February 18th, 2011 / 31 Comments

So as I mentioned yesterday, we thought we would do a post that is basically a discussion thread for Cosmopolis.  Your thoughts on the book, which scenes you desperately want to see, maybe what you don’t want to see.  Now I know this book is sometimes slightly graphic so all I’m going to say is – don’t think I won’t moderate because I will.

So for those who don’t want any *spoilers* or who haven’t quite yet finished reading the book, DO NOT CLICK on “more” until you are ready to come in and chat.  Oh and perhaps you might all want to bookmark this post because I don’t want to sticky post it and it will, of course, disappear down the page with post updates (I’ve added a new category called Discussion Thread that you can also find under categories in the sidebar search bar.)

3, 2, 1 ….

So basically I thought I’d start it off with my initial opinion of what I thought as soon as I finished reading the book.  (PS.  Michelle, Vertigo, Lise-Lou and Roberta this might sound familiar to you)

What can I say.

I can so see Rob doing this role, but I’m a little nervous for him – more so because the haters will jump on anything that they will see as not being convincing.

One of the scenes I’m hoping will be in the final movie is when he completely comes apart during the funeral procession – I really want to see Rob do that.  I will be disappointed if it’s not included.  Oh I might also want to see the laying down in the street during the filming – there’s something cathartic about that scene.  Knowing Rob it will be tastefully done.

Oh and I kept telling the girls – I want to see Rob stick his head outside the sunroof.   LOL it’s funny what things you hone in on when you read the book that you want to see.  I know this isn’t considered one of DeLillo’s best works, but there is something gritty about it and I can see why Cronenberg would want to do this.  I’m expecting it to be more arthouse than not so hopefully I wont’ be disappointed.  The ending is what I kind of expected, although I suppose you can make the ending anything you want.

You so know that I’m going to be doing a post title called “My Prostate is Assymetrical” – yeah I think Michelle, Vertigo and Lise-Lou got sick of receiving emails with that subject line.

Am so looking forward to seeing how this turns out.  I love that Rob doesn’t do typical Hollywood films and I love Cronenberg for having the faith to suggest this role to him.  He clearly sees something in Rob that other dimwits don’t.  I read  that he had wanted Sissy Spacek when she was an unknown to be cast in one of his first films – he clearly has a keen eye for talent.  I also read that Cronenberg was slated for the original Total Recall but left due to differences – so I suppose it’s sweet justice that he replaced Pfftarrell so quickly with Rob given the reason he jumped ship.   Gotta say I couldn’t see Pfftarrell doing justice to this role, but that’s just me I’m not a fan.

As you know, I’ll definitely have more opinions  because I wrote the above  literally as soon as I finished the book.  There are of course other scenes I want to see, but I want to give you all a chance.  Remember there is no wrong opinion here – except for anyone that comes in and says Rob’s crazy for doing this – yeah – you have been warned.

Oh and just a little warning – if you are going to quote lines from the book you might have to edit otherwise your comments will possibly go straight into spam if they contain swear words like “I want to bottle *&!@ you with my sunglasses on” or something like that seeing as I’m trying to remember it and it might not be verbatim.

Over to you …

  • Vicky
    Posted on February 18, 2011

    I am so looking forward to seeing Rob in this role but i’m a little scared for him as well. I have no doubt he can pull it off but I wonder whether people will really give it a chance. Cronenberg is a brilliant director and it’s definitely a meaty role.
    I loved the funeral pocession scene when Eric finally lets his emotions take over. I can’t see how they could not have this in the final cut.

    I’m going to go there now, I am curious as to how they will handle the whole Dr’s exam scene and all that entails. How they will show the connection without the physicality will be interesting. I do think this movie may shock many of Rob’s fans who only see the pretty and not the talent. I suppose only time will tell.

