May 14th, 2011 / 19 Comments

Yeah I know – I’m a little nerdy when it comes to statistics, takings and Rob.

According to AltFilmGuide:

“Up a solid 24% — the highest attendance increase among movies that earned more than $250k — the Robert Pattinson-Reese WitherspoonChristoph Waltz circus drama Water for Elephants was next with $640k.”

So I decided to have a look see on Box Office Mojo for their Thursday box office and WFE is still holding at no. 5.  Their latest figures are:

UK Film Council for 6-8 May (these figures are included in BOM’s figures above).  That’s pretty good figures for 2 days – the AUD is $2,016,230.

And then surprisingly I’ve checked the Aussie figures at UrbanCine and WFE is sitting at no. 5 with AUD929,094.   You need to remember that these figures are for the special screenings that were held on Friday, Sat and Sunday since the figures are up to 11 May and the movie wasn’t released until the following day here in Oz.  Wow – that’s actually pretty damn good considering not all cinemas screened it!

Can’t wait for the weekend figures to be included.  I’m off to see it again today – yeah I’m definitely contributing to it’s success.  That’s no. 3 for me and I’ve already lined up to watch next Saturday as well – looks over at Vertigo *grins*.

  • ephie
    Posted on May 14, 2011

    AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME NEWS!!!!! Thanks for doing the research @maria. It is the first time I have been interested in movie stats but hey this is Rob of course I am very interested. Can’t wait to see the Oz BO figures for this weekend.

    Good on you for contributing so much. Unfortunately this weekend is not possible for me *weepsandwipestears*. I sooooo want to see Jacob again…

  • Vertigo
    Posted on May 14, 2011

    So far so great with the figures, thanks for the update.
    Yep am definitely looking forward to seeing it again next weekend. 😀 Due to a few little obstacles, I may not get to see it this weekend, although I’ve not given up.

  • Martha M
    Posted on May 14, 2011

    @Maria thank you for the fantastic news and for your research. This is great! But didn’t we all say this movie would be epic? And it sure has been. What great news and on his birthday WOO HOO!!!

  • Cindy
    Posted on May 14, 2011

    Fantastic 🙂 Thanks for your very thorough research Maria. And what I loved seeing too when I was in Melbourne every bus and tram stop had a W4E poster. Put a big grin on my face everytime.

  • Vicky
    Posted on May 14, 2011

    Woohoo go Rob!!! How could this movie not well, it is certainly something very special. I see viewing no. 3 in my not too distant future (tomorrow in fact) 😀 !!

  • Sare
    Posted on May 14, 2011

    Thats fantastic! Awesome takings for the pre release in Oz considering i dont think it was promoted very much for those days.

  • Carmel
    Posted on May 14, 2011

    @Cindy – I wish I was seeing those posters in Sydney. The promo seems very quiet. But this movie will do well anyway because of word and mouth. Plus the reviews have been great. SMH gave it 4 stars out of 5

  • Michelle
    Posted on May 14, 2011

    Wooo hooooo oh I just LOVE seeing the film do so so well. Exactly how it deserves to do. Such a beautiful film. I have just got back from screening number 3 & I want to go again & again. Just cannot get enough of Jacob on the big screen – adore him & the film. I know where I’ll be again next weekend 😀 Thanks so much for the updates Maria, you are always so thorough & we do so appreciate it. Cannot wait to see the weekend figures.

  • lids
    Posted on May 14, 2011

    I juts c ame back from the cinema, loved the movie to bits. Can’t wait to see it again and I think I’ll need quite a few copies of the DVD

  • Maria
    Posted on May 14, 2011

    @lids that is great that you finally saw it. I just came back too (3rd time) – Rob is just so freakin gorgeous in this movie I cannot get enough of him. I just emailed the girls and said – all I kept thinking about is how great he’s going to look in Bel-Ami and how in Cosmopolis he is on the screen for almost every scene *doeshappydance*.

  • Sare
    Posted on May 14, 2011

    How lucky have we been so far this year? Although Rob has been on the go non stop we have been treated to at every turn! I love 2011 😀

  • Martha M
    Posted on May 14, 2011

    I also went to go see it tonight. I went in honor of his birthday. I think I celebrated his birthday very well. Took cake to work, and then I “HAD” to see him for his birthday. So it seems most of us saw him today. That’s awesome!

  • tessANZ
    Posted on May 14, 2011

    So fabulous to see WFE doing so well!! i just came back from seeing it with my hubby and he really liked it as well…it was his first time (my ninth!!) and he agreed with me that Rob is very reminiscent of the young Elvis. Rob IS my living Elvis!! Still mostly following him and his face all through the movie mostly but love all the scenes with Rosie and all his giggles…**sigh**
    looking forward to more statistical updates, Maria! Keep ’em coming!

  • Eloise Henderson
    Posted on May 14, 2011

    Oh My lord!
    I just saw WFE. I am speechless. I’m aware that I am stating the obvious, But that was incredible! It was perfect; the acting, the costumes, the set, the chemistry, the music, the emotions brought with it and the relativity to the beautiful book! Just Beautiful. Rob was just plain H O T. He was beautiful, charming..ugh! I can not get his gorgeous face out of my head (Not that I want nor need to..) He played the character superbly!
    It has been a favourite book of mine for years, And it is now one of favourite films!
    I wish I could tell all whom are involved with the film how brilliant I thought it was! It is a beautiful film, One that will not be forgotten. I Think I might get back into the car and see it again. Anyone want to join me?

  • Eloise Henderson
    Posted on May 14, 2011

    Well done Rob, By the way.

  • lids
    Posted on May 14, 2011

    Definitely @Maria, I have to see it a few more times, and I, like you can not wait for Bel Ami and Cosmopolis

  • Carmel
    Posted on May 14, 2011

    @Lids- that is fantastic that you have seen the wonderful Jacob now. Isn’t the movie brilliant.

  • lise-lou
    Posted on May 15, 2011

    Go for it Eloise once is just not enough!

    I love it when you get all nerdy Maria those figures are just amazing!

    So many people are talking about this movie and how they can’t wait to see it. Am so proud *sniff*

    Spent Rob’s birthday seeing it again for the third time but took 8 friends who hadn’t seen it. Loved seeing their reactions as they fall in love with Jacob and all the characters as much as I have. I have my next victims lined up for next week 😀

  • Val
    Posted on May 15, 2011

    My BFF & I went to see it last night & were both duly blown away by Rob, and the movie itself. So so lovely. I too, will be heading back to the cinema asap to contribute the box office stats 🙂 Dirty Rob = bliss 😛

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