June 6th, 2011 / 19 Comments

Rob accepting Best Male Artist

Rob Wins Best Fight (LOL Rob)

Best Kiss – this is priceless & Vertigo we were right he was going to kiss TayTay!!!!

It won’t let me embed so click on the pic

Rob presenting Generation Award to Reese – absolute GOLD!!!!  Rob did you just do a Ricky Gervais?

Thanks RPLife for the tip

Added: DailyMotion version thanks to myrobaddiction

Rob presenting Reese her Award by myrobaddiction

Yeah thanks MTV for making sure noone of the vids are available outside the US because clearly Rob only has fans there … anyway here’s Rob, Taylor & Kristen’s intro for the trailer


Let’s see how long this one stays up

  • Vicky
    Posted on June 06, 2011

    I love that he is always surprised to win these things. He is just adorable!!!

  • Vicky
    Posted on June 06, 2011

    LMAO, the best kiss acceptance is priceless. Way to go Rob!!!!

  • Nicole
    Posted on June 06, 2011

    Rob is such a crack up – in the acceptance for the fight scene – “I ripped your head off and now your pregnant”. Ha, ha, ha. He’s just too adorable for words.

  • Cindy
    Posted on June 06, 2011

    Onya Rob!! YES!!!

  • Sue
    Posted on June 06, 2011

    Love it! Best Kiss response was awesome!!! Only Rob! Hope we get to hear the Rob/Reese exchange … sounds pretty funny!

  • Sare
    Posted on June 06, 2011

    LOL Taylors such a good sport. It seems you have to keep on your toes when robs around. Never know whats going to happen!

  • Vertigo
    Posted on June 06, 2011

    LMAO Maria! It’s like we wrote the script.

    Tay Tay will never go back after this … lucky bugger!

  • Sare
    Posted on June 06, 2011

    LOL @vertigo. What are u implying dear? And rob said he’s not cut out for snl…

  • Maria
    Posted on June 06, 2011

    LOL @Vertigo – I know – I swear when I saw what was happening i thought I was dreaming it – it’s exactly how we said he should do it!! Rob – you really are reading this blog aren’t you!!!!

  • Vicky
    Posted on June 06, 2011

    OMG I just watched Rob presenting the generation award to Reese, that is brilliant. He really was in rare form today!!!

    LOL Maria a “Ricky Gervais”. We can but hope for his sake!!

  • Maria
    Posted on June 06, 2011

    @Vicky he was priceless …

  • Cindy
    Posted on June 06, 2011

    Yep@Maria and Vicky today was jsut another example of why I fucking love Robert Pattinson He kicked arse with his brilliant humour I cannnot stop smiling…

  • Maria
    Posted on June 06, 2011

    I’ve posted it on the site @Sue and welcome back!

  • Val
    Posted on June 06, 2011

    you said it Maria, GOLD!!! what a hoot!

  • Carmel
    Posted on June 06, 2011


    I can’t see it! Not happy MTV

  • Sue
    Posted on June 06, 2011

    Thanks Maria ….. classic Rob! My dentist was a little concerned at my smirking this evening, but I just couldn’t get Rob’s comments off my mind!

    Two weeks without WIFI nearly killed me …. so great to be back and catch up with Rob, Jacob, Eric, Edward…..! And you guys, of course! Well done!

  • lise-lou
    Posted on June 06, 2011

    OMFG this man is too freaking amazing for words! I can’t stop grinning his speeches are absolutely priceless and I love him even more for it. Seriously I can’t stop laughing. Thank you so much for the updates throughtout the day Maria they kept me going until I could get home and lets say it was defiantely worth the wait. He is absolute GOLD this man 😀

  • Michelle
    Posted on June 06, 2011

    Hahahahaha oh Rob I LOVE you. Gold, just absolute GOLD!! SO good to be able to see these AT LAST 😀

    Rob so reads RPAU & so saw your comments Maria & Vertigo hahhaha. LOL absolute gold. Taylor you are one lucky lucky man!!

  • Maria
    Posted on June 06, 2011

    I’ve had to say this repeatedly today but please do not discuss Rob’s personal life on our site – we never have and we never will.

    Don’t be offended when your comments are not approved


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