January 6th, 2011 / 14 Comments

Yes I know I’m a little protective of Rob, but seriously … this is not humour.  Making fun of the way someone speaks, that is a GUEST to your country, is all kinds of wrong.  I would love to see Queen Latifah’s face if I was to go ballistic on her accent.  Yeah that’s what I thought.


and thankfully no Queen talking here.

Thanks to our affie StrictlyRob for the vids! You are awesome.

  • Michelle
    Posted on January 06, 2011

    Queen Latifah (yes Queen of RUDE), you disgust me. Making fun of someone’s accent is not funny – it just makes you a moron. Seriously what the hell is wrong with you! How could anyone ever be rude to Rob – how? You are so gracious Rob. Seriously you deserve a medal for putting up with these imbeciles.

    Rob you are so so adorable. Thanks Strictly Rob & Maria for posting.

  • lise-lou
    Posted on January 06, 2011

    She aint no queen! Just sayin…

    Rob you are adorable and funny as always, I could listen to him talk all day 🙂

    Thanks for the great coverage girls!

  • robmusement
    Posted on January 06, 2011

    I agree that the way Queen L acted was ridiculous.

  • LTavares2011
    Posted on January 06, 2011

    The more important thing as that Rob laughed, laughed at her face. I love him.

  • Michelle
    Posted on January 06, 2011

    Rob will be having the last laugh that’s for sure!!!! Stupid woman she is.

  • Cindy
    Posted on January 06, 2011

    Oh dear god! How stupid and rude are you! This made me gringe! Rob you are such a class act to put up with such crap.

  • Maria
    Posted on January 06, 2011

    @robmusement – it was awkward for Rob – what else could he do but laugh, but it didn’t look like Rob’s real laugh.

  • Vertigo
    Posted on January 06, 2011

    What the hell was THAT?!! Don’t tell me, she,s not getting another second of my time. What’s left of this day has all been put aside for the real star of the show, which btw is very evident in the last vid. I know it goes without saying.

  • Carmel
    Posted on January 06, 2011

    That was sad. That wasn’t comedy. It wasn’t even Rob’s accent. It just showed her ignorance. It was like doing a southern accent describing a New Yorker.
    Also talking to each of them as though they WERE their characters was kinda silly.

  • Michelle
    Posted on January 06, 2011

    I agree Carmel, calling them by their characters names was just insane & so damn rude. Whoever let her host the show – BIG mistake!!

  • Meagan
    Posted on January 07, 2011

    “Thanks so much for the phone….I uh…I think i broke it already…” hahaha that was so cute!

  • aph kay
    Posted on January 07, 2011

    who cares about that fat ass who think is a comedian? who cares?
    i loved rob’s subliminal wardrobe message: hi i’m rob pattinson and i’m dressed like i dropped out to buy cigarettes because that’s how much i value this circus.

  • Maria
    Posted on January 07, 2011

    LMAO @aph kay so very very true.

  • Caro
    Posted on January 07, 2011

    I wonder what the American press/public take on her presenting ‘abilities’ was

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