May 23rd, 2011 / 9 Comments

You saw my WFE update yesterday, well according to The Hollywood Reporter WFE has now grossed $45.6 million worldwide:

Fourth was Fox’s Water for Elephants, the Depression-era drama costarring Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson, which grossed $5.29 million from 3,191 screens in 50 markets. Foreign cume stands at $45.6 million.”

And although Box Office Mojo haven’t updated their stats yet, they are claiming a US estimate of $52,428,000 which by my calculations means WFE has grossed $98,028,000 – so so close to that $100 million barrier which I will be surprised if it’s not achieved by middle of this week.  So so proud of this success for Rob.

So my question to the critics this week is “Still think Rob can’t shirk the role of Edward Cullen?”  Anyone …. what’s that I hear …  I think it’s silence.

  • Vicky
    Posted on May 23, 2011

    Yes that silence speaks volumes doesn’t it!!! This is just brilliant for everyone involved with this wonderful movie.

  • Maria
    Posted on May 23, 2011

    It is @Vicky – and I’m so happy that whenever I’v seen the film it still has loads of audience. Now if only these people had heard of Remember Me ….

  • Cindy
    Posted on May 23, 2011

    We will rejoice in watching them choke on crow and HP!!
    Suck on that ya critic bastards!

  • Val
    Posted on May 23, 2011

    Maria I saw it for a second time on Friday night (planning on a 3rd but my hubby’s questioning my sanity…)…oh the beauty…(I digress, sorry).. I can’t help feeling a little cross with that critics’ silence, in a way (even though it does speak volumes), but I’m hoping that with his next project, these humble-pie-eaters can bring themselves to actually praise Rob instead of heaping it all on the co-stars & being tightlipped about his performance? Maybe they could also watch Little Ashes in the meantime, to convince themselves they weren’t seeing things in W4E!

    Or just look at these amazing box-office stats you so proudly present us with! Thanks again Maria 🙂 *ends little rant*

  • Val
    Posted on May 23, 2011

    PS. Loads of people in the cinema I was in Fri night too. I remember the 2nd time I saw Eclipse it was just me & my friend in the whole cinema by ourselves, lol!!

  • Maria
    Posted on May 23, 2011

    @Val the critics did see Little Ashes – I don’t think you want to know what they thought of Rob’s performance in that.

  • Michelle
    Posted on May 23, 2011

    *grins like mad* I am so so happy for Rob – so very proud too *beams* Brilliant, just brilliant.

    Ah yes critics, you are so so silent now. Your mouth is chock full of humble pie. Idiots!

  • Val
    Posted on May 23, 2011

    oh really? @Maria…sounds like I dont’ want to hear it 🙁 I’m so certain I’m not biased on this one, am I? Are we? I am so thankful forever that you kept urging me to get a hold of LA. Such a moving performance. Maybe in 10 years time when Rob is still working an eclectic collection of movie roles & still pulling in millions worldwide, those critics will look back with shame. I think it will happen sooner though. Rob is unstoppable now & the calibre of his work & role choices speak for themselves. I also am thankful forever for you showing me this, Maria.

  • Carmel
    Posted on May 23, 2011

    No silence from us though. 🙂
    We get to celebrate.

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