December 9th, 2010 / 13 Comments


Well I don’t know if I would say “lucky” because they did willingly spend $80,000 for a chance to meet Rob and so luck really has nothing to do with it.  According to ET:

“One lucky fan spent a whopping $80,000 Wednesday to meet Robert Pattinson on the set of ‘The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn.’

The winner will travel to Vancouver where they’ll be hosted at the Four Seasons along with three companions. Then, they’ll travel by limo to the ‘Breaking Dawn’ set, where they’ll have a meet and greet with Rob, who portrays hunky vampire Edward Cullen in the hit series.

The prize was offered on to raise funds for the GO Campaign, a nonprofit group that supports grassroots projects for orphans and vulnerable children globally. The $80,000 bid is the highest bid ever for the GO Campaign.” (my emphasis added)

I’m not sure I can put a pricetag on Rob for me he’s priceless, but I’m not surprised that Rob attained the highest bid ever.  Raising funds for the GO Campaign is wonderful and full thanks should go to Rob for agreeing to be part of this fantastic cause.  Thanks also to our elite affies pattinsonlife for the tip.

  • Martha M
    Posted on December 09, 2010

    Maria I agree 100% with you, he totally is priceless. But yes I guess I would call it luck. Lucky that she/he had that kind of money to bid.

  • ephie
    Posted on December 09, 2010

    WOW this is shaping up to be a great Rob news day!!!
    Yes @maria he is definitely priceless!! Brilliant result for the charity and what a great way for Rob to contribute.
    And OF COURSE Rob would be the one to get the highest bid EVER…no surprises there.

  • Martha M
    Posted on December 09, 2010

    @Ephie totally agree 100% with you too.

  • Michelle
    Posted on December 09, 2010

    Rob is priceless that is for sure, so very special. Definitely no surprise that he was the one to get the highest bid ever. Such a brilliant cause. Rob you are a true gem in this world.

  • Vertigo
    Posted on December 09, 2010


    So proud of Rob for getting involved. Xoxox

  • Carmel
    Posted on December 09, 2010

    This is wonderful news. May i also say that the fact that Rob keeps his support for the causes he truly connects with – gives that support more value. Both financially and morally. I know there has been some rumblings that Rob should use his celebrity more. This record breaking event should shut up those fractions.

  • foobs
    Posted on December 09, 2010

    Wow what an awesome bid! Lucky ladies who get to meet Rob! And how sweet is Rob for being part of this great cause…

  • Sare
    Posted on December 09, 2010

    *grumbles* lucky so & so

  • Vicky
    Posted on December 10, 2010

    Sooo worth every penny!!! It would be nice to have that sort of money.

  • Sonja Hodzic
    Posted on December 11, 2010

    Great cause and I am so glad that Robert is the part of it. Of course , he is the first , he is really priceless.

  • lise-lou
    Posted on December 11, 2010

    So now you know why I have been AWOL from RPAU for the last few weeks. Been working so hard to earn that $80,000 LMAO!

    I mean just imagine…..

  • Maria
    Posted on December 11, 2010

    @Lise-lou I understand it’s for you and 3 friends “waggleseyebrows” so when are we leaving?

  • lise-lou
    Posted on December 12, 2010

    lol @ Maria aw you know I would take you Michelle and Vertigo in a heartbeat!

  • Leave a Reply

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