April 28th, 2011 / 9 Comments

Oh I’ve already asked @GQAustralia what photos they were looking at and have provided them with evidence they are wrong, but according to GQAustralia, Rob’s style at the New York premiere of Water For Elephants only deserves a “B” .  What the hell – no seriously I tweeted them the photo I’ve posted after the article and asked them to show me where his hair is oily.  Not happy Jan.  Not happy at all – especially since you didn’t even bother using a photo that shows his entire head of hair!

What he wore: Pattinson wore a pre-fall 2011-12 wool fine check suit with white dress shirt, burgundy silk tie and black lace-ups, all from Gucci.

Where: At the world premiere of Water for Elephants in New York.

GQ evaluation: Although Pattinson has chosen well with this subdued ensemble from Gucci’s pre-fall collection, the overall look is somewhat spoiled by his unkempt and slightly oily haircut. Great winter textures though, and let’s face it, when you look like Robert Pattinson, you can get away with a messy fro every once in a while.

GQ grade: B (A for the outfit, minus a C for the haircut = B)”

Hmmm I don’t see nothing wrong …

Oh and since when did we Aussie’s start calling autumn “fall”.

  • Vicky
    Posted on April 28, 2011

    I beg your pardon GQ, a B??? What the f!*# is up with you people??? I think you should be making those optometrist appointments ASAP because you have some serious issues happening there!!!! A “B” *shakeshead*, well that’ll do me.

  • Vicky
    Posted on April 28, 2011

    Oh and don’t even get me started on the “fall” business!!!

  • Amanda
    Posted on April 28, 2011

    It’s just a fashion term. Designers call their lines Fall/Pre Fall so naturally GQ will too. Although greasy hair? It’s just a bit of product

  • Maria
    Posted on April 28, 2011

    Thanks Amanda I knew it was a fashion term, but let’s face it – it’s an Aussie magazine that caters to Aussie readers, we never needed to conform before. We would still understand “pre-autumn collection” I doubt the designers would be miffed by our terminology.

  • Michelle
    Posted on April 28, 2011

    *steam comes out of ears* Seriously GQ, I don’t know what the HELL you are looking at but it ain’t Rob. Oily hair???? I have no words to describe how stupid that statement is, not to mention rude, Whoever wrote this, you need glasses & NOW!!! Seriously what on earth is wrong with the people of today???

    Fall *rolls eyes* – yeah we’re in Australia – NOT America.

  • mema
    Posted on April 28, 2011

    GQ really B ?what with u people he is Flawless oily hair? oh im so sorry maybe the glasses r oily this time so they see it OILY
    its something bad and untrue about him when people will see him i mean see him not just a good looking man see him like we did as i say Flawless

  • ephie
    Posted on April 28, 2011

    Oh @maria have I told you before how much I love you? I am elated that you tweeted them about this and stood up for Rob. The statement is 100% wrong and they should retract it!!! God you guys are amazeballs and you keep proving it every day!!! Rob should know how lucky he is to have you in his corner!!!!

  • Sare
    Posted on April 29, 2011

    *shakes head* Obviously have NO idea

  • Carmel
    Posted on April 29, 2011

    Are they F*ing kidding?

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