July 20th, 2010 / 11 Comments


Great news, we now have official confirmation that The Summer House will be featured on a DVD titled ‘Love & Distrust’ which is made up of a collection of short films. The DVD is now available for pre-order at Amazon.co.uk with a release date of August 16th.   We have of course pre-ordered our copies.  So great that we too will  finally be able to see & own Rob as Richard.  There is no news of an Australian release for The Summer House or this DVD, but as always we will  let you know if this changes.

Thanks to Robert Pattinson UK who received this confirmation from the DVD distributor Metrodome Distribution. Also thanks once again to the awesome Campbell Mitchell for the gorgeous Richard & Jane pic above.

  • Maria
    Posted on July 20, 2010

    OOH ok so I may have already placed my preorder last night – hehehe. I MUST own Richard.

  • Carmel
    Posted on July 20, 2010

    I am so very excited. Richard, I’m coming. Bad luck iTunes Oz. You missed the boat.

    While I’m ordering, I thought I better fill in the gaps in my collection with Vanity Fair and Ring Of Nibelungs. Does anyone know if all copies of VF have the deleted Rob bits in the extras or if the RoN is exactly the same as the USA released Sword of Xanten?

  • Debbie
    Posted on July 20, 2010

    Just pre-ordered mine woohoo!

  • Vertigo
    Posted on July 20, 2010

    So true Carmel – itunes missed the boat and thanks to the UK, Richard will have his place in my collection among Rob’s other works.

  • Michelle
    Posted on July 20, 2010

    Ain’t that the truth Vertigo & Carmel. I am so excited that we will be able to add Richard to our collections 😀

    Carmel – I was unsure if you could still buy the edition of Vanity Fair with Rob’s deleted scene as I bought mine many years ago now, but I’ve just checked Amazon.com & it seems they have the deleted scenes listed on the widescreen version they have available. With Ring Of The Nibelungs, I have the UK version (Sword Of Xanten) & it is a 2 disc version so I’d say that would be the best one to buy 🙂

  • Vicky
    Posted on July 20, 2010

    Order omplete woohoo!!!! Bad luck itunes. Can’t wait now.

  • Aeren
    Posted on July 20, 2010

    just get my preorder!!! thanks amazon!! love Richard…humm can´t wait for Bel Ami!!

  • Carmel
    Posted on July 20, 2010

    Thanks Michelle. I love those brown parcels from amazon of Rob goodness on my doorstop.

  • Renee
    Posted on July 20, 2010

    Ooh! *runs to Amazon* Not good enough itunes!

  • Cathy
    Posted on July 21, 2010

    Hi Maria,

    Does pre-ordering through Amazon mean receiving a region 2 DVD or region 4? My DVD is playing up and wont let me play region 2 :0( Will I have to wait for Richard till it’s released here? Please tell me no! There’s a blank in my collection that simply MUST be filled. Thanks a bunch Maria. Cathy

  • Maria
    Posted on July 21, 2010

    @Cathy and anyone else that might need this tip – if you download VLC Media Player (it’s free software) onto your computer it will allow you to watch all region codes with no issues – believe me – I do.

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