February 26th, 2010 / 14 Comments

Oh YouTube user MissStella76 what an absolutely brilliant idea to create two vids of Rob’s appearances at the BAFTAs.  I think I may be totally indebted to you for a long time.  And yes you are right, it was an incredibly good looking Rob walking the red carpet and I have to add an incredibly gorgeous one presenting the award. “Swwon*  This is just what I needed.   A big thank you to our gorgeous friend Kate from our elite affie ROBsessed for the wonderful tip for these vids.  Love you Kate!

Red Carpet (Part 1)

Awards show (Part 2)

  • Aeren
    Posted on February 26, 2010

    increible, perfecto, bello, me quedo sin palabras, ni español ni ingles…Poerfect Rob…

  • Michelle
    Posted on February 26, 2010

    MissStella76 you have done such an awesome job with these videos. Such a great idea & a big thank you from me 😀

    Incredibly gorgeous is right, so so beautiful. Thanks for sharing these with us this morning Maria. Was just what I needed too.

  • Spunk Ransom
    Posted on February 26, 2010

    elegant stylish gentleman.really really good looking rob indeed.

    κομψος μοναδικος και με ασυναγωνιστη ελκυστικοτητα.

    that was especially for maria.LOL

    missstella76 great job making a BAFTAs rob appearance.

    btw his hair is wonderful.

  • Lids
    Posted on February 26, 2010

    oh, how good is it to see these again…aghhhh
    he is so gorgeous when he gets all embarrassed…lovely, lovely man – we are so lucky!!!

  • Debbie
    Posted on February 26, 2010

    MissStella76, I truly adore these vids, absolutely brilliant..

    Thanks for sharing Maria – can go to bed happy now 🙂

  • Willow
    Posted on February 26, 2010

    Absolutely wornderful. Thank you. Thank you.

  • Sare
    Posted on February 26, 2010

    That was awesome work. His face when the presenter singled him out was priceless, and horrified! Gorgeous!

  • Cindy
    Posted on February 26, 2010

    The vids fabulous thank you Jonothan Ross = dingus and dufus sorry dont like you.

  • Carmel
    Posted on February 26, 2010

    Thank you MissStella76. I missed the Baftas so it was really great to catch up on the Rob moments – The only ones I would have watched for anyway.

  • vertigo
    Posted on February 26, 2010

    I love how the yellow dressed employee tries to manoeuvre Rob away and he just continues to sign and take pics with the fans. 🙂

    I’ve been hoping someone would put something like this together – THANKYOU so much MissStella76, you’ve done a wonderful job … and big smiles to Maria for posting. These vids are spot on – no unnecessary distractions. 🙂

  • Michelle
    Posted on February 26, 2010

    I love that so much too Vertigo. Rob is just so so sweet & kind 😀

  • Maria
    Posted on February 26, 2010

    @Sare I know I noticed that the day I watched it. It was like “crap can you lay off it already I’m stil; not that interesting”.

  • MissStela76
    Posted on February 28, 2010

    Goodness you sweets here on this site, it´s me MissStella from You Tube & I just had to thank you for all your more than kind words for my Bafta Clips. Thank´s so much for posting my little videos on your site! You made me so happy with all your words & I hope I can show you also in the future clips like this again (=> it´s just toooooooooo damned nice to work with Rob on my computer ;o) And I just have to say it, you´re the first sweets who didn´t had a problem with it, that I didn´t show Kristen´s appearance on my clips. Again many thanks to all of you and I wish you a great time here on this fabulous site and of course lots of fun with our dear Rob
    Lovely greetings from Germany :o)

  • Maria
    Posted on February 28, 2010

    Well hello @MissStella welcome to RPAU and yes we were so very very happy to see your clip and we hope you can bring us more Rob too! Oh and yes we had no issue with the omission after all you did say this was *Rob at the BAFTAs” not anyone else 🙂 🙂 🙂

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