March 9th, 2010 / 11 Comments

I enjoyed this interview Rob did with moviefone’s Star Talk so much. I am just loving all the Remember Me interviews & hearing Rob talk about the film. As always he is so sweet in this one. Quite a few fave moments but won’t spoil for you.  Only 1 sleep left until the pre-screening & 2 sleeps left until the official release date – cannot put into words how excited I am.

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  • Jennifer
    Posted on March 09, 2010

    Loved it! Can’t wait for Unscripted to play. Would love to see if they chose one of my questions!

  • Angela
    Posted on March 09, 2010

    Global warming cause you’re so hot!!!!! lol That’s classic. Some cool questions, some pretty lame ones. But a great watch. Thanks heaps.

  • vertigo
    Posted on March 09, 2010

    Some great bits in there, Rob ofcourse is mesmerising and very giving as usual – Am thrilled to hear he is experimenting with unusual instruments.
    However, can’t believe some of those questions made it through. I thought it was common sense that Edward’s superpowers could take 007 down in less than that many seconds.

  • Michelle
    Posted on March 09, 2010

    I know Vertigo, how some of the questions in these interviews make it through I just don’t understand. What was the person thinking that submitted the last one about global warming *shakes head* Rob’s answer however is priceless LOL.

  • vertigo
    Posted on March 09, 2010

    hahaha Michelle – Rob makes up for everything!

    I can’t believe RM is FINALLY here! I mean it is TOMORROW or ONLY 2 more sleeps.

    *does snow angels* from joy! [ok there’s no snow here but the floor is just fine]

  • Michelle
    Posted on March 09, 2010

    LOL that he does Vertigo 😀

    I just cannot believe it either. I have been thinking all morning, I will be seeing RM in TWO days time & ONE more day for you *jumps up & down* Cannot believe it is almost here. Just so so excited 😀

  • Spunk Ransom
    Posted on March 09, 2010

    2 DAYS?????!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!

    it sounds unbelievable!!!

  • lise-lou
    Posted on March 09, 2010

    Aw his giggle is priceless!! I would LOVE to see Rob do a comedy hope he finds the right script and Rob in my humble opinion, you look pretty “fit” to me *winks*

  • Maria
    Posted on March 09, 2010

    Oh God Rob I can’t believe you said Michael Fasbender – he is incredible! His role in the Hunger – amazing on so many levels. Um Trina – you’re an idiot because you didn’t know he’s done prior love scenes and as for the global warming comment – oh Rob you’re such a pro answering stupid questions. Ah yes Edward would kick James Bond because hmm yes he’s invincible. You are so over the Eddie references – as am I.

  • Michelle
    Posted on March 09, 2010

    Indeed Maria, clearly Trina is a huge Rob fan *rolls eyes* Won’t it be lovely for Rob & all of us when we no longer have to hear the Eddie questions that these people just can’t seem to help themselves asking. I look forward to that day so much.

  • Carmel
    Posted on March 09, 2010

    No matter the questions. Robs answers are always perfectly crafted.

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    Release Date: 31 January 2025 (US). | Post-Production since 22 December 2022. Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

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    Director: Christopher Nolan
    Release Date: 26 August 2020. For DVD release dates head to our dedicated film page by clicking "News" below.

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    Director: Robert Eggers
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