What? C’mon like you all don’t think that too … here’s a few more or 12 HQ Rob from Paris. Sweet Jesus …
Thanks as always to Linda at Pattinsonlife for always spoiling us.
What? C’mon like you all don’t think that too … here’s a few more or 12 HQ Rob from Paris. Sweet Jesus …
Thanks as always to Linda at Pattinsonlife for always spoiling us.
Watch our interviews with Rob. You can check out our other interviews with David Michod, Liz Watts & David Linde at our dedicated film page for The Rover
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I totally, 100% agree with you @maria. Lord have mercy on us!!
Haha I knew there would be someone out there agreeing with me @ephie. Sweet jesus we have been spoilt in the last 24 hours.
Maria I like Ephie agree with you 100% too. Perfection he is. God help us, really.
Girls, we need all the help we can get to survive coz he keeps getting better and better and I don’t know how much more I can take….lol! And to think that we have not even met Georges Duroy yet…
This is excellent prep in training for the big unveiling of Georges. Certainly is perfection Maria!
Fuck he’s hot…..perfection.. yep I can agree with that 🙂
Perfection is for sure Maria. OMG, he is just breathtaking.
So true Vertigo 😀
One of my favourite things in the whole world is watching a Rob HQ photo unfold upon my monitor.
@Maria – 100% perfection. Indeed!
@everyone ……’ditto’ from me ……
There’s no ‘might’ about it. Definitely perfection. I’m in 100% agreement with you all on the 100% perfection!
I think you might be right Maria and yes I am guilty as charged!!!
Agree…….how absolutely gorgeous.
I think you’re right, Maria. 😉 100% perfection.
This guy is just getting better with age……. perfection is an understatement!!!!