January 17th, 2011 / 15 Comments

Thought I would start a new post for these HQ beauties. Apologies if there are any repeats in this post but seriously, as if any of us are going to mind. This is quite a large post everyone so get comfy – you might be here for a while.   How amazing has today been. I cannot wait to do the full catch up.  All thanks once again goes to pattinsonlife/RPLife.  Rob you are just so beautiful – beyond words beautiful…..

  • lise-lou
    Posted on January 17, 2011

    I think I just drooled….really!

  • Sonja Hodzic
    Posted on January 17, 2011

    I feel little dizzy.

  • Vertigo
    Posted on January 17, 2011

    It’s a feast I tell ya!

  • foobs
    Posted on January 17, 2011

    Dear God…..I can’t breathe…

  • Vicky
    Posted on January 17, 2011

    Oh my, I have no words!!!

  • angel
    Posted on January 18, 2011

    Beautiful man!!! Love the suit/tux great look!!!
    Love you Rob.

  • ephie
    Posted on January 18, 2011

    Words fail me…
    all of these should come with a warning…

    Thanks for keeping it going @michelle, this day has been epic!!! xoxoxo

  • Roberta
    Posted on January 18, 2011

    I’m still having problems finding the words… I’m totally stunned by his beauty. You’re right Michelle: Rob is simply a beautiful man. Period!… And by the way: right choice there with the blu tux Rob! That’s awesome just like you!!!

  • Roberta
    Posted on January 18, 2011

    ROBERT wore a Gucci Made to Order midnight navy Marseille grosgrain peak lapel one button tuxedo with custom white dress shirt and midnight navy tie.
    THUD! It’s Guggi again and really looks fabulous on him! I’d say Gucci is really perfect for Robert.

  • Ansu
    Posted on January 18, 2011

    no words really! Just amazingly Beautiful!

    I second what Ephie said – definitely should have had a warning sigh! 😉

    Mega huge thanks for sharing 🙂

  • caro
    Posted on January 18, 2011

    That suit is tailored so perfectly for him. I forget how tall and lean he is.

  • caro
    Posted on January 18, 2011

    Apparantly the Bieber was hiding underneath Olivia’s dress..Just repeating what I heared 😛

  • Maria
    Posted on January 18, 2011

    Oh I just didn’t have the energy to look at these last night. I think the only reason I slept was from sheer exhaustion of looking at Rob for almost 11 hours straight. C’mon you know someone had to do it and I’d put my hand up every time LOL.

    Thanks Michelle

  • Cindy
    Posted on January 18, 2011

    These are just fantastic..sigh.. Thanks Michelle! xo I reckon this suit makes his eyes look even bluer.

  • Maria
    Posted on January 18, 2011

    @caro just thank God you didn’t have to watch the red carpet arrivals – the host on the livestream I watched asked everyone if they were more excited to meet the beebs or De Niro. I so wanted her to ask Rob but their live feed was cut before Rob arrived – thankfully I might add. The pimping of the Bieber yesterday was shameless – I am convinced that somewhere in the world there is a naked Ken doll.

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    Release Date: 31 January 2025 (US). | Post-Production since 22 December 2022. Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

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    Release Date: Screened at TIFF Sept 2019 | US 18 Oct 2019 - DVD releases at Film Page - click News below

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