April 8th, 2010 / 32 Comments


Okay so I wish now that I hadn’t used my pic of Rob doing a jig for my previous post since “song and dance” might be the way Breaking Dawn is heading.  For those on Twitter you will already know my fear that Bill Condon, the director of Dreamgirls, is in talks with Summit for the final chapter of the Twi Saga.  Variety is now reporting that the talks are close and that the film is being slated as two.  Double yikes – sorry as I said this afternoon – two films would be torture.  You all know this is my least favourite of the books – in fact sometimes I even wonder if Stephenie Meyer actually wrote it since the characters turned into people I have no idea who they are.  Seriously Edward was so whipped – sorry that’s not love – I just wanted to slap Bella repeatedly.  Oh sorry for our younger followers – I’m not condoning violence (but I really wanted to do it).   Anyway don’t want to debate everyone’s love for BD so I’ll just say thanks to our affie @TwiBritneyFan and also @aRedi for agreeing/laughing with me on Twitter this arvo and @aRedi  for the tip about Variety.  If you want to read the short article, just click on the link above.  Hmm perhaps that’s why Rob’s voice always rose an octave during the RM press junket whenever he was asked about BD – just saying.

  • lise-lou
    Posted on April 08, 2010

    Breaking Dawn????What’s that?? It’s all about Georges and Jacob for me 🙂

  • vertigo
    Posted on April 08, 2010

    Shame they moved onto a song and dance man since the rumoured Sofia Copolla backed out – her involvement would stick, had they agreed to do just one movie NOT two. I see Condon has done some weird shiz which makes me think what the hell are they thinking? I’d hoped they’d be trying to get someone who could make the story a little more credible than the book, but alas, NOT. Hope they’re still keeping their options open and who knows, maybe Meyer and Summit see something we don’t.

    *imagines c-section Rocky Horror picture style*

  • vertigo
    Posted on April 08, 2010

    LOL Lise_Lou, just saw your comment.

  • lise-lou
    Posted on April 08, 2010

    LOL @Vertigo with singing and dancing as well? BD the Musical? *snorts* sorry I will go off and do something productive now….

  • lise-lou
    Posted on April 08, 2010

    SNAP Vertigo just saw yours! Stop stalking me! LOL

  • Maria
    Posted on April 08, 2010

    LOL @Vertigo – it’s just a bite to the left … and a tear to the riigggghhhtttt. Let’s not do Breaking Dawn again……

    If only Hanna was here with her song rewriting skills.

  • lise-lou
    Posted on April 08, 2010

    BTW I eamn Jacob as in W4E, not the dog 😉

  • vertigo
    Posted on April 08, 2010


  • lise-lou
    Posted on April 08, 2010

    ugh “mean” am going now!

  • lise-lou
    Posted on April 08, 2010

    Stop it Maria I am getting some really scary mental images! ROFL!

  • Maria
    Posted on April 08, 2010

    LOL @Lise-Lou – don’t worry you don’t need to clarify here – what dog?

  • lise-lou
    Posted on April 08, 2010

    I seriously am laughing so hard I am crying!! You girls kill me!

  • Maria
    Posted on April 08, 2010

    We have to laugh right – this film will be an abomination more so than Renesmee – oops – yeah I went there.

  • Maria
    Posted on April 08, 2010

    Oh God @Vertigo – what if they decide to make it like “Tommy” – will have to go check out what other stuff he’s done. Back for more of my bitchin. In the words of Tyler “now I’m really pissed” but there’s no cheeky grin or shower in sight.

  • vertigo
    Posted on April 08, 2010

    At least we know Rob has talent as a singer and once again would steal the show.

    LOL, can’t get that song out of my head now Maria.

  • lise-lou
    Posted on April 08, 2010

    I agree Maria I really disliked the book (sorry I know there are others who loved it) so I have 0 expectations for this movie, if they make it a cheesy musical at least I could get a laugh out of me for it.

  • vertigo
    Posted on April 08, 2010

    Go and see Maria and make sure you are wearing a chin holder, don’t want to catch any flies while you’re at it.
    He is however an Academy award winner.

  • Maria
    Posted on April 08, 2010

    Oh okay if I ignore Chicago as further evidence of his musical background – he did do Gods & Monsters which earned him an Oscar. Hmmm the plot thickens.

  • vertigo
    Posted on April 08, 2010

    He won for best adapted screenplay :O Do you think they’re sacking Rosenberg for him? In that case I would welcome with open arms.

  • Maria
    Posted on April 08, 2010

    @Vertigo – we wish but alas no. He’s definitely being considered as director. I just went onto IMDbPro – am truly scared that my sarcasm about the musical may come true. I seriously only said that because of Dreamgirls – did not really know about his history. Yike – maybe Beyonce will do a cameo as Laurent’s angry sister – yeah I know – the character doesn’t exist but that hasn’t stopped them from expanding roles for others who were in the book for a nanosecond *justlikerileyineclipse*

  • vertigo
    Posted on April 08, 2010

    :0 Eddie tapdancing with Aro in the field? Oh no!

  • Maria
    Posted on April 08, 2010

    LMAO @Vertigo

  • vertigo
    Posted on April 08, 2010

    A little insight to this Condon fellow – quote
    “Musicals are all about transitions. How you get in and out of numbers is more important than what happens inside of them”.

    I rest my case.

  • Maria
    Posted on April 08, 2010

    @Vertigo – you are making me even more nervous now.

  • Michelle
    Posted on April 08, 2010

    Hahahahaha, you girls make me laugh. A musical BD, oh god just imagine & 2 movies *shudders* Poor poor Rob. Oh how I cannot wait for you to be free of Eddie & the Twi Saga & am pretty sure you Rob feel the same. I too am now imagining the scenes acted out Rocky Horror picture style *shudders again* Oh dear, the thought of it is just too much.

  • Cindy
    Posted on April 08, 2010

    You girls crack me up!!! Like you Lise Lou Im waiting for W4E and Bel Ami and really get the distinct impression maybe Im wrong but i Think Rob is over these movies and just wants them done and dusted.

  • Maria
    Posted on April 08, 2010

    Haha @Cindy don’t think you’re wrong – like I said in the post, I noticed Rob’s voice would often go up an octave whenever he was questioned about BD and really his facial expression when Pierce told him about how many Bond books there were in comparison to movies said it all. Oh and the “oh yeah but I don’t look 17 anymore” spoke volumes. Hahaha poor Rob – I just can’t see him having signed on if he had actually known what BD was going to be like. Really if you think about it – his fave of the series is New Moon – and again – that speaks volumes.

  • aeren
    Posted on April 08, 2010

    Two BD movies, two torture! still pray and hope it will not roll, poor Rob!!

    Bella was not my favorite vampire and a human but was unbearable, and Edward was not my Edward, again, poor Rob!!!

  • vertigo
    Posted on April 08, 2010

    The hills are aliiiive … with the sound of the volturiiiii …

  • Maria
    Posted on April 08, 2010

    @Vertigo – hahah – it’s fun to stay at the Cul-len Estate – it’s fun to stay at the Cul-len Estate.

  • vertigo
    Posted on April 08, 2010

    bwahahaha! too much funny!

  • Suze
    Posted on April 09, 2010

    Maria, you crack me up! 😀 Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, the Musical. Otherwise known as ‘Dream Vampires’

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