December 24th, 2010 / 9 Comments

When Carson Reeves does a review, I usually listen.  Carson wasn’t wrong when stating that The Social Network was one of the best scripts and now Water For Elephants is listed  as No. 2 on his Top 10 Scripts of the Year (I say “his” but I have to say I’m not 100% of Carson’s gender).  I love that he says: “The biggest surprises for me were scripts like Water For Elephants, Untitled Chef Project, and Drive, all of which I was reluctant to pick up because the subject matter didn’t interest me. Yet once I opened them, the characters drew me in like a champagne sunset on a 70 degree July night.”  Yeah I’ve never heard him say that about a Twilight script … oops I said that out loud right.


Genre: Period Drama/Love Story
Premise: (from IMDB) A veterinary student abandons his studies after his parents are killed and joins a traveling circus as their vet.
You know, this is one of those scripts that shouldn’t have roped me in the way it did. It’s basically a love story. But the great thing about Elephants is that it’s a love story wrapped in a loony dangerous unpredictable package – the Bizarro World version of Titanic. Not to mention it has the best villain I’ve read all year hands down (can’t wait to see what Waltz does with it). You’re not going to read anything like this again for a long time.”

If you want to check out the other scripts on the list, click on hyperlink above.  And if you, like me, love great cinema, then I recommend you read The Black List which Carson posts every year – it’s a list of the best unproduced screenplays, and I told Vertigo and Michelle the other day that I’m silently praying that Rob was at Dreamworks discussing “Welcome to the People” a few months back.  I know it’s just speculation on my part, but I think it’s perfect for him.  Rob will you just give us our Christmas present already and tell us what you have lined up post BD!

  • Michelle
    Posted on December 24, 2010

    Ooohhhhh I love when Carson reviews Rob’s movies & the fact he has ranked W4E at number 2 – smart man. Love what he has written, especially this part “you’re not going to read anything like this again for a long time” Carson definitely knows a quality script when he sees it, that’s for sure. All these reviews & articles build my excitement even more for W4E – oh how I cannot wait to see it.

    I agree about ‘Welcome To People’ Maria – it does sound perfect for Rob. Please let us know what you have planned for after BD Rob – please. We cannot wait to find out what brilliance you have in store for us next 😀

  • Vicky
    Posted on December 24, 2010

    It so good to see W4E getting such great press. Carson definitely knows what he is talking about so this makes these comments even better!!! I’m am so excited to see this movie, i just can’t wait!!

    Had a read about ‘Welcome to the People’, have to agree, Maria I think it would be perfect for Rob. Fingers crossed we’ll hear something soon!!!

  • Martha M
    Posted on December 24, 2010

    Tsk, tsk @Maria what’s with the Twi-nonsense??? Ha, ha, ha.

  • ephie
    Posted on December 24, 2010

    Thank you so much @maria for posting this. I was not aware of Carson Reeves and he/she sounds like someone who knows what they are talking about and has done their homework. Thank goodness!!! I will certainly have a look at “Welcome to the People”. I am sure you guys are right if you think it would be perfect for Rob…
    Yes – please please Rob – stop the suspence and give us a hint already.

  • LTavares2010
    Posted on December 24, 2010

    Thank you for the tip, @ Maria. I gave a look at the site and it is very interesting,. It is on my list now.
    About Rob and his new projects, since now, I am already excited to know about the films he will be making in 2011, at least one for a big studio or a small film in Europe. Rob participating on film festivals with Bel Ami, and WFE , will be nice too. I prefer seeing him busy filming new projects and doing promotion for solo projects than seeing him tired doing those promotional tours for the Saga.

  • Carmel
    Posted on December 24, 2010

    Once again, W4E has impressed. Even great actors can’t make up for a bad script. It looks all the stars have aligned for Rob on W4E.
    I am about to have a hoard of relatives descend on my house for 24 hours and I may not be able to check in. So let me take this opportunity to wish all my RPAU family the best of Christmas days. I love you all so much and this is really my refuge. Big, big hugs.
    I don’t believe it. There is the doorbell now.
    Ho Ho Ho lovely ladies.

  • Vicky
    Posted on December 24, 2010

    Right back at ya Carmel!!! *big hugs*

  • Michelle
    Posted on December 24, 2010

    Big big hugs right back at ya Carmel. Have a wonderful Christmas day with your family 😀

  • Maria
    Posted on December 24, 2010

    @Carmel have a wonderful Christmas with your family – it’s times like these that make us appreciate what we have and of course this lovely home from home where we all share our appreciation of one of the best gifts from God – a little cliched but oh so true.

    Have a fantastic time @lids and to everyone who has wished us a Merry Christmas – may you all enjoy this time with family and friends.

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