May 5th, 2010 / 19 Comments


Honest Rob – Bill himself confirmed there will be no breaking out in song.

Looks like the release for “Breaking Dawn” is set for the 18th November 2011. That may seem like a long way off for some – not such a wait though when considering how many Rob projects we get to experience before then. This date is not confirmed for Australian release, but as you all know, once those details come to light, the M&M’s will be sure to let us know. You can read the Hitfix article here.

  • TessaANZ
    Posted on May 05, 2010

    oh cool, Vertigo!
    you are so right. 2011 is going to be such a fabulous year with all the nonvampiric Rob movies coming out…
    and you are doing a swell job posting here, bb!

  • Michelle
    Posted on May 05, 2010

    Thanks for posting Vertigo. So so true- there are so many wonderful Rob projects coming up in 2011. It is going to be one briliant year – just cannot wait. TessaANZ speaks the truth above – you are doing an awesome job posting Vertigo 😀

  • Vertigo
    Posted on May 05, 2010

    hahaha feels like I’m on training wheels or something. Thanks guys and you’re welcome.

    Saving those pennies for 2011, so much to see and do. 🙂

  • Debbie
    Posted on May 05, 2010

    Yay, with all this Rob gorgeousness we’re getting – 2011 just can’t get here quick enough!
    And I agree with you guys @Vertigo – you’re doing an awesome job <3

  • Liz
    Posted on May 05, 2010

    So it’s just gonna be one movie? How on earth are they gonna do that…? 😛

  • Michelle
    Posted on May 05, 2010

    @Liz – as it mentions in the article Vertigo has posted, nothing official has been announced as yet re: if BD will be 1 or 2 films but we’ll let everyone know as soon as we do. Personally I am hoping for only one movie so Rob is free to move onto other projects but unfortunately it’s seeming more than likely it will be 2 films.

  • foobs
    Posted on May 05, 2010

    Thanks Vertigo…we are going to be so spoilt with Rob movies next year ..just can’t wait!:)

    I hope that BD will be 2 movies, so we can see more Rob!! Also, there’s so much detail in the book, that they would have to leave out so much if they do only one movie…

    Oh well, guess we’ll just have to wait and see…

  • Vertigo
    Posted on May 05, 2010

    I don’t think they have a clue themselves whether it’s one or two films. I’m so tired of waiting (yawn) and being strung along. Next!

  • Maria
    Posted on May 05, 2010

    LOL @Vertigo – let’s pray they don’t listen to Christian Serratos who wants it to be 3 movies. Can it go straight to DVD please with a FF Eddie version – sorry Bill no offence but …. My premonition seeing as I’m Aro and all is that BD will be broken down into Parts 1 and 2 since I have seen suggestions that the films are being shot back to back and that Rob’s booked up until April, but time will tell.

  • lise-lou
    Posted on May 05, 2010

    Oh blagh! Sorry am being cynical I am really not fussed about this movie when there is soooo many other good things for Rob to come before we see BD…especially after seeing Georges last night/today/what’s my name again…….sorry *focus*.

    Summit giving this release date is just a publicity move to detract from the fact they really don’t seem to have their act together with this film (and agree with you Maria am praying for 1). Will releasing this date stop the natives from getting restless? Far from it. Anyways just my humble opinion and rantings I shall move along now!

    And Vertigo you are awesome but that was apparent before you started posting 😉

  • Brooke
    Posted on November 18, 2010

    Rumour has it BD is a two part film. and they’re even doing it in 3D!
    That’s going to be interesting ;D

  • Maria
    Posted on November 18, 2010

    Your kidding @Brooke right? Of course BD is a two part film – there’s no rumour about it. That’s why Part 1 is being released in November 2011 and Part 2 is being released Novemer 2012. The 3D is the only part that is a rumour and why would they do it in 3D – makes no sense.

  • Sophie
    Posted on February 08, 2011

    cnt wait till breaking dawn comes out but i have to wait til the 18th of november wat the hell want to c it now im addicted to it!!!!

  • Deb
    Posted on February 17, 2011

    Can anyone give an absolute definitive answer that BD will be released in Aus on 18 Nov.
    All movies in Australia, almost without exception are released on Wednesday night as specials or on a Thursday. The 18th is a Friday.
    For the last 3 movies they were released on Thursday Morning at 12:01AM

  • Maria
    Posted on February 17, 2011

    @Deb I would say that it will be another midnight release probably on 17 November which technically is really 18 November. At this stage – that is definitely the release date for Oz. We will get confirmation closer to the release from the Aussie distributors who we have a good relationship with.

  • sandy
    Posted on March 07, 2011

    i think it’s not right we have to wait a whole year in Australia to see the second and final part of Breaking Dawn – NOT HAPPY JAN 🙁

  • Maria
    Posted on March 08, 2011

    @Sandy it’s not just Australia that has to wait – it’s everyone. It was Summit’s choice about releasing the movie with 12 months in between.

  • Tessa
    Posted on May 07, 2011

    I MET ROB WHEN HE WAS IN SYDNEY AT THE WFE PREMIERE and he’s the biggest sweetheart!!!! and he said he may be coming back to Australia for the opening of Breaking Dawn!!!

  • Maria
    Posted on May 07, 2011

    Oh no wait I meant @Tessa see what that did to me lol

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