  • Maria
    Posted on February 18, 2011

    ITA @Vicky – it’s a pivotal scene and I can’t see how they could leave it out. I know there were comments from people who have said they weren’t sure how some of the scenes would translate to movie, but all I kept thinking about were Peter Greenaway and Pedro Almodovar movies whenever I read this book. Don’t ask me why but I did. As for shocking his fans, I love the fact that Rob has the guts to do this film, and there’s a small part of me, no actually a large part, that wants to believe he is really doing this to rid himself of the “Twilight” albatross that is around his neck. I know I know – it’s Twilight that helped him get roles like this, but in actual fact it’s Rob’s talent that made directors notice and take a chance – after all that’s what Hardwicke did.

  • Vicky
    Posted on February 18, 2011

    I agree Maria, i am happy that Rob wants to take on these roles and extend himself beyond the boring cookie cutter roles. He is definitely shaping one mighty fine career with his choices. As for breaking away from the saga, this will certainly do that and I agree with you, that may have been a part of his decision to take the role.

  • ephie
    Posted on February 18, 2011

    I so agree with both of you girls. It will shock a lot of his fans – mainly the teens – but it is a very gutsy move on his part and if it all goes well it will give him a lot of cred. He will be able to prove to his critics that he is so much more than Edward Cullen. You are right @maria Twi is indeed an albatross around his neck although we must be grateful for it – it brought Rob to us after all!!
    I can’t wait to read the book – the more I read about it the more intrigued I am. Did you like it ladies?

  • Maria
    Posted on February 18, 2011

    @ephie I knew of Rob before Twilight – Rob actually brought Twilight to us. I didn’t know it existed until Rob’s involvement happened. I really believe too that I wouldn’t have bothered to watch the films if he wasn’t in them. They aren’t really what I go and see. I mean the only Harry Potter movie I’ve seen on the big screen is GoF (I know Vertigo I know). So although I can’t thank Twilight for introducing Rob to me, I can be grateful that it opened doors for him far more easily than might have happened, but I think if Rob had persevered it would have happened eventually anyway 😀

    I wouldn’t say it’s one of my faves, but I liked it. It’s definitely not a fluffy read.

  • Vicky
    Posted on February 18, 2011

    I had trouble getting started with it ephie. It’s not something I would normally have chosen to read (Rob is certainly making me broaden my horizons). Once I got into it I really enjoyed the book. I had never read any of Don Dellilo’s books before so had no expectations. He really draws you in and creates the scenes. I would definitely read more of his work.

  • Maria
    Posted on February 18, 2011

    @ephie did you end up finding a copy? I heard today that Angus & Robertson went into administration – not surprising since most people now buy online or download ebooks.

  • Vicky
    Posted on February 18, 2011

    ITA Maria. Twilight sped up the process for Rob so i am grateful for that. I had seen GOF but Twilight was my proper intoduction to him. There is no doubt in my mind it would have happend even without it.

  • ephie
    Posted on February 18, 2011

    Thanks for your reviews on the books girls. It sounds like something I would not normally have gone for and i thought exactly the same @vicky – Rob is definitely helping me broaden my horizons too.
    @maria I have just placed an ofder through qbd online along with the Ballad of the sad cafe and Kill your friends.

    @maria you are lucky you knew of Rob before Twi. I did not and though I liked the HP books I did not really like the movies so I did not go see them. So I am really happy that Twi brought Rob to me and it really was a fluke because I am not into vampire stories at all. LOL! It was fate…it was meant to be…

  • Michelle
    Posted on February 18, 2011

    I really enjoyed Cosmopolis ephie. It is definitely like nothing I have read before – so interesting & gritty. It took me a while to get into it but once I did, I found myself so drawn into the story, especially the second half. I love that Rob has introduced me to so many new things over the years & LOVE LOVE LOVE that he chooses quality roles, ones that challenge him & are meaty as opposed to the rubbish certain other actors choose to do. He’s fussy with his roles & won’t do something unless he believes in it. If only all actors were like that. Am preaching to converted I know.

