Oh Setje you never fail us … who wanted these untagged and in HQ. Â Yeah we all did.
Oh Setje you never fail us … who wanted these untagged and in HQ. Â Yeah we all did.
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Setje – I LOVE you. Have been hoping we would receive these in untagged HQ 😀 That first one is just – no words *___________________________________*
(must not say these are my new favorites). LOL
Thanks Setje – thanks Maria!! Stunning man is stunning. 🙂
My prayers have been answered.
I am going to steal Maria’s words He is “all man” nothing boy about Rob anymore if he ever was!
Oh dear god, don’t think I’ll ever recover from these and I don’t care.
Bless you Setje!
If I never saw another picture of Rob I could live on the first 2 for the rest of my days!!! Absolutely breathtaking.
BTW, I don’t ever want to test that theory I might add!!!
Ohhhhh Yeeeeees!!!!!! Thank you!!!!