June 2nd, 2011 / 37 Comments

MTV have released a teaser – we can’t see it outside of the US, but here it is …


Thanks to pattinsonlife for the tip!

  • Meagan
    Posted on June 02, 2011


    Oh god oh god oh god oh god look at him…look at everything, oh god…oh god…going to hyperventilate oh god!

  • Cindy
    Posted on June 02, 2011

    Mmmm yes well…. We will see

  • Caro
    Posted on June 02, 2011

    Rob in a tux can never go wrong..

    Its a shame the book is such a monstrosity.

    Like Cindy said, we will see.

  • Jules
    Posted on June 02, 2011

    Bless him!! The first thought that came to mind was ‘they combed his hair’. o.O It all looks pretty though – different from the book, wasn’t the wedding all inside? Oh well – I’ll watch BD for Rob….as always with this saga. 😉 Bring on RobWard in all his furniture breaking glory.

    Thanks for posting @Maria. Hope you weren’t late for work 😉

  • Martha M
    Posted on June 02, 2011

    Yes we will @Cindy. He does look very handsome, but I just can’t get excited for this movie.

  • LTavares2010
    Posted on June 02, 2011

    Rob made my day, this year, with WFE and now I just cannot wait for the release of Bel Ami and next year for Cosmopolis.

  • Maria
    Posted on June 02, 2011

    Agree @LTav! It’s hard for me to get even remotely excited about BD – it’s Edward I know but I’d rather see Eric and Georges 🙂

  • Maria
    Posted on June 02, 2011

    @Jules I think you are right – the ceremony was indoors, but the reception was outside. Trust them to take creative license. I’ll watch Rob to support him too – but I’m really not excited – it’s impossible after this mornings Eric posts.

    LOL um I ran for the bus – *giggles* I’m here so they can’t complain.

  • Vicky
    Posted on June 02, 2011

    He does look handsome and it is Rob but that’s about it for me. I just want it over and done with now!!

  • Maria
    Posted on June 02, 2011

    Haha @Vicky I got more excited about the colour of his pants this morning than I did about the trailer. I posted because I know there are people who want to see it and get excited, but “meh”.

    It’s just a shame that they are going to drag this out for another 17 or so months. Lame really really lame and yet the Twihards accept being treated like that.

  • Carolyn
    Posted on June 02, 2011

    Awwwww Edward! How I love thee…I can’t deny that I’ll always have a soft spot for Twilight and Robward, but this doesn’t excite me as much as I thought it would. 🙁
    That said, with it being Rob, I’ll still see it a couple of times at the cinema and then of course there’s the DVDs…..Damn you Summit for milking BD for all it’s worth!!

  • Cindy
    Posted on June 02, 2011

    @Maria the twi’s are to busy screaming crying and fainting to care! And Im with you re the red jeans!! Hubba Hubba!!

  • Vertigo
    Posted on June 02, 2011

    Still waiting for the tease in the teaser.

  • Sare
    Posted on June 02, 2011

    Rob in a suit always wins.I’ll watch to support him.

  • liz
    Posted on June 02, 2011

    He certainly does rock a tux.

    But he rocks everything.

  • Brooke S.
    Posted on June 02, 2011

    Why Isnt his jacket buttoned?, so small yet it bugging me so much. Anywho, Im sad to say it, but Im looking forward to this coming to and end. They have let it drag on for way to long. <3 ROBward, but cant wait for Roberts future endevours.

  • Maria
    Posted on June 02, 2011

    LOL @Brooke I had to go back and see what you meant – yeah I blinked this morning and almost missed it. I see Edward has combed his hair for the occasion *giggles*, but yeah why is his jacket unbuttoned. Maybe we will find the answer out in the full trailer LOL.

    He is so handsome though …

  • Eloise
    Posted on June 02, 2011

    There are some people looking forward to Breaking Dawn, You all might have been back in you teenage years. Lets not crush to many sprits…

  • Eloise
    Posted on June 02, 2011

    Just as all us RPatz fans will support him where ever he goes, us Twilight fans will also support it- what ever decisions are made or how ever long we wait. I know you can all relate to that.

  • Maria
    Posted on June 02, 2011

    @Eloise – what are you suggesting that I’m too old to appreciate this film? That’s funny because all that tells me is that you are expecting that this film won’t be appreciated by anyone other than a teenager. And how is my opinion crushing their spirits? LOL that’s a little dramatic don’t you think. I’m sorry but Harry Potter are children’s books too but unlike Twilight – the studio actually put money back into them and created some of the best fantasy films to date. Maybe I just have higher standards … clearly since I’m not a teenager.

    Oh and by the way – please respect Rob on here by using his actual Christian name rather than following the sheep and calling him by that moniker because in all honesty if you’ve bothered to actually listen to him you would know that he is not a fan of it.

  • Brooke S.
    Posted on June 02, 2011

    @Maria Yeah,Im not usually so picky, but for some reason It stuck out to me like a saw thumb. lol.

    Just to confirm, my opinion about Twilight coming to an end does not translate to me not looking forward to seeing the movies.

    Also, well said in your later comments, Maria.

  • Michelle
    Posted on June 02, 2011

    SO well said Maria, with you 100%

    Yep if people actually listened to Rob for once, they would realise how stupid he thinks the name ‘RPattz’ is. Ugh I hate even typing it. We respect Rob here & therefore, it’s Rob or Robert thanks.