    I’m really looking forward to the funeral precession scene as well & agree – it MUST be in the movie. It’s such an important part of Eric’s story. I also really liked the laying down in the street part too. Cathartic is the perfect word Maria & of course as you said, with Rob involved it will be very tastefully done. Oh & I really was glued to the pages during Eric & Benno/Richard’s confrontation at the end of the book. That part was SO gripping. This is one of the parts I will be most looking forward to on screen. I of course have every faith in Rob & know he will portray this complicated & layered character that is Eric Packer brilliantly, but am worried for him too in regards to people just dismissing him before they’ve even seen him in the role. These haters LOVE to hate as we know all too well. I am hoping that they will finally get it through their thick skulls that Rob is NOT Edward Cullen & there is so much more to him than this one character. It’s time they opened up their eyes & saw the brilliant talent that he possesses. Really people – it is more than time. It’s his talent that’s gotten him to where he is NOT Edward Cullen. I hate how they define him by this character. They really do forget (or choose to forget) that he was around a long time before Twilight, that many of us have loved him & appreciated his brilliant work ever since GOF in 2005. I’m of course grateful that his involvement in Twilight has opened some doors for Rob – but I know he would have got there anyway. How on earth could he have not?

    Hope you can find a copy of the book ephie. Amazon definitely have it if you haven’t managed to find one yet 🙂

  • ephie
    Posted on February 18, 2011

    Thanks @michelle – as you can see from my previous post I just ordered it online so I should get it soon.
    Yep! you are preaching to the choir here as far as Rob’s ability and talent and the way he goes about choosing his roles.

  • minette
    Posted on February 18, 2011

    hello girls!
    I’m one of those “scared”..when Rob said that en the GG red carpet, I thought that he said “yes” to Cronenberg, before reading the book, Rob is a person who likes to understand the story, feel the character in himself…but this is a eccentric and peculiar story, nothing is normal, nothing that you want to do in the same way that Eric Packer did……
    why a young, healthy, intelligent, clever and brilliant man, some day decides to make several choices that leading him to waste everything, even his life,,, every single part of the story, is OK, but together it result an unbelievable argument. why he did’nt stop? I think that the No Return point, is when he kills Richard, everything before was possible to carry on,,,, but a death, is a burdensome….Since that moment the book is unbereable for me….he insist in find the way to the end…
    I tell you, I cryed rivers during the last meeting with Beno….the shot in the hand…..I felt the pain….but even in that moment I dreamt a second chance for Eric….but De Lillo make us that joke…the end of the story,,, in the middle of the book,,,,gahhhh is not fair…..

    I really like that nearly the end, although the scenery is surrealist, he found Elisa, and they were able to stay together, and Eric in one moment felt something deep about her, that was a way out that Eric nonchalantly disdain like he did all that day with every little or big thing….
    As you say Maria, the only moment that he allowed himself to show an emotion and only because the feeling was so strong to hide, is during the funeral, in that moment we can see him like a human , the only moment, I think…

    sorry if sometimes you don’t understand,, I have to search some words in the dictionary….
    I hope to continue with the comments,
    and know what you think about the opinions…….

  • Roberta
    Posted on February 19, 2011

    I thin Maria you mainly said it all and very well indeed! You know already how crazy I am about Robert being in this project. He will do a magnificient job and will nail the character unless Croonenberg will lose his mind. To me, Robert is simply perfect for the role and this guy needs a break from romantic hero role, which I need to tell I wonàt mind. I love him whatever choices he makes. He needs to try it all! Of course he needs a huge director behind him, Well, Cronenberg can be that director.
    The scenes you mention Maria are ‘must see’ seen as well as the last one you mention… I just need, need to see what will be the look in his eyes when he will say those words. Call me sick!
    Cannot wait to hear all about this film! I loved the book especially when I started seeing Robet as Eric….

  • Roberta
    Posted on February 19, 2011

    Sorry for the typos ladies… Maria I forgot to say I think you have chosen the perfect picture to portrait Eric, just perfect look! And by the way…My prostate is asymmetrical is simply an adorable quote, darling!

