February 28th, 2010 / 12 Comments

The Remember Me Promo has officially began *big smile* I enjoyed these little videos from MTV Rough Cut so so much but won’t spoil for you all by discussing what Rob & Emilie talk about.  11 days everyone, just 11 days.

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  • Sare
    Posted on February 28, 2010

    Do you think he’s had enough of the BD questions? lol

    His arms are AMAZING! Yes they warrant capitals 🙂

    11 days!!!!

  • Maria
    Posted on February 28, 2010

    Ok – so Rob’s comments on the modesty patch are going to make us go into admin overdrive. Sorry people if you get offended by our editing I noticed last night there was a comment about censorship, but not everyone that comes onto the site is an adult. Please remember that. Rob all I can say is that as soon as I heard you say that I just knew we might have our work cut out for us.

    Rob love the fact that you mentioned De Niro’s Raging Bull – oh God I would kill to see you in something like that. DeNiro was my hero, but he’s now been replaced 🙂 and that film along with Deer Hunter is one of my ultimate favourites.

  • Sare
    Posted on February 28, 2010

    LOL sorry was in a rob induced trance

  • vertigo
    Posted on February 28, 2010

    The clips are such a treat and am loving the off screen chemistry and professionalism these two exude. 🙂

    I thought Rob’s high voice in response to the one or two movie preference for BD is extremely telling.

    oh and how I adore the way Rob pronounces Bel Ami. *suuuwooon* I could so listen to that ALL day.

  • Michelle
    Posted on February 28, 2010

    Same here Vertigo, just love the way Rob pronounces Bel Ami & also Guy de Maupassant. The last part not in this clip I know but still had to mention it 😀 Am loving Rob & Emilie together too. Just cannot wait to see the more interviews to come. Ah yes, BD *shudders* Definitely agree with you there Vertigo regarding Rob’s response.

  • Lids
    Posted on February 28, 2010

    this is sooooooo exciting, cant wait for Remember Me, can’t wait for Bel Ami…

  • Maria
    Posted on February 28, 2010

    Haha @Vertigo – I agree re his response to BD – I think if we look close enough we can see him saying – please I hope they never make it. I know Bel-Ami and Guy de Maupassant – *dead*.

  • Debbie
    Posted on February 28, 2010

    So good to see these interviews when i got up, both Emilie & Rob looked so relaxed!, was nice to hear about Bel Ami, can’t wait for more info.. 🙂

  • Spunk Ransom
    Posted on February 28, 2010

    his hands are beautiful too sare…cant believe its only a ten days time for RM

  • lise-lou
    Posted on March 01, 2010

    Ok girls the M&M’s have given warning, if I can keep it PG then anyone can. There was so much to process there I am going to have to watch it about 100 times more to process it all. Hands in the hair, the sideburns, Robert de Niro and YES the way he says Bel Ami, talk of modesty patches…….good god it was just a beautiful, adorable smorgasboard of treats. Can’t wait for more 🙂

  • Suze
    Posted on March 01, 2010

    lise-lou described it perfectly…a beautiful, adorable smorgasboard of treats! @Maria: I’m with you…I would love to see him in a ‘Raging Bull’ type film. I’m still grinning from watching the clips for the umpteenth time. I am so excited to see RM!

  • Carmel
    Posted on March 01, 2010

    Brillant, brillant, brillant.

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