March 16th, 2011 / 26 Comments

MTV you certainly know how to spoil us.   They’ve decided to list 10 of their favourite Rob quotes and like they say – who knows what is going to “pop out” of Rob’s mouth during the 30 minute interview on Friday.  Squee I can’t wait.  To see the full article, click on the link plus they have a few of Rob interviews that load, but I’ve just posted this first one from Comic-Con in 2008 – the black shirt gets me every time.

and the top 10 quotes are:

“10. “This is the first time, really, that I’ll be confronted with a bunch of Twilighters. I guess I can see for myself. But I’m kind of nervous about it.” — At Comic-Con in 2008

9. “The worst part is you’ve got to work almost every single day, which is something I’m never going to get used to.” — On the downside of being Edward Cullen, at the Los Angeles premiere of “New Moon”

8. “I didn’t see Taylor until just a little bit before we started shooting. When he came back, I had the same reaction as everybody else. I was like, ‘Jeez, now I have to go to the gym!’ — Speaking to MTV Radio about seeing Taylor Lautner’s pre-“New Moon” physical transformation for the first time

7. “It made me feel really tough, really hard. I don’t think I’ve ever won a fight in my life.” — On winning Best Fight with Cam Gigandet at the 2009 MTV Movie Awards

6. “To be honest, I should’ve been nominated in a few more categories.” — On “New Moon” only receiving five noms at the 2010 MTV Movie Awards

5. “Before ‘Twilight,’ I did any movie that I got [offered], and you’d try and make the best of it afterward. But now you’re expected to come into the movie and provide not only economic viability, but also a performance as well. You can’t just mess around. People are like, ‘We’re employing you to be here, as a star and an actor.’ It’s difficult, and it’s scary.” — On thepressures that come with superstardom.

4. “The idea of kind of doing this big romantic kiss, like Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams did [for ‘The Notebook’], I couldn’t do that. I’d be so embarrassed! So I just thought, ‘We better do something dumb.’ But then Kristen didn’t want to do something dumb!” — On his awkward smooch with KStew while accepting the win for Best Kiss at the 2010 Movie Awards

3. “I love how they release that for the first one. They just give it all away.” — Speaking at the Golden Globes about the publication of a photo ofEdward and Bella in bed on their honeymoon

2. “I like the story about me being pregnant. It was in some Australian magazine, on the front page! I was like, ‘Wow, that’s just [insane].’ And it’s not even ironic. I don’t even think the article [tried to justify it]; it was just a headline. The article was just like, nothing.” — On the strange things he learns when Googling himself

1. “Lot of my crack in it!” — On his onscreen nudity in the upcoming drama, “Bel Ami”.”

Thanks to Roberta for the tip.

  • lids
    Posted on March 16, 2011

    He is soooo sweet, I cant wait fir the interview either. It’ll be a blast 😀

  • caro
    Posted on March 16, 2011

    Oh Maria, the pretty just keeps on coming!

  • Martha M
    Posted on March 16, 2011

    He’s just too adorable and too cute. @Caro you’re right the pretty just keeps coming and even prettier. @Mara thank you for sharing.

  • Martha M
    Posted on March 16, 2011

    Ooo loving the mood pic and the fave pic.

  • tessANZ
    Posted on March 16, 2011

    Aww, gorgeous!
    love everything that comes out of his mouth!!

  • ephie
    Posted on March 16, 2011

    This is a real treat having all these quotes listed together like that…he is just too precious isn’t he?
    Thanks for posting this @maria it’s a great way to start the day!

  • Vicky
    Posted on March 16, 2011

    Love the quotes and love the interview!!! He looks shellshocked at the beginning of the video after that first Comic Con appearance. FYI Rob, it is most definitely not the character that we adore, it is YOU!!! Also, if you did take off your shirt, i’m not so sure those screams would die down, just sayin.

    Thanks Maria.

  • Martha M
    Posted on March 16, 2011

    @Ephie he sure is. He’s beyond precious.

  • Martha M
    Posted on March 16, 2011

    @Vicky I agree with you 100%. Yes Robert it’s YOU, you not Edward we love. I also doubt very much that the screaming would stop if you took off your shirt. Wait hmm….maybe the screaming would stop, because everyone would faint!

