I know Cilla posted the official link to the Le Grand Journal interview this morning, but I found this version that only includes Rob’s portion and also provides a translation – thanks to YouTube users titejuju2270 (for the vid – ignore the vibrating phone in the background – it’s not like we can hear Rob anyway).
I found this on YouTube today (still looking for better quality Le Grand Journal or translation at least). It’s only short and if I find better quality I will upload – unfortunately ET Canada doesn’t allow anyone outside of Canada to view vids on their site (boo hoo Canada).  It’s a little bit more of what we saw on Sunrise. That full inteview has to be somewhere. Thanks to YouTube user haywaite for letting us hear Rob’s voice without the infernal translators.
For those lucky enough to be at home this morning at 8.52 am and watching the Sunrise program on Channel 7 – then you were in for a treat during the segment Nuala’s E-File. Yep she has confessed to being a Twilight fan (although for a journo she seriously needs to do more research – “he’s just finished filming 4 days in Italy” – c’mon Nuala a quick search on the net would have given you the answer to that – hmmm maybe I should send her the link to our site). She starts talking Rob at about 2.22 and then they show a great little snippet of an interview Rob obviously did yesterday on the beach (at about 3.03 if you don’t want to listen to Nuala). I love his comments about how many pictures can you take of the same thing “yep still sitting” – lol – Rob after last night I can tell you – so far about 156 and counting and that’s just for Majestic Pier.Â
I can’t embed the vid – so you need to go here to watch. Thanks to our contributor Erika for the tip.
To watch the video of Rob at Le Grand Journal, please click on the picture. He turns up at Part 2, starting at about 8 mns. The entire interview is in French, and I couldn’t catch much of it. In the beginning, he mentioned that he is a supporter of the Arsenal. I know nothing about football but I think it’s an English football club based in London and there was a match between them and Manchester United just recently. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
In this interview, he also talks about playing Dali, and going to Italy next week for a four day New Moon shoot. I haven’t seen Part 3 yet, but apparently he showed up there as well (maybe he’d be talking about ‘Remember Me’). Oh, and in Part 2, he gives the silly blonde interviewer (who wore a set of fake vampire teeth) a kiss at about 16 minutes.
If anyone is kind enough to translate the interview, or point us to the direction where the translation is available, we’d be so so grateful.
Thanks to YouTube user OdameCA, who’s been sharing so many amazing Japanese videos with all of us – here’s a really short, but sweet video of Rob, Kristen & Taylor in Japan, having dinner with their fans.
Expected to attend Mickey17 World Premiere in London on 13 February 2025. Appearance to be announced in February.
German premiere at Berlinale - 15 February 2025 at 6.30pm (4.30AM AEST 16 Feb).
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