  • Roberta
    Posted on February 19, 2011

    Hey by the way, can you ladies picture this Mathieu Amalric guy for the part of Benno Levin? I do… having seen him in so many movies play the villain, I know he can easily play someone not entirely there in his right mind…just my two cents…

  • Martha M
    Posted on February 19, 2011

    OMG girls, I can’t wait to start reading it. For a fact I will start tonight. I’m so intrigued, and excited, and I’m kind of scared too. I have never seen Rob play anything, but a nice guy, sometimes a little tortured, but always a decent human being. So this will be so different for him and for us. To see him in a role where he won’t be that nice guy or have that touch of innocence. Because I always see some innocence in all his roles up to now, even as Georges, because in the beginning of that book, I felt Georges was kind of innocent or maybe it was his lack of experience to real life. But that would be a whole other discussion thread. But you are all right, this movie I feel and hope will break him out of Edward’s shadow. Because he certainly is so, so much more than just a beautiful vampire, and he will be proving this to the whole world in this role. I thought he already had done so in RM, but not a whole lot people gave it a chance. Hopefully this will be different. I am nervous and like a said a little scared, but if someone can play this character and pull it off, it’s Robert that can do that. I have all the confidence in him that he will portray Eric like no other would be able to do. Wow I’m so excited to start reading, and be able to talk to you girls about it and know exactly what you are all talking about. Maria this was a brilliant, awesome idea. Thanks.

  • Maria
    Posted on February 19, 2011

    Roberta I just saw your email and I’m assuming you meant you were wrong about who Mathieu was playing. I think he’s going to be the bodyguard that gets killed – Torval, but I was right about Juliette – I was hoping she would be Didi – oh no wait I wanted her to be the one in the limo – I can’t remember her name – but it makes sense that she’s Didi. Will go post the story you sent us 😀

  • Maria
    Posted on February 19, 2011

    @minette I think you have covered everything perfectly. This book does not make the emotions you felt whilst reading it easy to express and to be honest – everyone’s reaction is completely different. DeLillo shows how the excesses of Eric’s life make his entire life surreal. He is so used to being in control, and yet everything that surrounds him is completely out of control. I have to say I was completely taken by surprise when he shot Torval – I was not expecting that.

    Oh and I want to say – I want to see Rob with his half haircut too.

  • Carmel
    Posted on February 19, 2011

    There is no way I would have picked up Cosmopolis based on any blurb about it. The goings on of the stinking rich couldn’t interest me less. But DeLillo writing is so beautiful and surprising in direct contrast with the disconnected character of Eric that I wanted to take this journey with him and hope he can be redeemed… and get his hair cut.
    The Doctor’s exam had me cringing, and wondering how it was going to translate to film. But I agree it is pivotal and sets the uncompromising tone of the whole story. It also shows that Eric is as disconnected with himself as he is with everyone else… and ‘My Prostate is Asymmetrical’ LOL.
    For me, the most exciting part of the book was the conversation in the limo with philosopher (sorry, can’t remember her name off hand). Here we get into Eric’s head and see his search for a meaning has been sincere and aggressive (we also know about his meditating room that shows a level of self awareness that he doesn’t take into his RL). The fact that the past and future are simply not real gives him the permission to do such extraordinary things – taking it to its most extreme killing his bodyguard. He believes he has given his bodyguard a real moment. Death is not unwelcome to Eric, not because he has nothing to live for, but because it is the ultimate ‘now’ experience. This idea fits in very nicely with a chapter in another book I am reading at the moment, A Short History of Nearly Everything. By Bill Bryson (I fully recommend this one too)
    Rob will be superb in this role. I see a connection between Eric and other roles that Rob has chosen. Eric is, at his most simple, someone that doesn’t fit in or connect with society by his own choice. (Dali, Edward, Tyler, maybe Georges). But it is a completely grown up role and much of the media likes to pigeon hole celebrity, so I expect some negativity, to the subject matter and to Rob playing Eric. I think Rob will be very comfortable to rock that boat. He knows what he is doing. I do hope Cosmopolis is more of an art house movie as Maria suggested. I am skeptical about Hollywood’s ability to make it without compromising. It will be interesting to see if Rob needs to impart all his thoughts simply, without words or there will be a voiceover dialogue of what is going on in Eric’s head.

    Ephie – The Ballad of the Sad Café is a brilliant read. I’m sure you will love it.

  • Michelle
    Posted on February 19, 2011

    Rob with half a hair cut – me too Maria. Speaking of the hair cut, another part of the book I enjoyed was the conversation between Eric, the barber Anthony & then also Eric’s driver Ibrahim. Oh & I was so shocked when Eric shot Torval too – I really did not see that coming. I had to go back & re-read to make sure I’d taken it in right.

