February 3rd, 2010 / 16 Comments


Thanks to Collider we can confirm that Bel Ami’s major casting has been completed and that principal photography will commence on 7 February 2010.  Not long now – I have so been waiting for this film to start and it’s almost getting impossible to control the “squeeing”.  Seriously if there’s one film I’ve been waiting for it’s this one – it’s one of my favourite classics.   Here’s some of what Collider had to say:

“Robert Pattinson plays Georges Duroy in this erotically charged story of ambition, power and seduction. Uma Thurman (Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill) is Madeleine, Kristin Scott Thomas (Nowhere Boy, I’ve Loved You So Long) is Virginie, Christina Ricci (Monster, The Ice Storm) is Clotilde, Holly Grainger (Scouting Book for Boys) is Suzanne, Philip Glenister (Life on Mars, Calendar Girls) is Charles, and Colm Meaney (The Damned United, The Snapper) plays Duroy’s adversary, Rousset.  The screenplay is written by Rachel Bennette from the novel by Guy de Maupassant, and the film is directed by the influential and innovative Cheek By Jowl directors Declan Donnellan and Nick Ormerod.

BEL AMI is produced by Uberto Pasolini (The Full Monty, Machan) with Simon Fuller as executive producer.  The director of photography is Hagen Bogdanski (The Young Victoria, The Lives of Others); Attila F. Kovacs (Sunshine, Meeting Venus) is production designer; the costumes are designed by Odile Dicks-Mireaux (An Education, The Constant Gardener); the hair and make-up designer is Jenny Shircore (The Young Victoria, Elizabeth: The Golden Age) and the editor is Masahiro Hirakubo (The Duchess, Trainspotting).”

If you want to read the full article, please click on the highlighted link above.   I hope we get a glimpse of Rob on set, but I fear that most of this will be shot in doors (not that I’m complaining and for those who have read the book I think you will agree – hehe).

  • Spunk Ransom
    Posted on February 03, 2010

    The only thing this post has changed to me is that now i am more impatient…woooohooo…can’t wait for the production of this movie to start…and can’t wait for the ‘countdown to bel-ami’ start…hope we have some rob on set photos.

  • Michelle
    Posted on February 03, 2010

    Wooo hoo, this is awesome news. So so hard to contain my excitement. Cannot put into words how much I am looking forward to this film, just absolutely cannot wait. Love the book, just love it. Fingers crossed we will get to see a little glimpse of Rob as Georges on set. Have to agree with that last part Maria lol. Thanks so much for the update. Brilliant start to our day. Adore that pic too, one of my faves.

    @SR – We will most definitely be having a countdown to Bel-Ami that is for ABSOLUTE sure 😀 I have been wishing for ages that we could post it right now hehe. Gee that is going to be one AMAZING day when we have the release date & can put that countdown up on the sidebar. Am looking far ahead I know but cannot be helped. Even the thought of it makes me want *squeeee* Then I am thinking about the trailer 😀 Know we shouldn’t wish the time away but how can it be helped?

  • Jane
    Posted on February 03, 2010

    This is great news ready, steady – GO!! Hope the photo’s won’t be to long coming, however only 36 days to go for RM

  • Lids
    Posted on February 03, 2010

    36 days…nearly into the 20’s yesss!!!

  • Jan
    Posted on February 03, 2010

    This news has got my excited.
    I cannot wait for this movie.
    I know its a RP site and you all can tell me to pull my head in ,but i do recommend you to see if you havent already,” Ive loved you for so long” with Kristen Scott Thomas. MY sis got me onto it at Xmas time,only problem is its with subtitles, as its in French.
    looking forward you M&M having their first post with Rob in BA with his moustache.
    its goy my heart racing just thinking about it.

  • Maria
    Posted on February 03, 2010

    Haha @Jan that’s okay I actually am a fan of KST from English Patient days – damn you Ralph Fiennes – I loved you too but you killed Ceddie!!!!!!! Just like I love The Constant Gardner with Rachel Weisz & again – Rob what is it with you and Ralph’s leading ladies – hahaha.

  • Michelle
    Posted on February 03, 2010

    Ralph Ralph Ralph, I thought you were fabulous until you went & killed Ceddie!! *shakes head* Cannot ever forgive you am afraid. The English Patient would have to be one of my most fave movies. KST & RP were fantastic in it.

  • Maria
    Posted on February 03, 2010

    LOL @Michelle – a little Freudian there – KST & RP? Hahaha I know you meant RF but I would have preferred RP in it to be honest. Oh God – am getting excited when I think about the B-A scenes. Focus focus you are at work – must focus. Oh forget it – it’s going to be impossible to concentrate today.

  • vertigo
    Posted on February 03, 2010

    Major yayness!! and thanks for pointing out my competitor the hair and makeup lady Jenny.

  • Jan
    Posted on February 03, 2010

    LOL @Michelle and Maria.
    i went “What RP in the English Patient”!
    when did that happen?
    Im having a tough day concentrating at work,and my spelling mistakes are atrocious.
    I cannot recall KST in EP and i really dont want to see it again,not my cuppa tea.I will get Contant Gardner out if you recommend it though.

  • Carmel
    Posted on February 03, 2010

    @Maria – Just thinking about some of those Bel Ami indoor scenes.. Oh dear.. my day is now gone!

  • Maria
    Posted on February 03, 2010

    LO @Jan KST was the main character with Ralphie. That’s the woman he had the affair with. Colin Firth’s wife – ah Mr Darcy. Oh lordy – it’s one of my favourite films – one of Anthony Minghella’s finest.

  • Michelle
    Posted on February 03, 2010

    Hehehehehe, that is too funny. RP – always on my mind 😀 The Bel-Ami scenes *___________* LOL must concentrate on the 90th birthday party I am about to walk into, I must.

  • Terri Howard
    Posted on February 03, 2010

    weeeeeeeeeeee! I go..wipe, wipe.

  • Sare
    Posted on February 03, 2010

    Excitement overload!!! Pics, interviews, trailer…..


  • Lids
    Posted on February 03, 2010

    OK, I lasted all day, I’m back home, now I can think about those Bel Ami scenes: hhhmmm sounds really good, hhhmmm they look realy good too, oh…where was I?

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