August 4th, 2010 / 26 Comments

Gah I normally like slow burn but seriously they are going to drag this out until November 2012?  I don’t understand – they rushed to release the first 3 movies and now they’ve decided to slow down?  Talk about stretching it out.  Anyhoo as ridiculous as this now is, looks like you will have to wait until 16 November 2012 for this series to end.  Remember Part 1 is due for release on 18 November 2011.


  • Caro
    Posted on August 04, 2010

    I wonder if ill even care by then…

  • Robbie
    Posted on August 04, 2010

    Rob will definitely have put Eddie to bed by then with so many other wonderful roles coming out and coming up (no doubt). Oh, and don’t forget and Oscar or two…..

    Think Summit may have it wrong here. Surely they’ve got it down pat a bit more by now that they can get it out sooner without compromising quality. Just sayin’.

  • Vicky
    Posted on August 04, 2010

    Talk about dragging it out!!! At least it’s being made all at once so Rob can keep moving forward with his career. You’re right Keri it had better be awesome to keep us coming back until 2012!!

  • Maria
    Posted on August 04, 2010

    LOL @Caro – I find it hard to care now. So much other Rob goodness awaiting us.

  • Robbie
    Posted on August 04, 2010

    Thinking the same thing, Maria. It will be awesome Vicky, ‘cos Rob’s in it….

  • Maria
    Posted on August 04, 2010

    Oh @Keri – so optimistic – hahaha. I have zero expectations since I loathe the book (but you all know that). I’m just waiting for Georges and Jacob and of course I will go see Rob in his final (thank God) swan song as Edward, but just think what other goodies he may have given us by the time Nov 2012 strolls around.

  • Maria
    Posted on August 04, 2010

    @Robbie – what quality? LOL – they just pushed these films out to make cash (ok I know Rob aged and they had to make them fast) but when you compare them to the Harry Potter films they are poor (I don’t have to go too far – the wigs in Eclipse were atrocious). I mean it’s not like they didn’t make seriously obscene amounts of money from them, but it just doesn’t become obvious from the quality of the films. As I said before, apart from Rob – everything else in these films are second rate. Oops – and here comes the abuse 3, 2, 1 …

  • Cindy
    Posted on August 04, 2010

    OH JOY! 🙁 NOT!! And Maria totally agree.

  • foobs
    Posted on August 04, 2010

    I’m looking forward to seeing how they deal with a few key scenes from the book……and more so looking forward to seeing Rob in Bel Ami and WFE next year!! 🙂

  • Renee
    Posted on August 04, 2010

    HA! @Maria No abuse from us here I can tell you that! (well speaking for most anyway)

  • Robbie
    Posted on August 04, 2010

    He, he, Maria! Yep, you’re right. I think I looked past this just ‘cos I was “dazzled” by Rob. Even Rob’s contacts in parts were very ordinary.

    RM was fantastic but just can’t wait to see him getting better and better with each film – he’s like a fine wine…to be savoured! 🙂

    I reckon the marketing spent on RM (minimal) shows how much money means to Summit.

  • Maria
    Posted on August 04, 2010

    Happy Birthday Cindy!

  • Michelle
    Posted on August 04, 2010

    A year in between these films is insane. Not that I care about waiting to see the film cause you all know my opinion of BD, it’s just I cannot wait for the day when Rob is completely free from the saga (as you all know). I will be seeing both BD’s though for Rob, of course that goes without saying. As I have said many times before, without him – I just have ZERO interest in these movies.

    Georges, Jacob & all the other wonderful roles Rob has in store – just CANNOT wait 😀

  • Vertigo
    Posted on August 04, 2010

    Summit get away with low budget crap, like bad wigs etc because the Twi-fans don’t demand a better product. If they pulled that shit on the HP movies there’d be an uproar of mass proportions and Warner Bros would actually listen. That’s kinda one of the things that gets me, they treat the twi-fans as a lesser priority and white wash it with PR.

    It’s gotta feel like the longest dentist visit in the world for Rob. Especially now after having spent time with such high quality cast and crew – to go back to an obligation is going to be tough, but he’ll do it with class and we will throw a HUGE party on Nov 16th 2012.

  • Vicky
    Posted on August 04, 2010

    You’ll get no arguement from me Maria. Said it before, only reason to see these movies is Rob. Without him i wouldn’t bother. I love Edward but there is just so much more to look forward too!!! Thank goodness we have BA and WFE to focus on and they will definitely be worth the wait!!

  • Vertigo
    Posted on August 04, 2010

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Cindy!! 😀

  • Carmel
    Posted on August 04, 2010

    I enjoy the Twi films, naturally, for Rob and for what they are – a fun bit of escapism – but can we please escape them sooner rather than later

    This is a very wrong and cynical move by Summit.

  • Sare
    Posted on August 04, 2010

    Of course summit is going to draw it out. What other major movies have they got on their books? Yeah i cant think of any either!
    I’ll be too occupied with georges and Jacob to worry bout edward by then anyway!

  • Maria
    Posted on August 04, 2010

    And @Sare whatever he was talking to Dreamworks about too!

  • Vertigo
    Posted on August 04, 2010

    I tend to like abit of escapism and some fun too, it’s just so hard with the distraction of those wigs. For me that is.

  • Aeren
    Posted on August 04, 2010

    arrr, is terrible, poor Rob, he has caught summit two years more! I just hope that at this time do more and better projects,until finished the stupid and eternal shooting, incredible greed of these people

  • Sare
    Posted on August 04, 2010

    ooooh yeah @Maria. Completely forgot about that

  • Maria
    Posted on August 04, 2010

    LOL @Keri except someone pointed out that Jackson’s top lip doesn’t ever move and that’s all I could focus on the both times I saw Eclipse.

  • Michelle
    Posted on August 04, 2010

    Hahaha @ Jackson’s top lip not moving Maria. Same for me – it’s all I could stare at when his scenes were on.

  • Vertigo
    Posted on August 04, 2010

    LOL!! there were many distractions for me and that was one of them. I hope Condon pays attention to the finer details.

  • lise-lou
    Posted on August 06, 2010

    Breaking Dawn……Meh!
    Can’t wait to see what other new projects will Rob will be involved with!!

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