June 8th, 2011 / 12 Comments

I’ve been waiting for an article to put all this together.  Michelle told me yesterday that Rob even made page 2 of  one the Tassie papers on how he saved the MTVMAs.  It’s no news to us that Rob’s entertaining, hopefully the SNL producers will pull their fingers out and really make an effort to entice Rob to host.  Rob c’mon you have to realise now that people get your humour … give us what we want.   This according to “The Stir

“Silent, smoldering type Robert Pattinson and his uncharacteristically crazy stunts single-handedly saved last night’s MTV Movie Awards from becoming a giant snore, and now I can’t wait to see more of Edward’s wild side! Not that I don’t love Pattinson’s sultry, wordless gaze or that sexy, long-suffering pout, but who knew this guy could give a boring awards show such a powerful shot of adrenaline? [Maria: We knew – no surprises really for us fans – hell Vertigo and I even predicted he would kiss TayTay]. He’s funny, in a totally not-trying-to-be-funny way, has an air of unpredictability that’s just dangerous enough to keep us on the edge of our seats, and apparently has no qualms about kissing his male co-stars (read on!)[Maria:  Vertigo do you think she’s hacked into our emails – it’s almost word for word what I said re Little Ashes]. These are my picks for Pattinson’s Top 5 MTV Award Show-Saving Moments:

  1. RPatz drops the F-bomb on Reese Witherspoon. The presentation of a lifetime achievement award or, as MTV calls their version, the Generation Award, is usually beyond dull. But thanks to Pattinson’s endearing screw-ups, including flubbing jokes and laughing at his own inability to ad-lib as instructed by the teleprompter, Reese Witherspoon had quite the racy award-acceptance experience. Best part? The censors weren’t prepared when Pattinson wrapped up his anecdote about shootingWater for Elephants with Reese by saying, “But I did f–k you.” So the slip aired live! [Maria:  Rob this was PURE GOLD!]
  2. Pattinson plants one on Taylor Lautner. Yeah, we were all soooo surprised when Robert and Kristen Stewart won for Best Kiss (again). But before we could even start to yawn, Pattinson declared he didn’t “feel like kissing” Stewart and dashed off the stage into the crowd to give a big sloppy kiss to “someone who would appreciate it more” – Taylor Lautner! Priceless. Check out the video! [Maria:  Click on The Stir hyperlink if you haven’t seen it]
  3. Robert accidentally announces co-star’s pregnancy. When Pattinson, Xavier Samuel, and Bryce Dallas Howard (Victoria) stepped up to the mike to receive the award for Best Fight, it wasn’t immediately obvious that Dallas Howard is pregnant (empire waist dress, flowy fabric, you get the picture). Then Pattinson put the trio’s awkward banter to an end, responding to Dallas Howard’s faux apology for trying to hurt Rob on film by saying, “That’s ok, I ripped your head off … and now you’re pregnant!” Whoops! Cut to Kristen Stewart’s jaw dropping.  [Maria:  No he didn’t I heard the was pregnant a few days before]
  4. Pattinson disses Zac Efron on the sly. Accepting his award for Best Male Performance from Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis, Pattinson expressed I’m not worthy surprise by giving a shout-out to his fellow nominee: “Zac Efron was crying and stuff in that little clip!” Nice.  [Maria:  I personally loved this dig.]
  5. Rob lets Taylor take over. In a classic display of life imitating art, poor Jacob lost award after award to Edward. So it was a classy and generous gesture for Pattinson to give Lautner sole control of the mike for the Best Picture acceptance speech. (Good thing Gary Busey was stuck in that bubble, or he probably would have stolen the spotlight!)?”  [Maria:  Rob is always classy]

Thanks to StrictlyRobPattinson for the tip.

  • Vicky
    Posted on June 08, 2011

    The only confusion for me is why people are so surprised. We keep telling them how talented and funny Rob is. Maybe now they’ll start to take notice!!!

  • Cindy
    Posted on June 08, 2011

    @Vicky and Maria Yep ITA ! Rob was on fire and all he had to do was be Rob. These awards would have been thier usual sucky yawn fest w/o Rob there. And like you Maria I had read elsewhere that Bryce was pregnant so dont know where that came from!? Zefron too funny! and yes class all the way is Rob always has been always will be people.

  • Michelle
    Posted on June 08, 2011

    Exactly, why are they so surprised? Have they had their eyes & ears closed until now? It’s about time they finally caught up & realised what we have always known – that Rob is hilarious. So naturally funny, he doesn’t even have to try. He’s just being his wonderful self. Rob you are absolute gold. I can never say that enough. Come on SNL people – get your act together!!! Just the thought of Rob on SNL makes me do a happy dance.

    Thank you Rob for making this snoozefest of an awards show so BRILLIANT. The 2011 MTV Movie Awards was The Robert Pattinson Show this year & didn’t we LOVE every minute 😀

    Oh & I agree Maria about Bryce, Rob didn’t announce her pregnancy, we already knew. Oh & that dress, yeah still obvious she is pregnant sorry. Rob all class – ain’t that the truth – always!

  • Carmel
    Posted on June 08, 2011

    I’m still smiling from all those classic Rob moments.
    The man is a comic geniis. Even if he doesn’t know it.
    That body of his can be so so sexy and his eyes, nose and lips are each works of art beyond compare. But he can also break into a geeky run – a la Dali – or move his limbs in some kooky fashion and he becomes very slap stick.
    Rob can reference wonderful obscure authors and make me swoon and he can be stupidly unpredictable and have me in real belly laughs at his audacity.
    So for us fans, it of no surprise that Rob saved the MTV awards. He really is the complete package

  • Sue
    Posted on June 08, 2011

    Totally agree Carmel….. everything about him makes me smile!

    Loved the article too ….. summed up what we all think!

  • Sare
    Posted on June 08, 2011

    Yes he definately saved MTV’s arses! I dont’ remember anyone else being funny at all.
    They dont realise how funny he is because people won’t pull their heads out their arse and realise he’s not the brooding, pouty edward in real life.
    I would love Rob to do SNL. SNL, just think of your rating rise if you get Rob on your show!

  • Val
    Posted on June 08, 2011

    Beautiful words Carmel. btw I love you all for unintentionally brightening up what was turning out to be quite a rubbish day for me. (Don’t know if i’d have smiled today without being privy to rpau’s Rob & all your love for him. I feel privileged to be a tiny piece of this loving community xx)

  • Dell
    Posted on June 08, 2011

    He’s just so natural in spite of everything. Nothing contrived that’s what I love.

  • Carmel
    Posted on June 08, 2011

    @Val – RPAU is essential on crap days. May it’s force be with you.

  • lise-lou
    Posted on June 08, 2011

    So true Val and Carmel RPAU is the BEST place to be when the clouds roll in 🙂

    Aw Rob was just magic and this was just him letting loose a little bit, the man doesn’t have to try which makes him even more amazingly talented 😀

  • Val
    Posted on June 08, 2011

    Thank you @Carmel, @lise-lou. You all rock. Rob rocks. Little bliss moments in the day 🙂 Smirking at the thought of the rest of the world realising (through an award show not normally worthy of his presence) just how much more than Edward, Rob actually is. They didn’t want to see it before, but now through him just being him…..they do. Hurrah!

  • Martha M
    Posted on June 09, 2011

    ITA 100% with all of you, Rob was the MTV Movie Awards. He was brilliant!!!!

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