Better buckle up peeps … Rob in fine form. Â I was fortunate enough to see this on livestream this afternoon.
 Here’s intro with no sound
Here’s interview with sound
Thanks to RPLife and @Iam_Vogue
Better buckle up peeps … Rob in fine form. Â I was fortunate enough to see this on livestream this afternoon.
 Here’s intro with no sound
Here’s interview with sound
Thanks to RPLife and @Iam_Vogue
Watch our interviews with Rob. You can check out our other interviews with David Michod, Liz Watts & David Linde at our dedicated film page for The Rover
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Absolutely fucking brilliant! Like you say Maria I hope Rob never ever gets a verbal filter Thrusting… probing…..and no Jimmy I for one do not need to see Robs nether regions thanks very much….too much information! Just saying 🙂
That was a great interview.
If Kimmel normally has so much fun with his guests, I’m surprised he hasn’t been a hit over here as well.
Rob was such a classic. I was completely gobsmacked! – especially with his parents in the audience! loved it. loved it. loved it.
@liz Kimmel used to be shown on the Comedy Channel on FOXTEL but I think they stop airing him in order to air Jimmy Fallon – something like that.
Classic Rob. Too funny. The things that come out of his mouth ……! I’ll be rewatching this several times tonight! Love the intro too ….Thanks Maria.
Cancerous owls and trolls, hahahahahahahaha, oh Rob please DO NOT EVER CHANGE!!!!!!
@Vicky – no surprise really why Rob is doing most of the promo for this film. He really is the only one from this franchise that can entertain …
*nods* ITA Maria!!
Brilliant. The man is just hilarious. He just comes out with the most outrageous things, and it just makes me adore him more.
“Let him do it!”
I need to watch it again.
Thanks so much for posting this!!
LMAO! Just watched again and this may be up there as one of my top fave interviews ever from the man and I agree, he’s managed to make this BD promo thing fun and entertaining not just for himself (which was necessary) … but for all.
Anytime you want to unleash those modelling pics from the vault Rob, we are always at the ready. Just had to say that out loud. Thanks in advance.
And @Maria the only one who isn’t a “mouth piece” for that studio or for the author sorry don’t mean to offend but a couple of the co stars in my opinion do just that.
Hahahahaha oh Rob, I LOVE the things that come out of your mouth. Classic, absolutely classic. Imagine how zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz this BD promo would be without Rob. Well we wouldn’t be paying any attention to it, but still, just saying, it would be CRAP. He always brings 100% entertainment to anything & everything he does – no matter how insane it is. Just brilliant lol.
LOVE this interview & the intro – so so adorable 😀
LOL @ just the tip…still laughing…
This is priceless. Completely priceless. Cancerous Owl!!! God how I laughed. Isn’t he a naughty boy in front of his Mum and Dad!