Okay the post title is not verbatim, but DJ Pangburn from Death+Taxes Mag had this to say about Rob and Cosmopolis (Note: *spoilers after the cut*). I just love me favourable articles:
“Don DeLillo’s “Cosmopolis†is a vintage, icy satire.  It might share the NYC setting and financial playground staked out by Oliver Stone in “Wall Street,†but whereas Charlie Sheen stands at his balcony and asks, “Who am I,†Eric Packer looks at his skyscraper penthouse from the street below and remembers, “I want a haircut.â€
And so begins Packer’s Ulyssian odyssey through Manhattan as a 28 year old billionaire hedge fund manager, who’s made his money in tech stocks, and has an almost abstract-nihilistic approach to life and business.
Packer is, for all intents and purposes, an example of the Cartesian cogito ergo sum made flesh.  The reader of “Cosmopolis†gets the impression that Packer might have sincerely tried to infuse meaning into existence, and simply discarded the notion when intellectual or financial excellence revealed no greater truths.
In fact, in the early chapters, there is no greater meaning to be derived from Packer’s existence or existence, in general.  He reads poetry to hear his breathing and marries a poet and heir to a European banking dynasty, even though he thinks she’s a shit poet and he doesn’t need the money.
He is situated somewhere between Bud Fox, who was born with ethics and morals, and Patrick Bateman, who was seemingly born empty like Ted Bundy. Whereas Fox and Bateman exist on different polarities of ethics and morality, Packer bursts onto the page in the opening chapters and seems unconcerned with either philosophy.  In fact, he seems to have more in common with, say, Bernie Madoff–who hasn’t expressed any ideology one way or another about his actions.
Everything in existence, whether biological or digital (like illuminated stock numbers), is merely a projection of a life without meaning for Packer. Â But it becomes apparent, as the novel progresses, that Packer is not simply some simple projection of post-modern nihilism.
With that in mind, is it possible for Robert Pattinson to pull of a character that can so easily descend into caricature?
My guess is that he could possibly pull off Packer’s icy, intellectual arrogance, as well as the threads of emotion running underneath the character’s veneer.  Perhaps Pattinson was who Cronenberg needed to greenlight “Cosmopolis,†although I have a hard time believing Cronenberg would crumble to studio pressure on casting.
Whatever the case, the field of actors at the appropriate age is limited.  Who wants to see James Franco in another project, and Ryan Gosling is too obvious a choice for this role.  The fact that Juliette Binoche and Mathieu Amalric have been cast will surely help raise Pattinson’s game.
If anyone can make Pattinson into Packer, it will be Cronenberg.”
Thanks Roberta for bringing this to our attention. I think Roberta is officially our Cosmopolis corerspondent! Oh and if you want to discuss, I moved the discussion thread to the films  page here (scroll down to Cosmpolis) and we are in the process of doing discussion threads for WFE, B-A and BD – I think there is a slight tussel between Vertigo and Lise-Lou over Bel-Ami hahahaha.
Very interesting article. Thanks for the posting Maria and Roberta for the tip!!
told you Packer is a difficult character! rob can pull it off though.
Of course Eric Packer is a complex difficult character. that is probably why Rob said yes to the role!!!!! But I personally think his roles as Dali,Toby and even Edward are and where just as complex and difficult.
Very interesting article @Maria, but I think if anyone can turn into Packer it’s Rob. And I think Cronenburg saw that in Rob, and that’s why he chose him. Not because he could turn him into Packer, but because he saw Rob’s talent and new he could be Packer. I mean I know you need a good director to make a good movie, put if the talent isn’t there then it really doesn’t matter. Just like he brought Edward to life (I know enough of Eddie) but honestly I don’t think anyone else could have done it and Catherine saw that Rob was Edward and she didn’t have to try to convert anyone into him. He was him. And Cronenburg saw Packer in Rob and also knew he didn’t have to convert anyone or try too. Smart directors. I just wish everyone else could see that he truly has this amazing talent and he could play anyone, and be fantastic doing it. People wake up and see the talent. Can’t wait for this movie. He’s going to be brilliant.
Interesting @Cindy, but I think Eric will be a whole different level of complex. I never really saw Edward as that complex and to be honest and I don’t think Meyers has the ability or is capable of creating characters on par with DeLillo.
Oh so true @Maria. My comments also where a more civil reply to the one above me. 🙂 I was wondering “who” she told it to.
@Cindy I remember that @aph kay made that comment when the news first hit of Rob being involved in Cosmopolis – truth 😀
Oh indeed @Maria! Who could forget! As well as the “other” comments :{ ! Gosh you girls have had to deal with some “different” people on here over the years! LOL!!
I believe Rob and Cronenberg have the stones and the chops to pull of the many layers that is Eric.
Rob will be bringing his A game and the fact that Croneberg wants to work with him speaks volumes. I know his work and he only casts according to vision, not to be geenlit and all that jazz.
It’s exciting to watch these people in the biz perk up and smell the talent.
Thanks for this interesting article.
I have complete faith in Rob – not a doubt in my mind. Ain’t that the truth Vertigo, the fact that Cronenberg called Rob just says it all. He’s a very smart man & knows talent when he sees it. All these people who have doubted Rob in the past will soon be eating that humble pie. Oh I SO cannot wait. Thanks for posting Maria.
Thank you Maria!
I surely loved this article, so far was the most well writteb of them all. I’ll gladly keep an eye on the news about this movie, which you all already know I’ll be crazy to see. Just like Vertigo said I believe both Rob and Cronenberg have the right marbles to give this Eric character more than a pretty face. Plus, Robert knows already this will be his first very different kind of character: no romantic hero there, which of course I love too, but here, Robert can really build his future with Cronenberg complicity, of course. Michelle, mee too… I cannot wait for this one!!!
Cronenberg knows his stuff such an awesome opportunity for Rob he will be amazing.
Lol @ Maria don’t worry vertigo and I will settle this like ladies *does some stretches* lol