June 25th, 2009 / 11 Comments


Taking a small break from Tyler (there will be more lol), I was very excited when I came across this behind the scenes video from How To Be. At first I thought it was one that I had seen before but was very happy to realise as I started to watch that there was actually quite a bit of footage that I had not yet seen. This video goes for over 6 minutes & features some absolutely adorable Rob moments & lots of laughter. I absolutely adore Art & How To Be, so it is so nice to see some more footage of Rob during filming. We are well & truly being spoilt today, firstly with all these great photos & now this wonderful video. Have both definitely put a big smile on my face.

The video autoplays so I have put it under the cut. All you need to do is click on the ‘more’ link to watch. Hope you all enjoy.


  • Pippa
    Posted on June 25, 2009

    I just adore Rob in this film Michelle.

    He get Art’s character just right, extremely insecure and neurotic and he’s very funny! When I first watched the video I was amazed at Rob’s versitility. I’m going to watch this again tonight. I’ve got a big happy smile on my face while typing this post!

  • Michelle
    Posted on June 25, 2009

    Me too Pippa. Art is just so lovable. Rob played him perfectly. I was so excited when I found this video, can never ever have too much Rob/Art. So adorable he is.

    Am so glad you enjoyed this video just as much as I did Pippa 😀

  • Maria
    Posted on June 25, 2009

    Can someone please explain why this whole interview isn’t the outtake on the DVD – because it should be. There I’ve said it.

    Michelle – this is an excellent excellent find and you were right when you told me I would love it. It starts and ends with my ultimate fav – Rob blowing on his coffee. Art you are priceless.

  • Fuser
    Posted on June 25, 2009

    Hey Michelle this video is soooooooooooooo good !
    He is like a child in some of the interview parts.

  • vertigo
    Posted on June 25, 2009

    Oh Michelle!!! THANKYOU. 🙂

    Hello Art! we’ve missed you so.

    Too many good bits to quote and ruin but know this:- I have been cracking up through the entire video and have one of those cheesy grins from ear to ear and don’t think it’s going to come off anytime soon.

    It’s also a very interesting time to watch this footage in terms of how laid back things were on the set back in the day. Well excluding Oliver that is. lol

  • Heidi
    Posted on June 25, 2009

    wow, really enjoyable! especially when he is itching his nose in the beginning! He seems so down to earth and he obviously really enjoys what he does, as well all do!

  • lise-lou
    Posted on June 26, 2009

    that just made me smile and smile and smile! it had everything i love about rob, funny, laid back, quirky, musical, sweet and completely unaware of his talent and the effect he has on us!

  • Athena
    Posted on June 26, 2009

    Maria, you are so right! This should definitely have been on the DVD!

    I actually like Rob’s hair-do as Art… don’t know why, but I do! Can’t believe that was them trying to make him look less handsome… he’s just lovely!

  • tlr
    Posted on June 26, 2009

    @michelle thanks for the vid it was great and so funny.

    I had just recieved my copy of how to be yesterday and watched it for the first time last night. It wa great, funny and sad at the same time, but rob was fantastic. its good to see him in other films other than twilight. Dont get me wrong LUV twilight, but he is great playing a different character. very talented man.

    @ Maria thanks for the hint and web site for the dvd region change from a few weeks ago. it worked! thanks

  • Louise
    Posted on June 27, 2009

    Hey THANKS for this video. Its Great and so funny.

    I ordered How To Be the other day but i forgot about the region code problem. Could you tell me how i could fix this problem???? I Really want to watch it!


  • tlr
    Posted on June 27, 2009

    @ louise

    I had the same prob and maria gave me this website it was easy and it worked.

    thanks again maria

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