Well you can read what you want into this post from Acting Auditions, but they claim:
“It’s official! “THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN†production has been greenlit and I now have the latest free auditions information. The fourth saga in the Twilight Series is going back to it’s roots and will be filmed in Portland, Oregon. Principal photography will not begin until September, 2010 – the exact dates for the acting auditions have not been determined.
The Breaking Dawn’s director has yet to be officially announced, however sources say that Gus Van Sant has signed on. Van Sant’s directing schedule fits perfectly, as he will wrap filming on “Restless” (which is being produced by Bryce Dallas Howard and currently shooting in Portland until January 3rd, 2010) before Breaking Dawn I goes into production, and he is not set to film anything else until 2011 – after Breaking Dawn II would wrap production”.
Okay I’m scared because they are also talking about a massive casting call for Renesmee – yikes!  The thing that makes me suss is that Rob mentioned Gus Van Sant as who he wanted to direct – Rob was that you trying to give us a clue??? Anyway, as I said, read what you want into this, but they did get it right about Remember Me so if you want to see the whole announcement click on the highlighted link above. Oh and yes, Part 1 – another yikes from me. Sorry people, but I hope if it’s true Gus you make me eat my words (but I doubt it). The pic of Rob below is for a calming effect because I need it.
Oh wow!
thanks for the calming pic maria. i definately needed it.
And Gus van Sant?? Thats just a little too coincidental for my liking but as you said maybe that was rob being a little sneaky.
I am scared too Maria, casting for Renesmee, just imagine. The fact they mention Gus Van Sant makes me suss too seeing as Rob mentioned him as the director he would like to see do BD. Hmm, makes me wonder if that was Rob’s way of telling us or is just coincidence. Only time will tell. If indeed this is true, Gus I hope you have some miraculous way to make this movie or movies (eeek) anything resembling normal. No offense anyone but am not a fan of this one. Love that picture Maria, definitely needed for sure.
if it’s true I thought they’d have to make it a 2 parter, which is fine with me – I want the Twilight Saga to drag on for as long as it can (i’m being selfish I know)
OMG.I can’t believe they’re making 2 parts to breaking dawn.They are really dragging the franchise out.I hope they Keep the main actors on.I can’t wait to see Eclipse next year,It was my favourite book.Love his hottness in the pic.mmmmmm so sweet
Oh God Temajin please no. Rob is so much better than the Twi Saga – listen people he’s not Eddie okay. Rob I want you to be Georges Duroy, Tyler Hawkins, even Phineas speaking Comanche, but Eddie needs to stop!
I get you maria, seriously I do and i want all of those things too, I admit wholheartedly that I began appreciating Rob after I saw Twilight, I’d never heard of him before that, i’m not a harry potter fan at all so i’d not even known he was in that, so for me, Edward is my first taste of Rob and it will (for now) be my favourite character that he’s played until I see otherwise. (I still haven’t seen HTB or haunted airmen or Little ashes so I guess I really don’t have much to draw from, i’m trying to sneakily put some cash aside to purchase HTB i’m dying to see it…
@Kathy according to Acting Auditions Rob is still lead cast. The thing I’m most worried about is Rosenberg is still the writer. Summit please get rid of her – she did an atrocious job with New Moon – that script was horrendous.
Ah Temajin it’s possible that HTB and LA may be seen on limited cinema release in Oz. I’ll let you know as soon as I have confirmation.
Excellent, that would be cool thanks, i’d still have to purchase!!
@Maria I agree re: Rosenberg. What gets me thought is doesnt S. Meyer get final say on the script? Or do they only vaguely consult her?
You would think she would be a little more precious about the screenplay – and not let them mangle her stories. Urgh.
Out with Rosenberg I say! They change directors, and composers (also a FAIL IMO) why not her????
@Maria that was would be awesome about HTB an LA
I thought the cinema part with Mike & Jacob didn’t flow properly, it felt odd especially when Jacob got angry at Mike at the end of that part…am I the only one who thinks this, I quite like Dexter, I don’t know anything else she’s (Rosenberg) done..
Oh dear!
@Temajin – there is so much about New Moon that dosen’t flow. For those who haven’t read the books it must seem a little disjointed. The line at the end where Eddie says “technically I’m not breaking any rules because I didn’t come through front door”. Well we don’t hear Charlie actually say that Eddie is banned from the house. Melissa Rosenberg should have been sacked after the appalling attempt at Twilight. Sorry these films should have been incredible, but what can these actors do with such lame scripts. And sorry but my other issue with the movie and this is a *spoiler* so stop reading if you haven’t seen the film although I will try and make it cryptic was the scene where Aro reads Alice’s mind about Bella being changed. What the hell was that. Can someone please explain. Oh I could go on and on, but I won’t.
Well I will support anything Rob does but I have to admit the thought of Breaking Dawn coming to fruition scares me!
Whilst admittedly it was Twilight that got me hooked on Rob (saw GOF and was impressed but Twilight got me hooked) I really think he is so limited in these roles and his best work really is outside of the Twilight Saga.
