In this video, Rob is being yelled at by annoying papparazis to go to the ‘middle’ (or centre). Do they really have to yell? I am so amazed at how patient the actors must be, I wouldn’t be able to smile at all if I were in his situation.
In this video, Rob is being yelled at by annoying papparazis to go to the ‘middle’ (or centre). Do they really have to yell? I am so amazed at how patient the actors must be, I wouldn’t be able to smile at all if I were in his situation.
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Thanks Cilla – I agree – why do they need to yell, but I see he has perfected the angry Eddie face.
While he was admirably patient and truly beautiful in that video, listening to the audio made me ache. There is no way I could have done that. Even if I was the epitome of picture perfect!
Thanks for posting this Cilla!
I agree with you both regarding the yelling. As if yelling at him would make him listen to them when he is covered with wall to wall photographers. How many times do you reckon we heard Robert in that 3 min video, 500? I thought it was rude of the photographers to boo when it was time for him to leave, surely the million photos they got is enough. I enjoyed watching this the second time without the sound, no distraction from robs gorgeousness. 🙂
I really don’t know what to say… except: appalling. How he bears it, I can’t fathom.
I followed your example, Mandy, and turned the volume off.
i completely agree
if i was him i would have killed them seven times over :p
That was extremely uncomfortable to watch. He did an amazing job under the circumstances, that’s for sure. I’m turning the volume down too, great idea, they (paps) were relentless.
Considering what lies ahead and how much he’s been working lately, Rob’s looking delightfully relaxed. I especially love the way he changes expression with each passing thought.
Thanks for posting.