September 26th, 2009 / 16 Comments

As our regular followers know, we rarely do posts of magazine scans,but here are 3 new pics (or newish) ones from USWeekly’s Sexy Stars of Twilight:  New Moon that made me bend the rules slightly.  I figured you might as well enjoy them if you haven’t ordered the mag.  I was hoping there would be a poster of Clocktower Eddie, but there isn’t even one pic.  As Michelle said – major fail USWeekly, major fail.  Am a little disappointed with this one, clearly I won’t be ordering Sexy Stars of Twilight: Eclipse.  Thanks to our gorgeous affiliate Kimber for the scans and you can check out the rest of them @ Robert Pattinson Unlimited.


Rob I usually feel like I’m about to cry when people scream at me too, but they are usually screaming at me for different reasons.


 I love this pic – Rob happy = us very happy. Priceless


  • vertigo
    Posted on September 26, 2009

    OMG I love that last pic!!!! GOLD!!!! …too much funny Rob, I’d say you are thrilled to hear Maria broke “what’s his names fingers” – yes Hun, justice is served. lol

  • vertigo
    Posted on September 26, 2009

    btw, thanks for the tip with the mag.

  • Michelle
    Posted on September 26, 2009

    Definitely disappointing US Weekly with your magazine for New Moon. Just cannot believe that there is not ONE pic of Clocktower Eddie either Maria. How can it be a NM magazine without CT Eddie??? I just do not get that at all. Nope definitely will not be ordering their Eclipse magazine that is for sure or any of their others.

    Thanks for posting these pics Maria. All so gorgeous. I just adore that last one & the expression on Rob’s face – so happy. Rob happy definitely = us happy that is for sure.

  • lise-lou
    Posted on September 26, 2009

    Thanks for the heads up on the mag sounds like not as good as the last one so will pass.
    JUst love that last one too it makes me giggle everytime I look at it!

  • Sare
    Posted on September 26, 2009

    shame on you Us weekly. You definately aren’t in touch with wat the people want 😛 to you lol
    the last pic is a crack up! Love a relaxed rob

  • alex
    Posted on September 26, 2009

    i hate it when people scream at him when he doesnt like it. It makes me wanna give him a

    I too am disappointed with the mag.

  • Sandee
    Posted on September 26, 2009

    Great pix!! Rob does seem to smile more lately. Please, continue to use scans from mags! Saves a bit of $$ (you may have heard the economy here is…. foggeddabouit!) and they look better on the screen, anyway.

  • Michelle
    Posted on September 26, 2009

    Me too Alex, I hate it so much when people scream at Rob. I seriously want to slap them all & tell them to shut up. Surely they know how much he hates it, they just do not seem to care at all how it makes him feel. Makes me very very annoyed.

  • Samantha Lee (temajin)
    Posted on September 26, 2009

    I’m buggared after a day at wet & wild but these pics have renewed my energy! Thanks guys

  • Maria
    Posted on September 26, 2009

    @Sandee – sorry we don’t do mag scans on our site and we won’t be changing that policy – this was an exception which doesn’t happen very often. We focus on Rob’s career and don’t discuss or speculate about his private life – we take the same approach as he does and respect him for that.

  • Maria
    Posted on September 26, 2009

    @Alex & @Michelle – I’m telling you the tribe needs to speak and vote them off!

  • Michelle
    Posted on September 26, 2009

    Agree Maria – crazy screamers you have been voted off the Rob Island. The tribe has spoken!!!!

  • lise-lou
    Posted on September 26, 2009

    LOL “The tribe has spoken”. You girls crack me up!

    OMG but I can still have a “squee” in the privacy of my own home right??? *shakes head at how wrong that sounds*

  • Emily
    Posted on September 26, 2009

    Sexy is an understatement.

  • Maria
    Posted on September 27, 2009

    @Lise-Lou nope you can *squee* on the site. I hardly think you fit into the category that the “tribe” is talking about voting off. In fact I don’t think any of our followers fall into that category. We expect you to *squee* – otherwise it won’t be the same.

  • lise-lou
    Posted on September 29, 2009

    Phew 🙂 *wipes brow*

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