While going through my archives, I came across these two pics from Rob’s appearance at Collectormania GMEX back in February 2006 & of course had to share them with you all. Just too gorgeous to keep to myself – adore these pics.  Hope Tuesday is kind to you all.
Michelle they are gorgeous, however I can’t help noticing that Rob just gets better looking every day!
OMG the lips in the 2nd one along with the eyes in the 1st one!! Fan! I need a fan!!
@vertigo the first thing i thought was ‘OMG look at the lips’. We need to get our minds out of the gutter lol
@Jane soo true!! Just adorable 🙂
LOL Sare! But I like it down here. 😛
i could be looking (no.wrong word).i could be staring at his eyes for hours.they hupnotise me.
Oh Wow!