March 3rd, 2010 / 10 Comments

There doesn’t seem to be a full video of Rob & Emilie’s appearance on The View as yet but in the meantime, we have these 3 great vids from their interview. So many adorable Rob moments in these clips. As soon as the full video becomes available we will of course post. If you wish to watch via your TV today, you can check all the times via our schedule on the sidebar.

Update:  We now have the full interview thanks to our elite affie Spunk Ransom. Oh & just a tip Barbara, you might want to actually DO your research next time *shakes head in disgust*

'The View' (03-02-10) Robert Pattinson; Emilie de Ravin
Uploaded by officialspunkransom. – Check out other Film & TV videos.

  • Carmel
    Posted on March 03, 2010

    It is so sweet Rob brings his family along
    It is also rather interesting (to me, at least) that he finds some older women sexy.
    I love that we get so much of Rob in these interviews but I hope the bits edited out of these clips are a bit more respectful of Emily and Remember Me. Can’t wait to see the complete version.

  • vertigo
    Posted on March 03, 2010

    So proud right now, he did an amazing job, love love loved it. Can’t wait to see the entire interview.
    It’s great that we get so much Rob, the focus may not be on Emilie so much, but I think she shows patience and a big respect for Rob and handles everything so well. I guess what I’m trying to say is I like her and she’s made no attempt to interrupt him like other co workers seem to do. I really love their dynamic.

  • vertigo
    Posted on March 03, 2010

    Ok so am caught watching again, so what.

    Rob was involved in other projects between HP & TWI – Had they done their research, people wouldn’t be so shocked (almost) about Rob’s acting chops. Still good to hear it though.

  • Carmel
    Posted on March 03, 2010

    I just finished watching it Ch 9. The complete interview did give Emily her dues. I’m happy about that as I like her & agree with Vertigo that her interview manner is much more pleasant than others I have watched. They both handled the interview really well.

    I haven’t been able to get a copy of the Details mag yet. Has anyone had any luck with it yet, or am I just being a bit impatient?

  • Sare
    Posted on March 03, 2010

    Love his answers and his mannerisms. So adorable but I’m definately not going to start watching the view regularly. Was it just me or were they all over the place??!

  • Michelle
    Posted on March 03, 2010

    LOL Sare, I definitely am not a regular viewer of The View & only time I will watch again is if Rob returns to the show.

  • vertigo
    Posted on March 03, 2010

    I watched the entire interview too and it is a beaut! @Sare, I do believe the hosts were a little wonky, perhaps they were all blinded by his light, I know Barbara sure was. lol

    Another thing, now don’t get me wrong, but how many times did they have to refer to Rob as the vampire? At least Rob shows class through it all so…

  • Michelle
    Posted on March 03, 2010

    Oh that does SO annoy me when people refer to Rob as ‘the vampire’ It’s mentioned in nearly every interview. He is NOT a vampire people *frowns* You really do need to learn to separate Rob from his role as Edward. Indeed Vertigo, Rob remains so classy through it all.

  • lise-lou
    Posted on March 03, 2010

    So true Michelle and Vertigo I think if Barbara wants to try and win Rob’s heart (and it looked like she did!) she had better stop calling him a vampire! Agree Sare not really much a fan of this show but I think they were all flustered by Rob and they were all over the place. At least Barbara did ask some different questions but yes so frustrating that everyone seems to think he did nothing after GOF.

    He just says the most hilarious things and loved it that his family were there. I love to watch him and Emilie do interviews together they are gorgeous.

  • Maria
    Posted on March 03, 2010

    Ok I’m sorry but i had to stop watching this interview. Isn’t Babs supposed to be one of the most respected journos in America? OMG she couldn’t even research that after GoF he did How To Be and Little Ashes? Seriously he didn’t go from GoF to Twilight – and did you watch Twilight – he didn’t have freaking fangs. UGH I’m so sick of these people. Oh Lise-Lou I just saw the end of your comment. I seroiusly have never switched off one of Rob’s interviews ever but I just can’t handle these hasbeen cougars gushing over him it’s truly truly pathetic. What a waste of time and probably the worst interview of Rob I’ve ever seen. Poor Rob – I hope you ran to the airport to get away from these imbeciles.

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