October 4th, 2011 / 9 Comments


Lucky lucky people!  As well as Paris & Belgium, Rob will be heading to Stockholm to promote Breaking Dawn Part One.  Am so jealous *sad face*  Here’s all the info via Nordisk Film’s press release: (translated by Google)

“Friday, 28 October  actors Robert Pattinson and Ashley Greene Stockholm Sweden for the premiere of THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN – parties 1. Robert Pattinson, who plays Edward Cullen, Ashley Greene, who plays Edward’s sister Alice Cullen, both have become some of the world’s biggest movie stars after the successes of the previous three films in The Twilight Saga: “Twilight,” “New Moon” and “Eclipse.

Nordisk Film will also this time arranging a TWILIGHT FAN EVENT Friday, 28 October at the Royal Court where Robert Pattinson and Ashley Greene will meet its Scandinavian fans. The program for this event is being put together and is not yet clear. More information about this event is released shortly.

THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN – Part 1 is the high-profile pursuit and fourth part of Stephanie Meyer’s story of Bella and Edward’s impossible love. Director: Bill Condon. Cast: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Ashley Greene et al. THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN – part 1, premiered nationwide on Wednesday, November 16, 2011!”

Thanks to Twilight Sweden.

  • Maria
    Posted on October 04, 2011

    I’m so jealous so so jealous of Europe right now. I don’t think we are going to be lucky enough to get Rob to Australia – he seems to be running out of time … and I so wish I was home that week. The only bonus is how many gorgeous shots of Rob we are about to receive …

  • Michelle
    Posted on October 04, 2011

    Agree Maria, I don’t think we are going to be lucky this time around 🙁

    If only I was home too – I so wish. All the gorgeous shots of Rob *grins* Oh how I cannot wait!!

  • silvie
    Posted on October 04, 2011

    I can’t help but say……IT’S NOT FAIR!!!!

    Love the new image. You girls are so talented.

  • Sare
    Posted on October 04, 2011

    The new layout is a lovely suprise! I wonder if my comments no longer go to spam….

  • Michelle
    Posted on October 04, 2011

    I wish it had fixed that problem Sare but that’s stupid WP grrrr. Still going into spam 🙁

  • Vicky
    Posted on October 04, 2011

    *sniff* Sweden too. I really hope they know just how lucky they are. Our time will come around again, hopefully!!!

  • Val
    Posted on October 04, 2011

    Michelle, I think you’re right that we were really lucky Rob graced our shores this year for WFE – I can’t imagine the timetable having enough room for traveling all the way here during a Summit promotional period…..the very few times I’m sad we have a relatively small population! Both M’s, when you say “home”…do you mean home is (like all things good) the UK?

  • Sue
    Posted on October 04, 2011

    Stockholm too?! God, the little green-eyed monster is in full swing tonight …. I wonder if my husband would miss me if I took off to Europe for a week late October ~ Paris, Brussels then Stockholm … I bet there are some lucky ladies who’ll be doing the “European tour’ in a few weeks ……

    Site is looking great, guys ~ congrats!

  • lise-lou
    Posted on October 05, 2011

    Doh! Am jealous! Road trip around Europe would be fantastic!

  • Leave a Reply

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