January 6th, 2011 / 10 Comments

And we ain’t complaining.  Some of these are HQ’s of the previous pics Maria has posted & there might be a few doubles.  As if anyone is going to mind though.  Thank heaps to our elite affie pattinsonlife.

  • Carmel
    Posted on January 06, 2011

    These are so lovely to come home to. #2 is drop dead gorgeous.
    Also, thanks for taking one for the team today, ladies. It sounds as though sitting through the whole awards was very painful. I get to see your lovely edited versions. Thank you.

  • Michelle
    Posted on January 06, 2011

    Pleasure Carmel 😀 Seeing Rob made it all worth it. Only thing I hate is that he had to endure it all.

  • Martha M
    Posted on January 06, 2011

    Michelle, I would have never watched either if it wasn’t for Robert. I was embarrassed just watching all that stupidity. But he was so worth enduring all that nonsense. He looked amazing, so stunning, beautiful, elegant, gracious. He is a total classic gentleman. And God I love him. Queen L take a lesson and leave the ghetto at home.

  • Martha M
    Posted on January 06, 2011

    @Michelle and @Maria, thank you so very much for posting all these breathtaking pictures of beautiful Rob, and so quickly. You girls are truly AMAZING!

  • Michelle
    Posted on January 06, 2011

    He truly is a gentleman Martha M. Such a gem & I just adore him beyond words. So so very special, that’s why I HATE seeing him being treated badly. Some may say that it was all in humour but sorry I see nothing funny about making fun of someone – NOTHING. Especially when that person is Rob & I know you all feel the same. Rob was pure class through it all & handled himself brilliantly – as he always does. These morons could learn so much from him – so so much.

    Our pleasure Martha M re: pics 😀

  • Martha M
    Posted on January 06, 2011

    Of course I feel the same way Michelle. That was so rude. I’m telling I was so embarrassed for her, I didn’t think she was funny at all during the whole show. She could have really hurt someone’s feelings and self esteem for using them as one of her jokes. I know Rob will put that behind him, because he and all of us know, he is so much more then she is.

  • Cindy
    Posted on January 06, 2011

    Im still trying to figure out why he even had to go!?

  • Cindy
    Posted on January 06, 2011

    Fabulous pics to girls, sorry just really pissed off with QL at the moment *SDB!!!*

  • Maria
    Posted on January 06, 2011

    Agree @Michelle there is nothing funny about trying to humiliate someone in front of millions of television viewers around the world. It just show how unintelligent she really is – if that was the best she could come up with thinking on her feet. It was crass and offensive and yes I know like I said I’m very protective of him, and he’s a big boy, but it’s supposed to be “entertainment” and there was nothing entertaining about the way she treated all three of them. Perhaps because she has a stage name she forgets that people actually do utilise their real christian names in that industry. Queenie if you happen to be lucky to get the chance to speak to them again … just remember it’s Rob, Kristen and Taylor. In the words of Ali G “R.E.S.P.E.C.T”

  • Val
    Posted on January 07, 2011

    The pics are lovely as always, thanks for your hard (ahem) work bringing them to us! I thought everyone might’ve been exaggerating about Queenie….then I watched the vids…for shame, that was a terrible & embarrassing performance by her!

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    Release Date: 31 January 2025 (US). | Post-Production since 22 December 2022. Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

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    Director: Christopher Nolan
    Release Date: 26 August 2020. For DVD release dates head to our dedicated film page by clicking "News" below.

    The Lighthouse Role: Ephraim Winslow
    Director: Robert Eggers
    Release Date: Screened at TIFF Sept 2019 | US 18 Oct 2019 - DVD releases at Film Page - click News below

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