February 4th, 2011 / 15 Comments

This isn’t new, Michelle’s posted it before, but it’s a slightly smaller version and somewhat a little clearer.


Here’s the one we’ve had for awhile – it’s kind of HQ but not very clear

Oh I’ve dreamed about Rob and Nic doing a film together – this might be as close as I get lol.  Thanks to pattinsonlife for the tip.

Here’s a few more that I have from that day that I love …

  • Martha M
    Posted on February 04, 2011

    @Maria I love those too. He has such a rosy glow to his face. Thanks for my mid day picker upper. I’m tired today.

  • ephie
    Posted on February 04, 2011

    The third one (the close up looking straight at us through the cam) is…WOW!! Thanks for posting these @maria, we don’t see them often and I don’t really remember seeing that one before. Great start to our Friday!

  • Vicky
    Posted on February 04, 2011

    I haven’t seen that first one before so it was a lovely surprise. So young and so beautiful!! Thanks Maria.

  • Willow
    Posted on February 04, 2011

    AAHHH Rob you are just what I needed.
    Thank you all so very much for your thoughts and prayers. Yasi brought us what was the scariest night of my life but I now have power again and indeed we faired pretty well. No loss of life (touch wood), personally no damage to my or my families homes just a few leaks and some garden/fence damage but that’s fine.
    It is truly amazing how adversity brings out the best in people and we are a resilient bunch.
    Thank you all again and I love you all so much. XXXXX
    (And Rob of course!!!)

  • Maria
    Posted on February 04, 2011

    @Willow I’m very very happy to hear that all is okay 😀

  • Vicky
    Posted on February 04, 2011

    Glad to hear that you and your family are ok Willow!!

  • Vicky
    Posted on February 04, 2011

    Sorry about the double post. Damn work computer!!!

  • Maria
    Posted on February 04, 2011

    It’s ok @Vicky I’ll delete one.

  • Michelle
    Posted on February 04, 2011

    I just adore the pics from Collectormania. Love the first one & also the 3rd & 5th ones are ultimate faves. So so beautiful! Thanks so much for the revisit Maria 😀

    I am so glad to hear all is OK Willow. I have been thinking of you all so much.

  • lids
    Posted on February 04, 2011

    @Willow, so glad you and your family are Ok, the main thing is no lives were lost.

  • ephie
    Posted on February 04, 2011

    @willow, what a relief it must have been for you…I am glad you are all ok. Take care xx

  • Carmel
    Posted on February 04, 2011

    @ Willow – I’m so glad to hear from you. From all reports it seems like that was night of nightmares. It was amazing that no lives were lost and I even heard that 3 babies were born in evacuation centres. Big Hugs

  • Willow
    Posted on February 04, 2011

    Thank you everyone. Yes @Carmel it was a night of nightmares. So extraordinary that amid all of the fury that we have been blessed with 3 babies and no life lost. God smiled. I can say I believe in rainbows and there was a beautiful double rainbow in the sky on tuesday just passed.
    Again thank you all for your caring. You are beautiful souls. XXX

  • minette
    Posted on February 04, 2011

    happy to know about you Willow, thanks God the situation is not that bad as we could expect….hope the good weather come back soon!!!

    I love so much this pics!!1 is funny, yesterday I was sailing in my beautiful Rob’s pic… just on this ones!! hahahah!
    Maria.. we were in the same oasis!!!!

  • lise-lou
    Posted on February 05, 2011

    Good to hear all is well Willow! Hope it doesn’t take long for you guys to get back to normal.

    A couple of all time faves in this post. So pretty…

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