November 24th, 2009 / 6 Comments

London Fan Event 67

According to MTV who recently sat down with Chris Weitz as part of the New Moon promo, Rob will be featured on the commentary for New Moon along with Chris, Taylor & Kristen.  How great is that. Rob’s commentary was just so adorable & funny on the Twilight DVD.  I find it hard to watch the movie now without the commentary & when I do I always hear Rob’s comments in my head – love it.  Chris also says there will probably be around 20 minutes of deleted material on the DVD which he says  ‘really is good stuff and a bonus for the fans’.  I like the sounds of that Chris, let’s hope there is some more Rob (of course) & more from Italy.  Would love to see more of the Volturi scenes.

To read the article & also if you wish to watch the short video of Chris talking about the DVD, all you need to do is click on the highlighted link above.

  • vertigo
    Posted on November 24, 2009

    Thank God! Huge bonus knowing Rob’s going to guide us thru NM. His percpective will be the only reason I won’t be fast forwarding the Jacob bits. lol I can look at the ceiling and listen to that beautiful voice. *le sigh*

    *waves* to all. Sorry am not around at the mo, am drowning, but only till the end of the week. xoxox

  • vertigo
    Posted on November 24, 2009

    Couldn’t help inspecting that photo again. Looks like Chris and Kristen co-ordinated their colouring, Taylor is trying to look like a man (lol) and Rob stands to the tune of his own music. Thank God he can be Rob among the hysteria.
    That is all…

  • Michelle
    Posted on November 24, 2009

    *waves back* @ Vertigo. We understand completely, we miss you this week but look forward to having you back with us at the end of the week 😀 Hope all is going well, you will be so glad when it is all over. I know the feeling very well.

    Ain’t that the truth, if not for Rob the commentary would never receive a listen from me. I can just see my DVD is going be be very well used in the beginning & end & in pristine condition in the middle lol. Cannot wait to hear Rob’s new adorable comments on New Moon. Hahaha, the ceiling. I was thinking of you as I looked upwards at the pretty ceiling at the Ritz.

  • vertigo
    Posted on November 24, 2009

    aww thanks Michelle, looking forward to it too.

    “the ceiling at the Ritz” LOL !!

  • Jane
    Posted on November 24, 2009

    Afternoon girls, I will certainly be buying the DVD although it doesn’t sound as there are many deleted scenes with Rob, but I will watch the movie the way I read the book – which is going from the breakup to meeting Alice – miss everything in between!!

  • lise-lou
    Posted on November 27, 2009

    sorry missed this one! still trying to catch up!

    Am sooooo excited that Rob will be doing commentary, I am like you girls I hear Rob’s voice if I watch the movie then I quote stuff to people and think I am mental!

    LOL @ Vertigo your comment s re their style was sooo spot on! I have being saying to anyone who will listen (which is no one really!) that Tay is like the little girl trying on her mum’s shoes. Poor lil fellow 🙂

    So glad Rob moves to the beat of his own drum

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