April 26th, 2010 / 12 Comments

Robert Pattinson

Ah Rob always so humble even when you know I’m going to wax lyrical about the fact that Remember Me is doing what I consider “great guns” at the box office.  Um doubters can you please explain to me why you refuse to believe this movie is a success?  According to Michelle Hutton of Alt Film Guide, Remember Me has already grossed “more than $50 million worldwide”:

“According to figures provided by Box Office Mojo, Remember Me has taken in $18.852 million (as of Apr. 22) in the United States/Canada and more than $30.09 million overseas.

I say “more than” because Box Office Mojo’s chart for Remember Me hasn’t been updated for several markets, including key ones such as Australia (Mar. 28), Italy (Apr 4), The Netherlands (Apr 11), and Russia (Apr 4). Also, the most recent data available overall is from April 18, or a week ago. (Box Office Mojo hasn’t updated their international total — shown on top — for the movie since April 11.).”

Box Office Mojo is saying that the film has grossed $46,717,000 worldwide, but as Michelle Hutton states, their international figures are slightly out of date and haven’t been updated since 11 April 2010 – well the UK figure is actually up to date as at 18 April 2010 if you cross check it against UK Film Council and the Australian figure is only out by a little bit and won’t really change since it’s no longer playing here.  Not bad for a film that only cost USD16 million to make and seriously how do some people consider this film a flop?  Ok let me do a comparison just for arguments sake – The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus has some pretty big players in it right – it cost USD30 million to make (ok maybe if Heath’s life hadn’t ended so tragically we might be talking differently, but there’s still big stars in this film), it’s been released since 8 January 2010 and has only managed, according to Box Office Mojo, and Variety to locally gross USD 7,667,000 – let’s compare that to 6 weeks of Remember Me with USD18,852,177.  It’s only thanks to the worldwide market that Imaginarium has managed to gross USD59,368,572 and therefore cover it’s production costs.  Remember Me was never going to be “Avatar” and it never set out to be – so I think doubters you really need to reconsider what you are thinking.

  • Lids
    Posted on April 26, 2010

    Remember Me did great, and as you said Maria, it never was set out to be a blockbuster anyway. Everyone I talked to that has seen it loved it, and of course I did to.
    I can’t wait for the DVD 🙂

  • vertigo
    Posted on April 26, 2010

    Let the doubters live in ignorance cause those figures certainly spell a success.

    p.s. I saw the Imaginarium and that’s talking Johnny Depp, Jude Law, Colin Farrell, Heath Ledger and Christopher Plummer just to name a few.

  • aeren
    Posted on April 26, 2010

    great date,thank you so much

  • Michelle
    Posted on April 26, 2010

    Thanks so much for another wonderful update Maria. The film is doing just so so great. Makes me so very happy to see. As I have said before, this brilliant film is something to be so very proud of. Am just counting down the days until I have it on DVD to watch over & over 😀

    Oh & all you doubters – all I can do is shake my head at you all & seriously question your sanity. Anyone that does not acknowledge that this film is brilliant & is a success clearly need their heads examined.

  • Cindy
    Posted on April 26, 2010

    Next to Little Ashes this is my fav Rob movie. Loved it so much it was such a “real” story and like you shelly cant wait to get it on dvd to watch over and over.

  • lise-lou
    Posted on April 26, 2010

    Funny how quiet all the doubters have become on the web now isn’t it? Well *blows raspberry* to them!

    So proud of this movie really has done so well and we here all know why! It’s brilliant and I will continue to shout it from the rooftops. Love the story, love the film and especially love Rob’s performance.

    Thanks for the update Maria 😉

  • Sare
    Posted on April 26, 2010

    I refuse to listen to what the doubters have to say. The takings speak for themselves.
    Estactic that the movie has gotten the recognition it deserves. Robs performance is fantastic.

  • robbie
    Posted on April 26, 2010

    Well said, Sare. So proud of it (even though have only seen the spoilers!) but can’t wait for the DVD. Maria, can you get figures once DVD released? Can’t imagine where that figure may end up then…

  • Maria
    Posted on April 26, 2010

    @Robbie – sure will keep an eye for when DVD is released. I’ve also just had an email asking when the Australian DVD is being released. It hasn’t been confirmed yet, although we’ve had some people tell us dates. I’m waiting for confirmation from the distributor and as soon as I know I’ll let you all know. Ah yes well I will put my hand up to say “already have US version preordered, will buy the Aussie version too in support and yes – if you know me you WILL be receiving this DVD as birthday/christmas whatever gifts 😀

  • Michelle
    Posted on April 26, 2010

    Cannot wait to find out the Australian release date for RM. Will be so great for you to be able to see the film at last too Robbie 😀 I too have the US DVD on pre-order & of course will be purchasing the Australian one as well. LOL Maria, I’ve been saying the same to everyone. Birthdays & Christmas gifts are totally covered for this year 😀

  • robbie
    Posted on April 26, 2010

    Have also ordered US version (hope it works), just in case it comes in before Aussie one. As you know, I’m a little anxious…! Just love that photo – actions speak louder than words – take that you doubters! We all could have told you so.

  • Carmel
    Posted on April 27, 2010

    I am sure Rob and everyone attached to RM is very proud of what they produced and how well it’s been received. This is a good result for a little movie.
    Thanks fro keeping us updated so thoroughly Maria.

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