  • Vertigo
    Posted on June 02, 2011

    I remember when I was looking forward to BD until they confirmed Rosenberg was still on board. 🙁 Remember girls, I used to actually wave the flag and get excited but alas, my fave book of the series (Eclipse), which is mostly Eddie was ruined. It will be great to see Rob on the big screen, but honestly how much screen time will he really have? There are so many players in the final installment they had to break it up into two movies. That speaks volumes to me.
    Anyway it’s nice that there are people who can still get excited, I envy you for that. But personally I am almost peeing my pants with anticipation for the final Harry Potter which I’ll be living in less than 6 weeks. That series is class all the way and they did after all have the foresight to sign on Rob for one of the most pivotal roles in the story.

  • Vicky
    Posted on June 02, 2011

    I have to agree with you Vertigo. I was very much on board until Eclipse. It was also my fave book of the saga but the movie version left me cold and very disappointed. I will always love Rob as Edward that is a given but I am also very much looking forward to life after the saga for Rob!!!

  • Vicky
    Posted on June 02, 2011

    Oh and Maria, well said!!

  • Vertigo
    Posted on June 02, 2011

    ooh I like that Vicky. “life after the saga for Rob”. Indeed 😀 I might miss Eddie a little but we will always have Hardwhicke’s version to look back on.
    That said, I will be using all my mind power tricks to go into this movie with an open mind so I can at least celebrate Rob for investing so much of his time and hard work into the project.

    p.s. No I’m not forgetting clocktower Eddie! He was divine.

  • Maria
    Posted on June 02, 2011

    Ah yes @Vertigo – I still remember the day those pics came out. Clocktower Eddie was bliss.

    Ok I too will come and see it with you with an open mind – but I can’t promise you won’t get the same reaction from me you did with Eclipse LOL – you know it’s impossible for me to keep my mouth shut.

    I will say it again – Rob is so handsome in his wedding suit, but I’m just fearful that the only time we will really see him is during the wedding, honeymoon and birth and then a little spattering here and there.

  • Vertigo
    Posted on June 02, 2011

    LOL Maria – I look forward to your entertaining commentary while Rob is offscreen. Will be loaded up on popcorn for that one.

  • Michelle
    Posted on June 02, 2011

    Am of course really excited about seeing Rob on the big screen again but too am dreading the fact that we may have to spend the majority of the film’s run time looking at the ceiling with only little pieces of Rob in between ala Eclipse. Oh & NM of course but Eddie was meant to be gone in that one – NOT in Eclipse. Still not enough Rob for my liking in NM though!! Rob is so so gorgeous in his wedding suit, the only part of the teaser I have watched more than once- no surprise there! Fingers crossed there’s a lot more Rob in the actual MTV sneak peak. As has been mentioned already, it’s blink & you miss Rob in this clip. Not good enough. We have been so spoilt with the brilliance that is Rob as Jacob, on screen for pretty much the whole movie – the only way it should ever be when Rob is involved.

    Oh & I agree Vertigo, we can forever enjoy Rob as Eddie via Twilight – the best film of the saga without a doubt. Revisit Clocktower Eddie too of course *sigh* The day those pics came out was pure heaven 😀

  • lise-lou
    Posted on June 03, 2011

    Wow @Eloise I wasn’t aware we had all shown our ID enter RPAU. That is a large generalisation you have made there.

    We are all entitled to an opinion of course but there is no need to be offensive and make comments about people’s age. Not only is it disrespectful to the visitors to the site, but also to Michelle and Maria who put a lot of hard work into the site to ensure it is for everyone to enjoy regardless of age,sex or race. Our common interest is to support and celerate Rob’s career and there is most certainly no “spirit crushing” as you suggest.

    It is not a Twi sight and there are plenty of those out there, we come here to enjoy Rob and only Rob. We all have our favourite roles that Rob has portrayed and it just so happens that some people are over Twilight and want to celebrate the amazing roles Rob has coming up.

    Now be a good girl and run along dear….

  • Eloise
    Posted on June 03, 2011

    Well you have just lots a follower. I do think this is a great site. Your post are frequent and what you posted great (and good looking)! I won’t becoming back here.

  • Eloise
    Posted on June 03, 2011

    I wasn’t aiming what I said at the age of people.Not at all. I’m sorry if you all took it that way.

  • Maria
    Posted on June 03, 2011

    That’s okay @Eloise if you feel that only you can voice an opinion and we can’t then so be it. It was pretty obvious you did mean the age thing, but never mind … anyway I think you are probably more suited to a Twilight site than one that focuses only on Rob. Oh and don’t worry I’m not obsessed with how many followers we have and whether we are the biggest and best site – losing followers only hurts when you are relying on them to make you money – something we never set out to do.

  • Eloise
    Posted on June 03, 2011

    Like I said before. It wasn’t aimed at age. Nor was my tone the way that you have all interpreted it. I sorry if I have offend you.

  • Maria
    Posted on June 03, 2011

    @Eloise – I thought you said you weren’t coming back?

  • Eloise
    Posted on June 03, 2011

    My goodness! @Maria, I just Apologised!

  • lids
    Posted on June 03, 2011

    hmmmm…interesting…both the trailer and the comments 😉

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