  • Vicky
    Posted on March 16, 2011

    LOL Martha, I hadn’t thought of that. You may be right!!!

  • ephie
    Posted on March 16, 2011

    Agree with you 100% girls – it is Rob we love not just Edward.

  • Maria
    Posted on March 16, 2011

    LOL @Martha absolutely true – the screaming would stop at the sound of a collective “THUD”

  • Maria
    Posted on March 16, 2011

    @Vicky I have a photo of Rob that I never post from backstage at this Comic-Con – “shell shocked” is one way to put it – I know it’s hard to tell what is happening from a 1 sec glimpse but the word “stressed” definitely comes to mind.

  • Cindy
    Posted on March 16, 2011

    I am all for leaving the shirt on! Espec if its that black one and the sleeves are pushed to his elbows!!. Thanks for posting Maira just adorable ox

  • Vicky
    Posted on March 16, 2011

    That would be an interesting photo. I really feel for him. I think that was his first real glimpse of the madness and he must of been wondering what he got himself into.

  • Carlisa
    Posted on March 16, 2011

    Awww,could he get any more adorable? His giggles and smiles are infectious *staresatscreengigglingandsmling*

  • Val
    Posted on March 16, 2011

    @Vicky, yes it must have been more than a little scary for him, especially being the gentle soul he is!

    Girls, I just had to share with someone who doesn’t think I’m mad, my cousin gave me my belated b’day prez today…she just got back from hols in USA and guess what I am holding in my hands?! *squealing&dancing* Directly imported VF Rob is so beautiful, lol xxx

  • Martha M
    Posted on March 16, 2011

    @Val conratulations. Isn’t he though? Just amazing. Happy belated birthday, I hope it was fantastic. I’m thinking it was, look at the great prez your cousin got you. God bless her.

  • Martha M
    Posted on March 16, 2011

    @Maria lol, but don’t you think he would prefer the thud sound to all the screaming crazies???

  • caro
    Posted on March 16, 2011

    oooh ladies my copy of WfE arrived today! I got a text from my stepdad “have you been buying more bloody books again” Lol. Its so so tiny though!

  • Michelle
    Posted on March 16, 2011

    It has been SO long since I’ve watched this Comic Con interview. Oh how I love it. So many great moments in the little snippets after too – LOVE them all & the quotes. Love everything that comes out of Rob’s mouth & am SO excited about the upcoming interview on Friday – cannot wait 😀 Seeing Rob on both MTV & on Leno is definitely helping me through this long & tough week.

  • Vicky
    Posted on March 16, 2011

    *fangirlingandsqueeing* I found a very attractive British man in my letterbox today!!!!! Ok, ok it wasn’t the real thing but sooooo exciting, my Vanity Fair arrived today, woohoo. Thanks so much Martha.

  • Martha M
    Posted on March 16, 2011

    @Vicky that’s great. Great to know Rob isn’t lost some where and that he’s in good hands. Enjoy 🙂 , and you’re welcome.

  • Val
    Posted on March 16, 2011

    Thanks @Martha M! Yes i did have a great day; was same day as all the new W4E trailer & pics etc – it really was like these girls & Rob knew it was my birthday, lol! My cousin didn’t even laugh at me that much 😛 I think you’re such a gem to supply the VF to the girls on here. I had resigned myself to wait til next month when it comes to our shores, so I’m feeling very lucky right now to have a great family 🙂

  • Carmel
    Posted on March 16, 2011

    These quotes are so much fun. I love MTV for doing this.
    I’m not sure I have seen this entire interview before. It was lovely hearing Rob talk about his music at the end. ITA – That shirt is delish on him but I wouldn’t mind seeing it off either.

  • mema
    Posted on March 17, 2011

    Maria i watch the vedio last night and it make me laugh for half hour i love when he say about his movie BELL AMI and the artical about his been pregnant this man so funny i love him so much and gays u all luck to have vf i dont have it lost in the mail 🙁 but its ok i will tray again to have the issuo one more tray

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