September 26th, 2010 / 20 Comments

Hehe how great was Vertigo’s little tease.  Yep you guessed it, today marks the start of Little Ashes Golden Years Week.  You all know how much we adore Rob as Salvador Dali. I truly could go on forever about how BRILLIANT his performance is in this beautiful film. I’ll never forget the way I felt when I first saw the film & Rob still completely blows me away each & every single time I watch.  Such a powerful, breathtaking & moving performance.  To get us started here is a little something I put together featuring some of my fave moments in no particular order, via pics & gifs.  Enjoy everyone, I am so excited about celebrating Rob as Salvador with you all this coming week.


  • Aeren
    Posted on September 26, 2010


  • Vertigo
    Posted on September 26, 2010

    I adore you for making these beautiful gifs Michelle. So many moments to cherish from this movie, so so many.
    I still shake my head when I hear Rob saying that had he known so many people were going to see Little Ashes, he would have done more to bring him to life (paraphrasing). Leave it out Mr humble because when I walked out from seeing this the first time, I was shellshocked by Rob’s brilliance. Maria witnessed my speechless-ness in real life. Not pretty right. It still effects me to this day.

  • Michelle
    Posted on September 26, 2010

    Pleasure Vertigo 😀 I had such a wonderful time making them. So so many brilliant, beautiful & touching scenes.

    Agree with you completely. The first time I saw the film it’s all I could think about for weeks. Rob, you did not need to do one teeny tiny thing different in this film, your performance is absolutely SUPERB. Takes my breath away each & every time.

  • Maria
    Posted on September 26, 2010

    LOL Vertigo – I do remember and I told you you would be speechless! I still remember the tears in my eyes when I found it on the net early last year – remember Michelle – we were on MSN and I said – OMG Michelle I’ve got to go – here’s the link – see you in 2 hours and I was NOT disappointed. It took us forever to get the Australian distributor to do a limited release and I’m so glad they eventually did.

    The regulars here know exactly how much this movie means to me. Viva la Rob!!

    Thanks Michelle and in the words of Dali/Rob: “Bravo Bravo Superb Superb”!!!!

  • Michelle
    Posted on September 26, 2010

    Indeed I do Maria 😀 OMG that day is on my list of ‘one of the best days EVER’ I could not believe it was on the net for us to see. The film unfortunately was never shown on the big screen down here for me (stupid Tasmanian’s) but the fact that it was shown in selected cinemas in Australia just makes me more happy that I can ever express in words. Thanks Maria, how I love that line.

  • Malisa
    Posted on September 26, 2010

    i haven’t seen ‘litte ashes’ yet but i’ve been wanting to for ages now

  • Michelle
    Posted on September 26, 2010

    Malisa you MUST see it & asap. I cannot stress enough how BRILLIANT Rob’s performace is & how beautiful the film is. It will take your breath away & stay with you forever.

  • Vicky
    Posted on September 26, 2010

    Even with my adoration of Rob I put off seeing this movie until earlier this year, WHAT AN IDIOT I WAS!!! Rob was absolutely brilliant as Dali, no other way to describe it. I have been trying to get my friends to watch it too, wthout much success at this point, but that’s definitely their loss!!! Cannot wait to see what the rest of the week has instore for us but I just know it will be awesome!!! Thanks Michelle for sharing this gorgeousness!!!

  • Vertigo
    Posted on September 26, 2010

    I’m with you Vicki, their loss not ours.

    If anyone has not had the opportunity to see it, please do make the time, move a mountain or whatever it takes to see it. There are honestly no words that can do it justice. None.

  • Renee
    Posted on September 26, 2010

    I certainly have a soft spot for this film. And Robs performance is truly amazing from start to finish. These gifs Michelle are absolutely beautiful!! Thank you 🙂

  • Laís Tavares
    Posted on September 26, 2010

    ITA, Michelle. Little Ashes is a very good film, the relationship between Javier/Lorca and Rob/Dalí is so moving and romantic. The way they look at each other is very heartbreaking.
    It is a beautiful portrayal of these two genius of the 20th century. Two great artists played by two great young actors who had no fear to do this challenging work.
    Rob is extremely sexy as Salvador, especially in that scene at the night club ( gif 25 ) when he is with a dark shirt, smoking slowly, and tells Mattew/Buñuel about his relationship with Javier/Lorca. He seems safe, without fear, hot!
    Thank you for making me remember this beautiful film. What a great way to finish the weekend.

  • Renee
    Posted on September 26, 2010

    @Laís Tavares I 100% agree with everything you said!

  • Carmel
    Posted on September 26, 2010

    A truely beautiful film. I have no words to adequately describe the way I feel about Rob’s performance and LA a whole.
    I can describe my excitement at getting a chance to see Salvador on the big screen thanks to Maria’s amazing efforts. Also how proud I was at how impressed my non Rob addicted BBF was with the movie. It was a very special night.

  • Alice87
    Posted on September 26, 2010

    thanx Michelle! Beautiful Pics and GIF´s!!!

    I´m always fascinated & shocked by this movie at the same time…


  • Cindy
    Posted on September 26, 2010

    This film is a masterpiece and Robs performance was nothing short of brilliant. And yes Vertigo he is Mr Humble indeed dear but I know that is just one of the many reasons we love this talented young man. Thanks girls oxoxo

  • Marie
    Posted on September 27, 2010

    amazing movie… I have seen many times

  • Laís Tavares
    Posted on September 27, 2010

    @ Renee
    Thank you. This film is so moving and delicate. The actors are all inspired: Javier, Mattew and especially Rob, because Salvador Dalí is a complex artist and I just can imagine how challenging was to Rob, so young and inexperienced, playing this character the brilliant way he plays.

    Me too. Many, many times and everytime I see I become very emotional.

  • Denalibcn
    Posted on September 27, 2010

    I was sooo waiting for this!
    I looove this film. I think it’s his best performance and I can never get tired of watching it.
    I’m so excited about this week..

  • Sare
    Posted on September 27, 2010

    @vertigo just a a mountain? Id cross deserts and oceans for this film!
    Great montage Michelle

  • lise-lou
    Posted on September 28, 2010

    Woohooo it’s Little Ashes week! Will never forget the first time I saw it, was completely blown away as I am every time I watch it. Such a hard role to play and he nailed it 🙂

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