@Temajin you will see when you get the chance to see HTB or LA, you seriously will be blown away! 🙂
Oh yeah don’t get me wrong I will of course go and see BD Parts 1 and 2 due to Rob, but I would have preferred that he knew what he was in for. Remember when he signed for the first 3 the book hadn’t been completed yet. Although I’m curious to know what Rob thinks of it and how the character of Eddie changed so much (he did say in one of his interviews that he hasn’t read the book although at Comicon he said he was looking forward to the c-section haha). The fact that they can’t shoot in Vancouver due to the Olympics next year also makes me think Acting Auditions is spot on since they mention Oregon, but time will tell.
Agree LL, will always support Rob in all his roles no matter what & of course will see both movies for Rob. The possibility of BD Part 1 & 2 becoming a reality is definitely a scary one though that is for sure. I would love to know his thoughts on the book & how he sees it.
You sure will be blown away Temajin when you see HTB, LA & also The Haunted Airman. Love Rob as Eddie of course I do – he is wonderful, but it is his work outside Twilight that really is his best. When he has the freedom to move within his roles, have his input (which we all know is awesome) & is not restricted & limited like he is with Eddie. Until you have seen his other work, you really cannot fully grasp just how truly talented Rob is. I am just absolutely itching to see him as Tyler, Georges & then Phineas. Absolutely cannot wait.
I want to see BD because I’m one of the few who enjoyed the book. That’s not to say I’m not scared. I thought the hold up was perhaps due to probs with the script and that they may have been trying out other more in tune writers as opposed to the doom some forsee.
@Boxergirl, I recall Stephanie saying that she gave them freedom with the writing as long as they kept key points true to the book. ie Bella’s character traits and the main thread of storyline etc.
They still have time to sack Rosenberg, she may know Dexter, but has no clue when it comes to threading the multi-layers that is Twi.
Good call on the calming picture Maria.
Sorry Maria wasn’t directing that comment at you your comment snuck in before I posted mine was just putting it out there to the universe at large (or really anyone who chooses to listen to my waffle really! LOL).
So agree Michelle can’t WAIT to see Tyler, Georges and Phineas! Just started reading Bel Ami today (had read it years ago but need a refresher) he is going to be amazing in this 😉
Oh I see Tyler’s name popped up… can’t wait!
Hey all, maybe I could do Renesmee, no one would notice the diff between me and whoever they end up with cause I’m pretty sure she’s going to be miscast anyway. That’s one of the other reasons I have fear, how the frig are they going to find someone to suit that role? Then I think about the special effects involved in …. oh forget about it
Wonder what Rob’s thinking. Rob?
Vertigo – this is my first and last comment on BD. I just can’t wait for the c-section.
Bwahahahaha! Thankyou Rob!
No that’s ok LL I didn’t think you were but it was a good point. We of course support Rob in whatever role he chooses. I’m just a little fearful with these Twi ones since although I thought he was great in NM I’m a little disappointed in the final product considering what a build up the teasers and leaked vids did. One thing it does do though is confirm to me that I will refuse to watch any leaked and teaser vids of Eclipse. Better to go in without any preconceived ideas of how the final product will be. Don’t get me wrong I loved the way the film is shot and Chris has done a great job, but to sound like a broken record, I think the script let it down. And to those who think Rosenberg might be sacked – well this is what is posted on Acting Auditions: Writer: Melissa Rosenberg – arrrgggh – i can only dread at how corny she might make these films especially given the material that she’s got to work with. “Sure Jacob you can have Bella Friday to Sunday as long as you return her to me at 9am on Monday morning with no teeth marks” 🙁
Hahaha, hey there Rob.
Actually, I really must admit, casting Renesmee is indeed a scary prospect, (i’m laughing as i’m typing this) imagine they do that thing with her mouth that they do when they make animals talk lol oh dear, I did enjoy BD, Eclipse is my fave so can’t wait on that one, but I do love feathers, and I beleive you all when you say that i’ll be blown away when I broaden my knowledge that is Rob in other roles (i’m not ready to move on yet, I love Edward, but the RM trailer has gotte me all excited..cannot wait for that, until I find someone here on the coast who appreciates and respects Rob as much as me, then I think i’ll be going by myself, I don’t see me being able to drag my poor husband along to that one:( and I don’t like to go to the movies by myself, but I will if I have to.. thanks to everyone who has added their very valued views and thanks for everyone’s openess and understanding when our views sometimes don’t match – that’s what makes what we have here so great!! love you all:)
See you’s on Twitter.
yay! I loved breaking dawn..heck i loved the all the books. after unbound captives and bel ami i hope rob will have time for a break. He deserves one.
I’m late in to comment and I’ve given my support to NM in other posts but am still fearful of BD for Rob’s sake. I found the book annoying (even though I couldn’t put it down) and I think anyone would have trouble making a quality script from that material. But Rob looking 17 till the final chapter is really stretching it and making his job harder. I fear the critics are going to go to town on BD. Eclipse is my fav book and am hoping that movie provides some classic scenes.
Again agreeing with the majority, Rob’s best work is defiantly away from the Twilight saga. LA & HTB are so different yet Rob’s performances in both were spot on. Can’t wait for RM.
great news on Breaking Dawn being give the green light.