Well it’s my turn this week to share one of my favourite videos of Rob with you. There are so so many to choose from, but I love the Cine Premiere interview from Mexico last October. (I bet you thought I was going to post Rob in Rome, well then it won’t come as a shock that this interview was actually done the week before Rome – lol – Cilla and Michelle I can see you both shaking your heads already).
This video has all of my favourite Rob quirks – when he says “what” and gives the look, hand running through hair, eyebrowing rubbing, hydration – yes, he loves his Coke and water, and most importantly the honsesty that we find so endearing (I dont think we have seen Rob this animated of late and I know we all miss that). It’s great when he talks about his role as Dali and how it changed the way he researches and looks at scripts and his comment that “it will probably never get released” – well some of the distributors have been trying to fulfil that for you Rob. Then there is the evidence right at the end that Rob really can’t lie – when he says “my life is not under my control’ and laughs, but then notice the look on his face and his comments when he realises how true that is – he is such an open book. And sorry about the annoying woman translating, but it couldn’t be helped.
Here is a short interview from Matthew McNulty about Little Ashes (Cilla I know you will be happy). Matthew gives us a little more insight into his character, Luis Buñuel, and provides an explanation of his reaction to Lorca and Dali’s relationship. He also talks briefly about Rob and Twilight. We also get to see a couple more scenes with Rob that we haven’t (or at least I haven’t) seen before, which is such a tease, but hey – it’s just over 7 weeks before the DVD release so I guess we shouldn’t be complaining. Thanks to our affiliate Little Ashes Promo Blitz
Here’s a new picture of Rob from his Japan trip earlier this year to promote Twilight. He almost looks like he’s bracing himself for what’ s in store for him in Vancouver (Rob I don’t think anyone could have predicted what was in store for you). And I thought I would repost this MTV interview too, since I always love hearing Rob talk (about Edward or anything really). Thanks to our affiliate ROBsessed.
On The Red Carpet.Com individually asked Peter Facinelli, Mike Welch, Edi Gathegi and Kellan Lutz what it’s like being constantly questioned about Rob. Peter and Kellan’s responses are quite funny – again I have to reassess my opinion of Klutz, I already love Peter. However, the nicest comment comes from Edi (whom I also now like very much, not that I’m being biased). The interviews are 11 minutes in total and I’m not able to embed so you need to click here to watch (plus it’s late and my brain is dead). Thanks to Pattinsonlife.
Here’s a little clip from Access Hollywood where Brooke talks about saving Rob from drunk fans who were starting to harass him. Brooke – you go girl – it’s bad enough that Rob is stalked and hounded wherever he goes by “screaming fangirls” and occasionally their mothers, but seriously can’t the guy just go and enjoy a beer after a hard day’s work – he’ so gracious and doesn’t deserve this! Sorry, but they are starting to wear a little thin (and I haven’t had my morning coffee yet). Thanks to our affiliate Spunk Ransom for the clip.
This video from ET would have to be the best segment they have shown from their ‘New Moon’ set coverage & is over 19 minutes in length. The video includes some of the footage that has already been shown in the previous segments & we also get to hear from Taylor & Kristen. Rob is at the start of the video & then Rob’s interview starts around the 11 minute 20 second mark. Rob talks about being back on the ‘New Moon’ set, getting beaten up by Dakota Fanning (as Jane of course lol ), says the movie is as close as possible to the book as you can get & teases us with comments that he is composing a soundtrack for a movie & that he has also got another movie project in the wings. Can’t wait to hopefully hear more about these projects soon.
Thank you so very much to our affiliate Spunk Ransom for this video
Expected to attend Mickey17 World Premiere in London on 13 February 2025. Appearance to be announced in February.
German premiere at Berlinale - 15 February 2025 at 6.30pm (4.30AM AEST 16 Feb).
RPAustralia Exclusive Interview
Watch our interviews with Rob. You can check out our other interviews with David Michod, Liz Watts & David Linde at our dedicated film page for The Rover
Release Date: 17 July 2026. | Filming February to August 2025 Sicily, UK, Moroc Check out all upcoming information at our dedicated Film Page by clicking on News below
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