February 16th, 2010 / 13 Comments


Finally, there’s a journo out there that gets Rob and that’s Christie D’Zurilla from the LA Times’ Ministry of Gossip.  Her review of Rob’s Details interview is spot on and yes Christie – John Meyer should take a leaf out of Rob’s book, but I suspect is far too late for him ans as for him being clever – um yes well ….   Thanks Sarah for the tip – it’s a great read.

In the March issue of Details magazine, cover boy Robert Pattinson steps right up to what could’ve been the edge of John Mayer territory — then cleverly walks away from that line, demonstrating that it’s possible to discuss lady parts, man parts, porn and more without ending up thrown to the media wolves.

One tip: Don’t run your mouth for years in advance like some sort of new-age, “meta-aware,” cooler-than-all-of-us Twitter prophet.

Some other takeaway guidelines we gleaned from reading the interview:

— If you say you want to snort something, let it be wasabi peas, not Jessica Simpson.

— If someone’s going to use an old-fangled word for black people, let it be the interviewer, not you.

— It’s OK to mention your man parts as long as you don’t ascribe political beliefs to them.

— If you’re going to discuss porn, discuss the quaintness of ’80s porn compared with the no-holds-barred smut fest that’s available now, rather than relishing the fact that you can see 300 anonymous private parts online before you get out of bed in the morning.

— If you’re going to admit that sudden fame (and the attendant gabillions of interviews that come with something like “The Twilight Saga”) gave you a  sense that you had “a responsibility to be fascinating,” rather than attempting to be fascinating for fascinating’s sake — or as some would say, embarking on a  “quest to be clever” — draw a parallel to an interest you once had in becoming a political speech writer. Which is sort of fascinating.

— If you in the past possessed mad confidence, and admit to it, show that you now realize some folks might know more about some things (say, your career choices) than you might: “[Y]ou have to figure out whether the way you think at 19 or 20 has any value. And eventually I understood, with all that control, which was probably illusory, I wasn’t progressing. So now I’m relinquishing a bit.”

— Tell endearing stories about experiences with elephants.

— Talk about how much you love your dog.

— And, finally, don’t kiss and tell. 

“As an actor,” he tells the magazine, “you can elevate the human condition or cheapen it. I would assume it’s the same with anything you do — you try to elevate and maybe someday you will.”

Pattinson’s Details interview is geared to adults — we’ll link you to the one page without an f-bomb — but it’s an interesting read.

And now we know that elephants purr.”

Yes and I think we all purred too when we saw those pics.

  • Michelle
    Posted on February 16, 2010

    Well done Christie. Finally a journalist out there who has a brain. John Mayer – I hope you are taking notes but like you say Maria, I think he is way too far gone. Great read this article, thanks Sare & Maria 😀

  • Carmel
    Posted on February 16, 2010

    Naturally Rob does it better. He could get anything to purr.
    Good read. Thanks ladies

  • Sare
    Posted on February 16, 2010

    So glad you posted this. Saw it this morning and it was a breath of fresh air. 🙂

  • Carmel
    Posted on February 16, 2010

    My Avi isn’t working 🙁
    Could it be because I rated them PG (details shoot – cropped to head shot)?

  • Michelle
    Posted on February 16, 2010

    Yep that may be it for sure Carmel. Change the rating to G & try again 😀

  • Carmel
    Posted on February 16, 2010

    Thanks Michelle – let’s see…

  • Debbie
    Posted on February 16, 2010

    Great article Maria, thanks for posting..Rob is so genuine.. like you say @Sare..a breathe of fresh air! 🙂

  • vertigo
    Posted on February 16, 2010

    Yeah I honestly enjoyed Christie’s take, thanks Sare and Maria.

    I’m still purrrrrring btw, not sure how to switch it off – thanks alot Rob!

  • Carmel
    Posted on February 16, 2010

    Vertigo – you wont find the off switch here.

    My avi is back!

  • lise-lou
    Posted on February 16, 2010

    Great find Sare….love this no nonsense review of the article. I love it that Rob mentioned feeling he had ” a responsibility to be fascinating” when in fact he already is! One of the most endearing things about him in my opinion.

    Thanks for sharing this with us Maria 🙂

  • Cindy
    Posted on February 16, 2010

    Read this article online ealier today thanks for posting on here girls great read. And of course one intelligent talented young man to talk to. John Mayer build a bridge and get over yourself buddy.

  • Lids
    Posted on February 17, 2010

    great article, great read, thanks Maria for posting 🙂 as for John Mayer, sorry but I don’t have an opinion about him at all

  • Angela
    Posted on February 17, 2010

    Great interview, I love that he’s so candid. It would be awesome to hear him talk so randomly. Love it. Thanks for posting.

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