May 2nd, 2010 / 11 Comments


Hahaha has Bill Condon been visiting our website – I doubt it but it was funny when I read Twilight Saga:  A Note to Fans from Bill Condon.  I won’t reproduce it here, just click on the link if you want to read it, but I will quote the line that made me post this:

“P.S. Answer #1: No, there won’t be any musical numbers”

Thanks Bill – although I had started thinking that perhaps that was the music Rob has been writing of late – remember back in the first New Moon interviews when he said he had been collaborating on some music they had been asked to write and we all thought (or hoped) it was Rememeber Me.   Hmm what ever happened with that I wonder.

PS.  I knew that pic would come in handy one day.

  • Michelle
    Posted on May 02, 2010

    Haha, that did make me laugh when I read Bill’s closing lines. Ah yes, I remember that well Maria, that was so exciting. I wonder what happened too & if it is still going to be used at any stage. I hope so.

    So good to see this pic. I was just looking at it the other day & remembering when it first came out. Perfect choice Maria 😀

  • Lids
    Posted on May 02, 2010

    LOL, thank goodness it’s not a musical – I coulnd’t imagine anything worst.
    BTW Maria love the pic and like you I can’t wait to hear more of Rob’s music…

  • vertigo
    Posted on May 02, 2010

    LOL! Thanks for easing some of our concerns Bill.

    Excellent pic choice Maria.

  • Jazz
    Posted on May 02, 2010

    LOL! Love the pic!

  • Ash
    Posted on May 02, 2010

    haha I love that pic. Thank god its not a musical!

    Does anyone know where I can find some of Rob’s music? Ive only ever been able to find a few songs and I like what I hear so far.

  • Maria
    Posted on May 02, 2010

    Hi @Ash – we have a few of Rob’s songs behind our music tab, otherwise he hasn’t released anything commercially apart from the two on the Twilight soundtrack and he apparently won’t do open mic nights anymore because people tape him and put it on YouTube. Understandable really.

  • renee
    Posted on May 02, 2010

    oh thank god it wont be a musical… *big sigh of relief*

    can i ask where this pic is from? i’ve seen it before but never known what it is…

  • Michelle
    Posted on May 02, 2010

    Renee, the pic is from Vanity Fair’s ‘Westside Story Revisited’ photoshoot back in March 2009. This pic featuring Rob is one of the many scenes photographer Mark Seliger recreated from the film. It was to coincide with the Broadway revival of West Side Story 😀

  • renee
    Posted on May 02, 2010

    thanks michelle 🙂
    still learning more and more about rob… so was he in the musical? or just in the photoshoot… sorry if i sound stupid asking

  • Michelle
    Posted on May 02, 2010

    No worries Renee. Rob was just in the photoshoot & you’re not stupid at all for asking 😀

  • Ash
    Posted on May 02, 2010

    @Maria- Thanks! Those are the ones I have. And yeh I get why he won’t do anymore open mic nights. Not fair on him at all.

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