September 14th, 2011 / 41 Comments

We saw the teaser & now the full BD trailer is here.  There’s a good amount of Eddie in this one (just as well!!!) but still not enough for my liking.  Watch & enjoy the brilliance that is Rob as Eddie…


Yahoo! Movies

YouTube version added:

Official Twilight Film

  • Maria
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    Ugh I can’t see this on the computer I’m on at the moment. Some Eddie you say Michelle – just as bloody well.

    Although I just can’t get excited about this as much as Georges *brokenrecordIknow*

  • Michelle
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    I’m with you Maria, I mean we love to see Rob of course, but as far as getting super excited about BD – yeah sorry I can’t do that. When the Bel Ami trailer came out & we saw Georges I wanted to go out into the street & do a happy dance – was bursting with excitement. But for BD, not so much. As always, will only be watching for Rob *nods*

  • Beth
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    I can’t wait for BD – Part 1. It was sooo good, I am so excited about BD; I need more Rob now

  • Martha M
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    Wow I didn’t think I would get excited for this movie, but I might be wrong. The trailer looks amamzing. Thanks Michelle for sharing.

    Oh I would just like to say a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEMA!!! Have a great one Sweetie. Yes it’s finally your birthday here in the USA. *raisesglassthrowsstreamers*

  • Val
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    ITA @Beth, any Rob is good Rob 😛 I’m looking forward to it just for that, and not just coz I might be a weensy bit of a Twihard mum… I will be eternally grateful to Twi for introducing me to Rob. And then RPAU for educating me there’s better things to watch him in, ha ha!!

    Yes Maria, what a Christmas prez it would be to have Georges before the end of the year too?! *dreams*

  • Val
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    oh Michelle I meant to say a huge THANK YOU!!! for bringing the hugest smile to my day with this trailer 🙂

    and Happy Birthday Mema!!! What a birthday prez, Eddie, Eddie & more Eddie! Lucky you! xxx

  • Vicky
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    I’m with you Martha, I am surprisingly excited for the movie after seeing this trailer. Oh Eddie you are gorgeous!!!

  • Michelle
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    That would be the best Christmas present ever Val, sadly it’s appears it’s just wishful thinking on our part 🙁

  • shell
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    I didn’t think I’d be too excited about BD, but I must admit it does look pretty good.

    I agree with you all though, I’d be infinitely more excited to hear about a release date for Bel Ami.

  • ephie
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    I’ve finally watched it on my phone and like many of you here I can’t say I am super excited about it. Of course I love to watch Rob and I love what he does with Edward – from tender and loving to fierce and scary – but bring on BA and Cosmopoilis!!!
    However it looks good, Bill Condon has done a good job it seems.

  • Bee Kaye
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    gooosebumps and chills all over – awesome!!!!! Thanks for posting Michelle. Roll on November.

  • Carolyn
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    ooooh *chills* I’m excited! I’m excited for everything Rob does, but Twilight has a special place in my heart. It brought me to Rob, it brought me to you girls, which in turn opened up so many new interests and experiences. So I can’t desert it now…..and I have faith in Bill for some reason! It will be good! *positive thinking* So far, the trailer looks AMAZING and Edward is…..beautiful!!!!!

  • Sue
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    ditto every word @Carolyn! Just got goose bumps watching that! Thanks Michelle.

  • Maria
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    Ok so um yeah … Can’t share the excitement … Sorry

    Rob brings so much to these movies with his Edward I know and there is nothing he would do that I wouldnt love clearly, but this just smells like new moon to me – best scenes in trailer and remainder of movie falls short

    Don’t even get me started on the fail that was David Slade

  • Vicky
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    I can’t even think of Eclipse without getting angry Maria, so I agree re David Slade. It was my fave book and he completely ruined it in my opinion but anyway building a bridge LOL!!!

  • Maria
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    Agree Vicky and don’t even get me started on the fail that was clocktower Edward – sorry Chris but so much of that part of the book was essential in my opinion and they skimmed over it

  • Vicky
    Posted on September 14, 2011


  • Shirlee
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    Liked some parts of the trailer but as usual Jacob seems like the main chracter and not Edward – Summit is still pushing their golden boy down our throats. Bring on something non-Twilight and Summit related for Rob, can’t wait for Bel Ami and Cosmopolis

  • Carolyn
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    Ewwwwwwww! Davis Slade is a dream killer. ITA @Vicky but my bridge is still broken.