  • Vicky
    Posted on February 19, 2011

    Eric shooting Torval was a shock and I definitely didn’t see that coming. The way Eric’s mind works is what i found most intriguing and ultimately what drew me into the story.

  • Michelle
    Posted on February 19, 2011

    Me too Vicky re: Eric’s mind. He is such a complicated & interesting character & that completely drew me into the story.

  • Roberta
    Posted on February 19, 2011

    Yeah Maria… you’re right I was wrong but still I could see so well Mathieu laying the lunatic … still he’s such a good actor he can play whatever rhey ask him to. Juliette is perfect as Didi, i would imagine Cronenberg chosing someone younger and quite less intriguing to play Eric’s wife… I’m so happy about Binoche since she has got a stare which can easily keep up with Rob’s one!

  • ephie
    Posted on February 25, 2011

    Hi all, just wanted to comment on the latest article that @maria posted today on Cosmopolis. It is good and has me even more intrigued about the book now! I can’t wait for it to arrive in mhy mailbox.

  • Maria
    Posted on February 25, 2011

    @ephie it’s a promising article that not everyone will or has written off Rob. I’m looking forward to hearing your opinion once you’ve read the book 🙂

  • Vicky
    Posted on February 25, 2011

    It is good to hear that there are people who will give Rob in this role a chance. I love the description of Eric as someone with an “abstract-nihilistic approach to life and business”. I really do think this is a perfect description of him.

  • Lynne
    Posted on March 01, 2011

    I’m thrilled to see this project realized. As a 40 year old Robert Pattinson fan, I’ve long awaited his performances in more mature material. Cronenberg’s movies definitely qualify, not to mention the source book. Based on Cronenberg’s past films, particularly “The History of Violence,” I am confident that this is going to be a great vehicle for Robert to grow and shine. Cronenberg himself shines a bright light a person’s struggles against himself and the world around him in all of his films, but always in an intimate and quiet way. You watch his characters silently, but intensely fight with themselves and are amazed at how so much is translated to the audience with so little. Not to be too presumptuous, but this focus on personal struggles may be what attracted Robert to the project, as well. Of course, the chance to work with such a brilliant director cannot be passed up. I agree with you all that it’s a risk, but what’s life without them? If director and actor can both pull it off, what a great opportunity for Robert to reach his goals and silence all those “haters.” All the best to you all……

  • Maria
    Posted on March 01, 2011

    thanks @Lynne – how great is it going to be to silence those “haters”. There will be some who will still criticise because of their ignorance but hey at least we know his capabilities! Good point about Rob possibly being attracted because of the struggles …

  • Carlisa
    Posted on March 09, 2011

    I’ve literally got a minute….I just got to the part when Eric shot Torval. I think I actually heard the gunshot I am so enthralled. This is definately not the type of book that I would read normally, but from the get go I was hooked. I am so proud of Rob for choosing to work on a story like this. It will definately weed out just the Twilight fans and bring to the forefront Rob fans old & new.

  • Carmel
    Posted on March 09, 2011

    @ Carlisa – The book will keep you enthralled to the very last page. I’m about to start it again and I’ve never re-read a book so soon.

  • Carlisa
    Posted on March 10, 2011

    I just finished, I’ve been up since 4.30am. I read “….waiting for the shot to sound.” then turned the page,nothing, then turned the next page, nothing, turned back two pages, read the last paragraph again. What?
    Why do I LOVE that Rob will be doing this movie, even though it’s the most bizarre story that I have ever read. I’m excited for him. My emotions are a little frazzled at the moment, the outcome was somewhat unexpected, although really I should have been expecting it. This is Rob after all. I can’t imagine how this movie will be received, especially with Rob in the role as Eric. I absolutely imagined him playing in every scene. He’s perfect for this role. But the average movie goer and reveiwer, eh I don’t know. The true critics will probably love it. They’re usually a little off centre themselves.
    I need to go and have a coffee, sort my thoughts out, then discuss properly. I’ll be back.

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