August 9th, 2010 / 25 Comments

Instead of splitting these pics up, I thought I would combine them altogether for one big post.  I absolutely adore his smile – most beautiful smile in the whole world.  I just adore him beyond words, but you all know that.  Cannot wait to see the vids, especially of Rob receiving his award for Remember Me.  We will of course bring them all to you as soon as they come out tomorrow – bring it on!  All thanks once again goes to our elite affie pattinsonlife.

Rob at TCA 13Rob at TCA 17Rob at TCA 5

I LOVE this one

tca-mqRob at TCA 12Rob at TCA  11

Rob at TCA 9Rob at TCA 10Rob at TCA 6Rob at TCA 7Rob at TCA 8Rob at TCA 14Rob at TCA 15

He’s just too adorable


  • Robbie
    Posted on August 09, 2010

    Is it just me, wishful thinking or maybe even the shirt he’s wearing BUT I’m thinking I can’t wait for Edward to disrobe in BD ‘cos Rob looks like he’s been doing some serious working out! Hmmm, Taylor better keep eating those beef patties!

  • Vertigo
    Posted on August 09, 2010

    LOL Robbie. Those arms and shoulders are doing the trick.

    No. 4 has made my week, if not year! Thanks for putting this mega post together Michelle, it’s spectacular.

  • Roberta
    Posted on August 09, 2010

    Indeed girls! He has been working out a lot to play jacob in WFE… we’d better get ready for all a new edward in BD! Thanks foir the beautiful pics!

  • Maria
    Posted on August 09, 2010

    Thanks Michelle – just made it home and am Rightlicky & saving. These photos are just purrrfection.

    @Robbie – it will be the bonus to having to endure Rob through what I’m predicting will be an insult to our intelligence (except of course for Rob’s role as in all previous movies – he is the shining light and the reason why they are so successful).

  • Temajin
    Posted on August 09, 2010

    That’s a great shirt Rob:)
    Hi everyone, hope everyone is awsome today – thanks for the post.

  • Michelle
    Posted on August 09, 2010

    Hi Sam, so nice to see you. Hope all is going well with yourself & little Jakob 😀

  • Cindy
    Posted on August 09, 2010

    Think i have developed RSI from right clicky and save today Maria!! Lol!! So so gorgous and so pleased and proud for Rob.

  • alex
    Posted on August 09, 2010

    I don’t know what to say im ill just summerise with I <3 ROB. =)

  • Debbie
    Posted on August 09, 2010

    I can’t stop looking at pic no 4, just sooo delicious.
    Roll on the vids!

    Thanks Michelle for putting this mega post together, looks like I’m gonna be here for some time xo

  • Vertigo
    Posted on August 09, 2010

    Hi Sam! *frantically waves*

    Exactly Cindy, we are so proud of Rob and he is so giving in spoiling us today. woot!

  • Vertigo
    Posted on August 09, 2010

    haha Debbie – sadly I haven’t left the laptop since coffee this morning.
    I just said that out loud right.

  • Michelle
    Posted on August 09, 2010

    Ain’t that the truth Vertigo & Cindy. Just so so very proud of Rob. I know I am going to be smiling extra big when I see him accept his award for Remember Me tomorrow. SO happy for him 😀

    LOL Vertigo, that doesn’t sound AT all familiar hehehe.

  • Vicky
    Posted on August 09, 2010

    Love the first one but that fourth pic is going to be one of my faves for a very long time. So good to see Rob having such a great time. Must say my right hand is sore as well from all that click and save but so worth it!!!

  • ephie
    Posted on August 09, 2010

    You’ve said it all ladies…he looks awesome in this blue shirt and yes can’t wait to see the “new buff” Edward in BD. And of course the icing on the cake is the award for RM. I am so happy he won for that. And couldn’t agree more Michelle it truly is “the most beautiful smile in the world”. Thanks for this post !!! xxxx

  • lise-lou
    Posted on August 09, 2010

    He looks like he is having a ball and that makes me VERY happy. That giggle shot is just adorable. And yes Rob I see you pushing up your sleeves on purpose to show us your guns, not that I am complaining or anything 🙂

    Hi Sam hope you and baby Jakob are going well 🙂

  • Sare
    Posted on August 09, 2010

    PLEASE ladies. i dont need any more encouragement to look at his arms!!!

  • Maria
    Posted on August 09, 2010

    Oh @EagleEyeSare – will that be your new grav?

  • Sare
    Posted on August 09, 2010

    HAHAHA @Maria yes that or there is a bicep one that I’m doing up……

  • Cindy
    Posted on August 09, 2010

    Sare dear nothing escapes you does it hon?! 🙂

  • Jazz
    Posted on August 09, 2010

    Can’t stop scrolling up and down the page. These photos are magical 🙂
    There is definatly no one in the world like Rob!
    Thanks for the great post Michelle

  • Maria
    Posted on August 09, 2010

    Agree @Jazz there is noone in the world like Rob. His genuineness just shines through. As I have said before – there should never be a reason for this smile to ever leave his face – ever!

  • Michelle
    Posted on August 09, 2010

    You are so right Jazz. Rob is just so so very special & the most beautiful person in every way possible. I appreciate everyday that we have the privilege of witnessing his brilliant career & how much he gives to all of us through his work & by being his beautiful self. He is truly one of a kind.

  • foobs
    Posted on August 10, 2010

    Hmmm….yes I did notice Rob is looking very buff!! As if he wasn’t gorgeous enough allready!! Is he trying to kill us? Methinks so……

    I’m lovin’ the smile in no 6!! 🙂

  • Suze
    Posted on August 10, 2010

    I’m still taking in all of the Rob goodness from the TCAs. Just when I think I’ve seen the most gorgeous photo of him, another appearance or photoshoot comes along. *sigh* I could not be more thrilled that Rob won for his performance in ‘Remember Me’. Now we just have to wait patiently for that Oscar. 😀

  • Maria
    Posted on August 10, 2010

    Hey @Suze – IKR that Oscar is a coming – not sure when, but as Tyler would say “I can feel it in my bones” 😀

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