September 9th, 2011 / 33 Comments

Okay I still don’t get all the fuss that this created yesterday and why is it so photoshopped – we already know Rob doesn’t need ANY enhancements and the blasphemy of removing his moles!



Thanks to Collider for the tip.

Well so if you think you can photoshop Rob – so can I!

Oh and how I love his eyelashes and lips

Apparently there’s a new trailer coming out next Tuesday 13 September … it better include Rob that’s all I’m saying – we’ve been burned before.

  • Cate
    Posted on September 09, 2011

    All I can say is LOL. Seriously?

  • Michelle
    Posted on September 09, 2011

    How dare they remove Rob’s moles!!!!!! Seriously when the hell are these people going to learn that you never ever mess with perfection!! Love your version – as always Maria!

    Trailer MUST include Rob *glares at them*

  • Suze
    Posted on September 09, 2011

    Whoever worked on this poster needs to back away from PhotoShop. Blasphemy indeed. And why is Bella’s ring on her right hand?

  • Lane
    Posted on September 09, 2011

    Also I want to know WHY they are shopping out his jaw line? They keep making him look like he has no jaw and then that makes him look like he has no neck, it’s kind of gross.

  • Cindy
    Posted on September 09, 2011

    Goes back to stare at Rob as Jacob moles and all…

  • Maria
    Posted on September 09, 2011

    Funny that you say that @Lane – I was just looking at it thinking – have they photoshopped his nose as well – it looks too perfect. Blah – I’m off to look at the Jacob stills or the real Rob – need to cleanse my eyes.

  • M
    Posted on September 09, 2011


  • Maria
    Posted on September 09, 2011

    Snap @Cindy we must have been posting comments at the same time.

  • Maria
    Posted on September 09, 2011

    @Suze – Summit really needed to employ Jules on the promo – actually employ someone who knows what to do with photoshop.

    As for the ring – they were all in an uproar about that yesterday – who knows – they obviously needed it as a prop – they probably photoshopped that in as well LOL

  • Michelle
    Posted on September 09, 2011

    Exactly Cindy & Maria *goes back to Jacob* These people have the sense to leave Rob in his natural beautiful state. Why the hell would anyone ever want to photoshop him like this??? They’re insane.

  • Cindy
    Posted on September 09, 2011

    LOL!@M&M Indeed!

  • Lane
    Posted on September 09, 2011

    Now that you mention it, Maria, it looks like they rounded the tip more and straightened the bridge. They don’t need to do anything to his face! Ugh, disappointing.

  • Suze
    Posted on September 09, 2011

    @Maria: Jules would have blown their ‘designer’ out of the water. 😉

  • Maria
    Posted on September 09, 2011

    @Lane that’s what had me transfixed – his nose is not that perfect and that’s why we love him. Pfft – I love Eddie but seriously 14 more months (not that I’m counting)

  • Maria
    Posted on September 09, 2011

    Absolutely @Suze – I think Summit hired the same one they used on those 2008 EW photos where Rob looks more like Ricky Martin than Rob LOL.

  • Maria
    Posted on September 09, 2011

    @Michelle wait until Vertigo sees the blasphemy – I’d be afraid Summit very very afraid …

  • Sue
    Posted on September 09, 2011

    Maybe Jules could ‘photoshop the photoshop’ back to perfection for us? Add in the moles, take away the eye make-up …… it is Friday after all ……!

  • Vertigo
    Posted on September 09, 2011

    I’m LIVID! WTF!! The mole is the essence of life, I can’t breathe now!

  • Maria
    Posted on September 09, 2011

    Oh dear lord – I knew you would not be happy @Vertigo!

    @Sue – good idea *smilessweetlyatJules*

  • Carolyn
    Posted on September 09, 2011

    They’ve tried to make him look more like the Edward ‘Barbie’ Doll rather than Rob. I’ll avert my eyes to the right and stare at the current mood pic, thanks @Maria! Looking forward to Tuesday though. Positive thinking “Edward scenes, Edward scenes, Edward scenes.”

  • Maria
    Posted on September 09, 2011

    Yes! Plasticward is exactly what it is … hahaha yes the mood pic really is a “cleansing” pic today – don’t say I don’t look after all of you 🙂

  • Vertigo
    Posted on September 09, 2011

    Mood pic is working, Thankyou.

  • Vicky
    Posted on September 09, 2011

    They aren’t serious are they? No really, they are not serious. They just can’t be!!!

  • Maria
    Posted on September 09, 2011

    I know @Vicky … I know

  • Martha M
    Posted on September 09, 2011

    Why would they mess with perfection??? Why???

    Loved your versions Maria with no moles and all.

  • Vertigo
    Posted on September 09, 2011

    I read the comments just now and upon seeing they used that dude from the 2008 EW shoot, it’s further confirmed the powers that be behind this juggernaut have no idea how to drive this baby home. The poster reminds me of CGI characters from Shrek ffs. It looks like something my 3 year old godson would want to watch.

  • Vertigo
    Posted on September 09, 2011

    Haha plasticward! Am just catching up sorry. I guess it took this long to calm down.

  • Carmel
    Posted on September 09, 2011

    I wonder if they look at the photos released today of Jacob and say – What the F**k have we done?

    Plasticward – LOL

  • Jules
    Posted on September 09, 2011

    *eye twitches* Seriously?? I don’t like when they do this to Robward – AT ALL. I know I’ve been guilty of over photoshopping – but I like to think that was when I started out and I’m teaching myself….I am NO expert but the above leaves me cold. Just wow. Are vampires not allowed to have moles? o.O I must have missed that memo.

    Oh and thank you for the faith – I am flattered some of you thought I could do more. haha I may just turn my attention Robward’s way soon….I know other fan artists are doing the same for this reason too. Thanks guys! xx

  • Michelle
    Posted on September 09, 2011

    LOL Plasticward *nods* Ugh I cannot believe that anyone could consider this poster as being good. It really does look CGI Vertigo, you’re right. Bad, so so SO bad. I still cannot believe they did this to Rob’s beautiful self. As we’ve already said – you don’t ever ever EVER mess with perfection.

    Mood pic – ahhh tis perfect. Thanks Maria 😀

  • Suze
    Posted on September 09, 2011

    ‘Plasticward’…priceless! I’m liking the ‘photoshop the photoshop’ back to perfection idea. 😉 *goes off to search for Jules*

  • Carmel
    Posted on September 09, 2011

    @Jules – We all know that you respect Rob’s beauty. You would never do this. Not even on your first try.

  • Jules
    Posted on September 09, 2011

    Thanks Carmel 🙂

    @ Suze LOL! *shakes head*

    Plasticward is hilarious – love it. 🙂

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