  • mema
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    my heart just stop for now i will think about this all day long
    Michelle ur so great ………thanks

  • Maria
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    @Shirlee and @Carolyn agree with what you both said. Not sure why Edward has taken a back seat in this saga – I mean in the books you expect it in New Moon, but sorry Eclipse was HIS book not Jacob nor Riley – I mean who the hell cared about the backstory to him? Noone that’s who. All it did was eat up precious Edward time. Jesus it’s almost like they expect us to believe Edward when he says “it will be as if I never existed” – sometimes with their interpretations of the book it’s not hard to believe that.

    Oh and girls I believe my laptop is at home waiting … it better have all essential Rob bits with it LOL

  • Vicky
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    Carolyn, mine is still being built but nowhere near being fixed lol!!

    Maria great that lappy is home and fingers crossed that all the “important” things are there!!

  • liz
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    chills and tears.

    I can’t wait.

  • Sue
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    OMG Maria – let us know once you’ve confirmed your ‘essential Rob bits’ are all there on the lappy! (holding my breath and crossing fingers!)

  • Kafka
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    I think that I have just seen the movie. I always promise myself that I won’t watch the trailers cos they show too much, but couldn’t resist some more Rob. Bring on November!

  • Maria
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    Essential Rob bits – GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    As is my freakin Windows 7 they have installed Vista – NOT HAPPY JAN NOT FUCKING HAPPY.

    What part of if you can’t access my old harddrive please ring me before doing anything did they NOT understand. At least they have sent it back to me – shame they didn’t send back all my operating file CDs and my TrendMicro so I can reinstall it.

    YEP I’m off to go drown my sorrows and hope to god I backed up all my videos of Rob.

    I might be a tad silent tonite on the site …. *Blubbers*

  • Michelle
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    GONE *cries* I cannot believe they did that to you Maria 🙁 🙁 Bastards – I’m SO angry at them & can only imagine how you feel. It’ s absolute CRAP – seriously can’t anyone do anything properly these days!!!! Oh & what kind of moron installs Vista – what the hell??

    I hope you have your Rob vids backed up *on knees praying to the gods* Losing anything Rob is just too too horrible to bear 🙁

  • Sue
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    Oh my God, Maria, I can’t believe it! You must be beside yourself….. I really hope that after a night of drowning your sorrows, things look better in the morning …… where is our ‘personal Jesus’ when we need him?!

  • Temajin
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    I like, it looks good, love the black eyes and Stephenie as a wedding guest, HATE alice’s hair, but Rob as always is great, love that he cracks the shits at Bella lol


  • lise-lou
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    Oh angry Eddie always gives me goosebumps!

    MARIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your hard drive….I don’t even know what to say! I can feel you venting from here.

  • Elane
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    Thank you for your updates and this site – and ditto to what Val said without you what a dull life it would be without Rob updates. Looking forward to Bel Ami & Cosmopolis but still loving Edward 🙂

  • silvie
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    I agree with you all. Love Rob and looking forward to BD but to be honest I’m over the whole love triangle thing. I know it’s just a story but Bella’s character inability to move on drives me a bit insane. I’s so ready to see gorgeous Rob in a new role. Please….. Bel Ami.

  • Sue
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    Current mood pic is perfect …..

  • silvie
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    I’m not sure if my computer is working so if I’ve repeated a message ..sorry

  • Vertigo
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    ok am about to watch on the big screen so I can see what all the fuss is about.

  • Vertigo
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    The makeup department has alot to answer for. LOL

  • Maria
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    @Vertigo it’s pitiful really and I’ve said it before, I’ve seen better quality wigs at Mardi Gras …

  • Michelle
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    Ain’t that the truth Vertigo & Maria. It’s dreadful!

  • Vicky
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    No Maria not the essentials , that well and truly sucks!!!! Fingers crossed for you re: the vids!!

  • Carmel
    Posted on September 14, 2011

    This trailer looks good and it will be the only one I watch. NM ruined me for trailers

    I love Angry Eddie. Rob does angry so well – I’ll ruin you! . Sorry, I just slipped into BA mode and I like it.

    @Maria – What have they done to you lappy??? We are all crying with you. And Vista? They installed Vista? What the hell for

  • tercera eposha
    Posted on September 15, 2011

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh soy feliz I,am Happy, Je suis bien content, SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDWWWARRRDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD EDWAAAAAARD, ESME ISLAND FOREVER

  • Leave a Reply

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