’t need to fly in from anywhere as I live in England and all these films were on British TV long ago, The Bad Mothers Handbook was the first thing I saw Rob in and I knew then he was going to be a massive star and I went on to watch him in everything he does. I also like to listen to anything he does being talked about, I don’t have to see him on the screen to love him. Did you read New Moon, how was any script writer suppose to put scenes in the film when he was in another Country for most of it? Yes I love the franchise but I love anything he is in, so please don’t think I aren’t a massive fan because you couldn’t be further from the truch

  • Maria
    Posted on November 16, 2011

    @Lynda why do you say “You Rob fans” – I thought we were all Rob fans – it’s just that we are not Twilight fans. Some of Rob’s fans like both – we don’t. And sorry but all Twilight fans seem to always quote Rob as “being on the verge of giving up acting” until he was cast in Twilight. I’ve actually heard him say during this BD promo that he didn’t know whether he was going to give up or not. Noone knows what he would have done – so I don’t need to thank Twilight for anything. I believe Rob has enough talent that had he given up acting he would have pursued his music – so either way it’s a win/win for all Rob fans don’t you think. And the other thing Twilight fans seem to forget is that Rob was cast in Remember Me before the Twi movies even made it big. Not to mention he already had How To Be and Little Ashes behind him that hadn’t been released. They may have been small indie films, but sometimes I think the Twi stigma hampered those given that others wouldn’t give him a chance since they only saw him as Edward Cullen. I know because it took me 12 months of lobbying the Australian distribution to give Little Ashes a chance in Australian cinemas – before that they were going to release it straight to DVD – so I know what I’m talking about from an Australian industry perspective at least.

    And the words you were putting in my mouth was that I would have forgotten about him had it not been for this franchise. It’s the franchise I’d like to forget about actually. The fans put up with subquality / cheesy scripts and acting for most parts. Summit have made a lot of money from this film and yet they haven’t put much back into it. As for reading the books – and I’m sure Vertigo will respond herself – we have read them. Your argument that Edward was out of the country for New Moon hence why he was hardly in the film falls short for me considering Rosenberg decided that it was necessary for us to learn the back story of Riley in Eclipse when Riley was in the book for a nanosecond. So you see – given that Rob is the real reason why this franchise has been a success – I think Rosenberg could have had a little creative license and given us some more Edward in Rio rather than the waffle that we endured. I mean after all Eclipse was Edward’s book – but he had about as much air time in that as he did for New Moon.

    Anyway – I’m not arguing with you for the sake of arguing in case you think that’s what I’m doing – I’m just giving you some background on where we are coming from. I’m glad you like the site, I hope you continue to visit us – it’s just that you probably caught me on a bad day since Josh Horowitz’s fangirling drives me nuts and I don’t believe he gives Rob enough credit.

  • Vertigo
    Posted on November 16, 2011

    Hi Lynda. I also have nothing to thank Twilight for … Rob would have managed to make his mark without it. How? Firstly, how did he get cast for Twilight? He must of had something to offer. And take it from Cronenberg who said that choosing Rob to play Eric in Cosmopolis had nothing to do with his role as Edward. David had seen Rob’s other works and we all know how clued up and in tune he is right? He is a genius and went after Rob. Says it all really. And I won’t accept the idea that Cronenberg would never have known who Rob was, had it not been for Twilight. Rob was made to play Eric, they would have found each other one way or another given the way this director can make movies without having to utilise the skills of well knowns.

    Once upon a time I loved the Twi thing. But really, how many years can someone so talented be stuck in the same role that does nothing for his growth except enhance the ability to deal with the crazies. Yes as you mentioned and I’ve said a million times on this site – NM was my least fave book because you guessed it, the lack of Edward. So I always bitch about it because it was my first time I actually stared at the ceiling in a cinema (I say it again because it’s true). I can tell you, those ceilings are all kinds of tacky. Moving along, I was so looking forward to Eclipse but then Rosenberg stuffed up my fave book of the 4. Then upon hearing she was confirmed as writer for BD, without hesitation, that was the instant I turned my back on the franchise. That was the final nail for me and that’s not mentioning all the wrongs the director got away with in Eclipse, or dare I say was persuaded to do because he didn’t have the stones to deliver what should have been. I really don’t want to open that can of worms because it’s something that can and should only be discussed on a twilight site.

    Be well.

    I do love to bitch about this franchise because it leaves me so grumpy at times. Please don’t take that away from me.

    The first Twi was magical! Rob’s career path? Even more so.

  • Lynda
    Posted on November 17, 2011

    Hi Vertigo, I can feel your love for Rob right over here in England, may I recommend the Rob fast forward on the DVD of new moon, its great. I hope you don’t turn your back on Breaking Dawn, you never know it may be the best one yet!
    Keep on doing that good work over there in Australia, I love your site and keep in touch every day, Lynda

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