July 14th, 2011 / 12 Comments

This interview is not completely new, but it’s Rob talking so NO WAY we can ever complain. LOL, love Rob’s answers – as always! Thanks to pattinsonlife for the tip.


  • Belinda
    Posted on July 14, 2011

    Maria, your mood picture reminds me of the old Hot Chocolate song-“you sexy thing” HINT HINT

  • Maria
    Posted on July 14, 2011

    Belinda … I believe in miracles hahaha.

    Lol Rob 20 seconds is 20 seconds more than me most days.

    And Rob you don’t have to even try to be good looking – God planned it that way 😀

  • Vicky
    Posted on July 14, 2011

    I could watch and listen to him forever *sigh*. Thanks for posting Michelle.

    LOL Maria, yeah 20 seconds is too much time for me as well!!

  • Willow
    Posted on July 14, 2011

    I am so excited I have to share!!!Just came home from my fave cinema W4E closed there yesterday and I am now the proud owner of a set of 3 double sided W4E posters plus 3 smaller ones. They are soooo gorgeous. Now to have 2 of them mounted to hang on my walls. So much Rob lushousness I could sssqqqqqqqqqqqeeeeeeeee

  • Vicky
    Posted on July 14, 2011

    That is so awesome Willow, well done!!!!

  • Sue
    Posted on July 14, 2011

    Lucky you, Willow. I had to smile when I read your comment – my husband has a DEFINITE ban on ANY type of Rob posters in our home ….. can’t say I blame him, I don’t think I’d function properly if I had to pass his gorgeous face on my wall!

    Lucky for me, I still get to watch sweet videos like this one – thanks Michelle!

  • Carmel
    Posted on July 14, 2011

    Did you girls hear that? Rob likes us!!!! Well, he sort of said so – he said he likes girls that like him and I’m sure we qualify there 🙂

    @Belinda – *waves* I googled it: –
    I believe in miracles
    Where you from
    You sexy thing
    I believe in miracles
    Since you came along
    You sexy thing

    Miracles right before my eyes
    You sexy thing got me hypnotised
    Don’t stop what ya’ doing
    What ya’ doing to me

  • Carmel
    Posted on July 14, 2011

    @Willow – Be warned. Jacob on your walls can be very distracting. I know.

  • Martha M
    Posted on July 15, 2011

    Hi Belina *waves*. Hadn’t seen you in a bit. Glad you’re back.

  • Belinda
    Posted on July 15, 2011

    Willow, i’m jealous.
    Sue, I have my posters inside my wardrobe doors, makes it hard to pick clothes for the day as off to robland i go LOL
    Carmel and Martha *waves back*
    I have been very sick with flu so keeping a very low profile. Getting better now so back with a vengence!

  • Sue
    Posted on July 15, 2011

    @Belinda ….re posters inside my wardrobe ….my brain wouldn’t function properly all day! I don’t know how you do it!!! Although I like the idea of going off to Robland ….. LOL!

  • Willow
    Posted on July 15, 2011

    Ah well I live alone 🙂 and the cat doesn’t mind what I put on my walls so long as he’s fed. I have the Remember Me poster framed on the wall in my craft room. Still tossing up just where I can put Jacob. My bedroom perhaps……..

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