You know that feeling of when you watch a trailer and it’s fantastic only to see the movie and the best scenes ARE the trailer …
You know that feeling of when you watch a trailer and it’s fantastic only to see the movie and the best scenes ARE the trailer …
Watch our interviews with Rob. You can check out our other interviews with David Michod, Liz Watts & David Linde at our dedicated film page for The Rover
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I most certainly do Maria!!!!
Well when a studio’s publicity department has a say in a scene in these movies{ yes Rob I was like “excuse me??!!” too} I don’t hold out much hope which is sad after Rob spent 8 or 9 odd months filming them.
What? @Cindy – did Rob say that somewhere – I have to admit with the onslaught I haven’t had a chance to listen properly to all his interviews.
In any event, they kind of lost me at New Moon, Eclipse just cemented how much I disliked their treatment of the books. Not sure where Ashley got that they try to stick close to them – I heard her say that somewhere – we must have read different versions because I don’t remember Riley focussing that much in the book.
Anyway … time will tell. The twihards will love them regardless and me – well I’ll love Rob in it and that’s about it. Vertigo’s comment about filming my reaction to the bedroom scene/honeymoon scene and sending to Rob for laughs is valid – after all she’s endured sitting next to me pretty much for all of Rob’s films and I only keep her entertained during this series – all the others have me focussed and in awe.
I CANNOT wait for Georges and Eric … cannot wait. Sorry Rob – Edward might be special, but you are more so.
Yep@Maria he did It was the Boston globe interview during the W4E promotion. I have it saved as one of my favs on You tube.
Ah that’s ringing a bell @Cindy – I had my head stuck in the recent ones of this week and couldn’t believe I missed it. Although I have to say – Rob’s being a little anti-twi in some of his responses if you ask me. It’s slight, but for some of us it’s kind of obvious – the ones who get his sarcasm.
I kinda liked Rob’s response the other day when put on the spot to say something to the fans … “um yeah enjoy the movie and have a nice life” – bwahahahaha. He clearly doesn’t think he’ll be seeing them in the future then … *looksovershoulder*
Exactly@Maria Poor twihards may have to get a life after its all over ! đ Makes me wonder if Rob will ever work with that studio again after this? Just saying……
Hopefully they won’t get hold of any interesting scripts that might tempt Rob @Cindy … fingers crossed.
LOL I LOVED Rob’s response in that interview too Maria. It was GOLD hahaha.
Yep as always, we only watch for Rob *nods* Love him as Eddie of course, but the rest – BLEH!!